
Ster van Acht by Jennifer Murgia

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review

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Mijn liefde voor Twilight mag dan ergens gedurende de afgelopen 10 jaar behoorlijk bekoeld zijn, mijn liefde voor Fallen en alles wat met Engelen te maken heeft, is dat allerminst. Toon mij een nieuw engelenverhaal en ik ben meteen benieuwd, nieuwsgierig EN enthousiast. Dus toen Anderwereld aankondigde deze duologie in een box te stoppen, moest ik die box gewoon hebben.

Het boek leest allereerst lekker weg. Het is geen al te dik boek en het taalgebruik loopt lekker vlot. Ik denk dat ik 2,5 uur over het hele boek, inclusief de korte novella aan het einde van het boek, gedaan heb, als het al zo lang was. Hier en daar zijn er wel wat spelfoutjes blijven staan (vooral in het korte verhaal zijn wat spaties vergeten), maar ik heb me daar verder niet bovenmatig aan gestoord.

Daarnaast is het boek echt precies wat het belooft te zijn: Het is een instant love verhaal, het gaat over gevallen engelen en de oorlog tussen licht en duisternis. De personages zijn daardoor niet altijd even gelaagd en goed uitgewerkt, maar ook daar stoorde ik me eigenlijk niet zozeer aan. Ik had er immers niet op gerekend.

Waar ik me wel een klein beetje aan stoorde is de opbouw van de mythologie. Er zitten heel wat infodumps in het verhaal, maar ik merk dat ik moeite heb om te volgen en alle puzzelstukjes in elkaar te klikken. Ik voel dat de schrijfster zelf een heel duidelijk beeld heeft van haar werelden en mythologie, maar het lijkt niet helemaal te lukken dat over te brengen op de lezer.

Desalniettemin heb ik wel van het verhaal genoten en het met plezier gelezen. Ik ben dus benieuwd naar het tweede deel!

averybadinfluenz's review against another edition

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June 2nd 2010

If i were to describe this book in a short sentence, I would say, "I loved every single page i read". And let me just say this, that there are certain points in your life that is defined by certain incidents which can make all the difference in our life.

Let me briefly start with the long journey i took with this book. If you do read this, you won't regret it. The day i got this book was actually rather bad cos i was going though some really bad situations that week. But the fact that it arrived was the only joyous moment that day for me. I started reading the book instantly. It started off really well and i must not lie that, during the first 2 pages it did remind me a bit of Hush, Hush. That was where the similarities ended. I was sucked in literally from that point onwards. The words were simple and straightforward. But the complexity of the plot was evident even from the beginning. So i started reading... and thats when I met Teagan.

Teagan... hmmm... She is complex to say the least but at the same time she is simple in the sense of how a 17 year old girl is. She has a sense of clarity in whatever she sees which nowadays most people lack which happens to be the clarity to see everything for what it is. I found something in her that did take me a while to see even if it was right in front of me. It was the fact that she is forgiving. Its her weakness to an extent but her strength as well. Even though she is imperfect, Its that imperfections that makes her perfect. Her transition from the girl she was to the woman she is becoming is one that you should read the book to fully understand. I should say that the author did an excellent job with her character development which is rare in most of the books that come out these days.

Now, Claire is the next one i met. She happens to be the comic relief in this book. And to an extent was somewhat of the support for Teagan till the her Angel arrives. I did predict a fallout between them cos of the love between Teagan and her boyfriend/angel. But never in a million years did i think that she'd fall for a mistake that ended up taking her life. But still, it was a choice she made and the choice did cost her, her life. But certain things no matter how deep you think into it always ends up the same way in life. Every single person i met till now has denied the existence of fate or the existence of a bigger plan underneath all that we do, even. In the end, her loss, even if its cruel for me to say this... was just a necessity as well as predestined for the bigger plan.

Now onto Garreth, the angel of light, the man with the deepest character I've ever seen. Even though i didn't get to see much of his true nature in this book or his past, the base of