
Picture Perfect by Elisabeth Grace

jlove731's review against another edition

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Picture Perfect was everything I was looking for in a new adult contemporary! I just adored this book from the very beginning all the way until the heart melting ending.

I right away just wanted to take Landon and store him away for myself. Seriously, any boy who will make out with you after you've been puked on...totally and A+ superstar in the world of guys. Not only that though, Landon is an all-around perfect guy. He's sexy, hardworking, fit, loyal, and a just a complete catch.

On the other side with Skye, first off love her name! Next, Skye hasn't had it easy growing up in a family always in the spotlight, but I was so happy to see a spotlight family who actually does love each other! With that being said, I like how Skye works hard for herself and I adored watching her and Landon grow.

This book makes you fan yourself with sexiness, sigh with happiness, and stop your heart with holy crap moments...and I adored every part! If you're looking for a NA contemporary that you won't be able to put down...this is it!

Just a little FYI, this is book number two in the series, but I did not read book one and still absolutely adored this book!!!! So don't think you have to read the first one, because I didn't and it had no effect on me. Although, considering how much I loved Picture Perfect, I will definitely be picking up the first book!

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mandy_pandy's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book! I love this Limelight series and have been anxiously awaiting this books release -- it did not disappoint! I love the way Skye and Landon meet. I'm a sucker for a good boss/employee romance and I love how these characters relationship developed. This book also had some good steamy scenes. I really like this authors writing - it keeps you interested, the characters are easy to like and the book flows nicely and you can't put it down. Looking forward to the next book in this series! Highly recommend!

rlp78's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series and was looking forward to this one. I really enjoyed Skye and Landon and thought their romance played out in a great way. The writing was strong and I was never bored. Looking forward to Katie's book!

fsmeurinne's review against another edition

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"Received an ARC for honest review"

Ok Elisabeth Grace is just my type of author, she loves what I love, so she writes stories I just love, love, love!

This well, let me put it this way, hot sexy man, then add a sexy romantic lady as his new PA and a story line worth to read more than once! I read it in one sit and its brilliant! Landon is my new book boyfriend.

Landon is a workaholic, that is his priority and so when he returns to his office after a vacation and meets his new PA, well the world as he knew it is turn upside down. He can't get her out of his head. Naturally they start falling in love and the sexual tension the author wrote, got to me, went straight to my heart.

But things are never so easy, so there is a private moment of Skype captured on film that is used against them and his father, who is a political figure.

I also loved that we get to see the couple from Rumor Has It in this novel as well, that made me so happy, as I also loved that story, both books can be read as stand alone.

Just read it, is amazing in everyday possible. Elisabeth Grace, I just need more of your books, I love them!

mlboyd20's review against another edition

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I would like to thank the author for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

First off, kudos to the author for having an original cover that isn't being splashed on every other book out there. I don't know about you, but to me it seems that many books coming out lately have the same cover as about three other popular books at the same time. Pleasing to the eye, the font and color choices really make this book eye catching and I'm a cover person. If the cover is boring, I will normally pass it by. Honestly, if it wasnt' for the Hunger Games movie I probably still wouldn't have read it because I didn't like the original covers of that series.

This story brings together two different type of people and places them in a setting so seamlessly that it is quite amazing. For those that like a hot read, this will have you checking your blood pressure because you will feel the heat. The tensions between Landon and Skye are like mini bolts of electricity that they want to bring caution to even though they know, deep down, that they would be polarizing together. Coming out of an abusive relationship, Skye is extra cautionary but finds the freedom with Landon that she thought only existed in books, but she also finds bumps in the road to get to that point.

The characters in this book are genuine and one could easily see themselves or a friend or two in them. The author isn't creating some whimsical romantic tale, but a story that is relatable and characters that you want to know from the start. The story doesn't bog you down with extras that many others do, the author gets you to the story and keeps you there until the end but than keeps you there even longer as you digest the full book upon completion.

Now, after all this, you may think, whoa, I'm not sure if I want to endure such a heavy tale. Trust me, the pages will fly by and you will not want to separate yourself from the book at all. A perfect beach, rainy, wintry, all season weather read, you will be engrossed so I suggest not reading while trying to fix dinner because the storyline will not be the only thing smoldering, so will your dinner or worse yet, your kitchen.

A 18+ book, for those that enjoy contemporary romance. You will not be disappointed.

heatheray's review against another edition

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I am so glad I signed up for this tour. I just read the blurb and didn’t realize that it was the next book in the Limelight Series when I got the email notification. I loved Rumor Has It. I really need to go sign up for Elisabeth Grace’s letter so I don’t miss important things, like new releases in series that I love. Yes, I was gifted a copy of this book to facilitate this review, but if I had seen it before I got it, I would have bought it because I adored the previous book. I have now added Elisabeth to my favorite author list.

In Picture Perfect we have a different kind of limelight going on because neither are a rock star or a famous actor. Skye is famous because her father is mayor now running for a senate seat.

Landon (I love that name) owns his own PR firm and it feels like people know him because of that and his bit of a playboy reputation.

I love both of these characters apart and together. Landon is secure and confident, he knows how he got to where he is and he is continuing to grow. Skye is recently graduated from college, learning how to navigate the world on her own, without her father’s connections. Not once does she play the do you know who my daddy is? card. Tons of respect for her for that.

Her ex, Vic, is a complete and total sleaze and while I know why he HAD to be in the book, he is one of the characters you wish would drop off the face of the Earth. Try to come in between my couple that I want together, man. I will kick your fictional butt.

I loved how Ellie and Katie made appearances in this book. I just like the friendships that are there between the girls. They bounce off each other well and their conversations are so fun to follow.

Without giving away anything, I want to say there is a surprise twist in this book that I didn’t see coming, actually two. I thought the jerk of an ex would make one move when he went in another direction.

All in all, another wonderful romance from Elisabeth Grace! I love the cover, the characters, the story line. It was all perfect. I cannot wait to see the next book in this series. I thought it was going to be Katie’s, but from the blurb I believe it is going to be Calder’s, a character we meet in Picture Perfect (or at least I don’t remember him being in Rumor Has It, but I have the worst memory).

ellajing's review against another edition

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Originally posted at The Not So Literary Heiresses

Though this book belongs in a series and is the second book, it can be read as a standalone novel. Understand that I haven’t read the first book, and I am reviewing this book relying solely on what I’ve read from the second book.

Picture Perfect was the classic case of two hot people meeting at the bar, feeling drawn to each other, and next thing you know, their making out at the bar’s hallway. It was an obvious example of instant lust between Landon Steele and Skye Summers that should be blamed on humidity and alcohol. But being drunk and held by a hot male wasn’t enough for Skye to forget her life as a politician’s daughter and the responsibilities that come with it. Leaving Landon hard and hanging, these two didn’t really have the best first meeting. They thought they won’t be seeing each other again until next morning when they discover that Skye would be Landon’s new executive secretary. Extreme sexual tension and awkward office moments slaps them in the butt because Landon, day by day, keeps on discovering how amazing this woman is and he can’t help but be more attractive to her, but Skye wasn’t the perfect, confident woman Landon thought she was. Skye was a victim of relationship violence, and his ex-boyfriend will do everything in his power to get her back, even ruining everything Skye has worked hard for.

I like you. A lot. More than I’ve liked anyone – ever. At first, I thought it was just the physical attraction between us. Figured it was left over from our first meeting and it would die off over time. But that wasn’t it. Don’t get me wrong, just seeing you at your desk every morning pretty much gives me blue balls all day, but I didn’t expect to become so taken by your intelligence and your grace. I want to get to know you even better and I want to explore this thing we have between us.

Seriously, if I am to meet a guy as good as Landon in expressing his I-like-you thoughts I am grabbing him and I’ll immediately make him my man. The blurb may have said that Landon was a playboy, but the story never really emphasized that side of him, except for a few mentions of his hook-ups(and those were totally forgivable). All I saw in Landon in this book was how dedicated he is to work, to his mother, and to love. He admitted that he wasn’t good in relationships and all he knows are the basics. Admit it that sometimes in a relationship, what people mostly forget are the basics, and Landon isn’t like that. He’s honest, holds on to his word, and never breaks his promises. He would do everything to protect those important to him, and although he had trust issues(because of his dad) he managed to get over it and learned to forgive. He was a bit of a control freak but it was not a hindrance to his personality. Though he did remind me of Christian Grey from 50 Shades of Grey, but a milder version.

Hmm, how do I even begin with Skye. I’m sorry but I didn’t really like this girl. I was expecting a strong, confident, I-can-do-everything-you-throw-at-me woman, but this book only showed a glimpse of that personality in Skye. I mostly saw her as needy, weak, and helpless. Yes, she was a victim of violence but I think the lack of emphasis with how extreme the violence she have gone through was the reason I had a hard time empathizing what she had experience. I was expecting more from her character and unfortunately the way Skye developed throughout the story was like seeing a firecracker gone AWOL in the sky. You’re expecting it to explode and show sparkles in the sky but instead all you see is a small dot popping in the sky and then poof, it’s gone. Don’t even make me start with how she faced personal conflicts thrown at her. She was the perfect example of a heroine I wouldn’t mind not getting a happy ending if it meant making her character more meaningful.

The story was interesting and it seemed more adult rather than new adult, not because of sex scenes but because of how mature their situation was. My line of career is not on PR or politics, but it was nice seeing a peek of what it’s like to live under the limelight, as a politician’s daughter. The glamour and the pressure was both weighing on Skye’s shoulder and it was good to see that side of her personality that managed to carry on this kind of life.(Which was one of the reason I expected more from her.) The parties, interviews, and the pressure of maintaining your “camera smile” just to get the public’s approval. Honestly, at the beginning I thought this was a retelling of 50 Shades of Grey. There were points in the story that were comparable to the other book, but come to think of it, a LOT of books does have similarities right?

The romance was, believe it or not, slow building. Yes I know that I mentioned them having instant lust in the beginning, but can you blame them? They were both hot and drunk, not to mention Skye was practically naked when they first met. Oh my, seeing this control freak Landon slowly cracking his vulnerability and letting himself fall for Skye was enough for me to forgot her stupid and weak moments. (No, I take that back, I won’t forget those, she’s still helpless to me.) When finally they gave in to each other they actually had “the talk”, which I think was very mature for both these characters. Tell me, how many NA characters have you met actually had the talk first and admit what they really are to each other first before stripping each others clothes? lol I think this was what made the steam level more appealing to me. They weren’t just having sex. Yes sex is driven by bodily urges, but even if that’s the case I liked that Elisabeth Grace gave the couple a relationship that had a foundation, or something that had a future

I have to say this book had ups and downs and it is hard for me to see which one outweighs the other. The conflict was foreseeable as you read the book and there were hints pointing to what would happen to the couple, but there was this one bump I didn’t expect. Honestly, I did think it was unnecessary and that the author just added it to make the story unpredictable, but sorry, didn’t work for me and it didn’t also helped intensify the drama of the story. It was like a fish bone stuck in your mouth. Once you remove it, you forget it and it doesn’t really leave a mark on you.

Overall, it is still a bit hard for me to tell if I liked this book or not. I did like Landon for sure, but the whole story? Hmm, not really sure. There were a few things that I think was a bit off for me, especially the conflict and Skye’s inconsistency, and I’m guessing it was also my slump that caused this uneasiness towards the book so I think I have to give this book another chance when I am in better reading mood. I also have to make sure that I read the first book because I am reading a lot of good reviews from that one as well. Anyway, I recommend this book to those who loved 50 Shades of Grey but wanted a milder version, or a version that centered more on a couple actually talking and not just having sex. You know.

fsmeurinne's review

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"Received an ARC for honest review"

Ok Elisabeth Grace is just my type of author, she loves what I love, so she writes stories I just love, love, love!

This well, let me put it this way, hot sexy man, then add a sexy romantic lady as his new PA and a story line worth to read more than once! I read it in one sit and its brilliant! Landon is my new book boyfriend.

Landon is a workaholic, that is his priority and so when he returns to his office after a vacation and meets his new PA, well the world as he knew it is turn upside down. He can't get her out of his head. Naturally they start falling in love and the sexual tension the author wrote, got to me, went straight to my heart.

But things are never so easy, so there is a private moment of Skype captured on film that is used against them and his father, who is a political figure.

I also loved that we get to see the couple from Rumor Has It in this novel as well, that made me so happy, as I also loved that story, both books can be read as stand alone.

Just read it, is amazing in everyday possible. Elisabeth Grace, I just need more of your books, I love them!

jonetta's review against another edition

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Originally posted on The Book Nympho

Quick summary
Skye Summers is the daughter of a prominent city politician who is running for higher office. She’s politically savvy because of her family experience and lands a job as an executive assistant with an up and coming PR firm run by hotshot Landon Steele. The night before she’s scheduled to start, she almost succumbs to a one-night stand but retreats. Unfortunately, that “almost” encounter was with her new boss, who she meets for the first time on her first day at work.

The conflicts
Landon’s not happy that he’s hired what he believes is a pampered daughter of a politician. Skye is mortified that her new boss’s first impression of her isn’t what she’d like it to have been. She’s got an uphill climb to prove herself and Landon’s also struggling with a raging attraction to his new assistant.

What I liked
Both Landon and Skye are really well crafted characters with depth and flaws. The story is also extremely interesting without the normal paths taken given its start. Skye really is talented and her climb out of the hole she created is realistic and on point. Additionally, she bailed from an abusive relationship that comes back to haunt her. Grace doesn’t shy away from the ugliness and the story proceeded in an unpredictable direction. The romance between Landon and Sky is a mature one, with some truly steamy moments.

The bottom line
I really enjoyed this story, which stands alone strongly in spite of its series connection (earlier character connections are briefly mentioned but not critical). It has lots of substance and I was impressed with the writing style and character depth. I’m looking forward to the next in the series.

(I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review)

yche09's review against another edition

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This was a pretty entertaining read.

I remember being 80% frustrated with the characters because they were taking SOOOOO long. The waitwas all worth it though. It was so cute reading anout both characters' thoughts and feelings while they were not yet together. The boss-assistant scenario sure worked well in here.. like totally! :)

It was a bit abrupt though, at the end part. I kinda found some lines to be a bit corny, but I understand that sometimes, corny is just the way to do it. :)

By the way, the social media and the media itself played a big role again in this book. It's good. :)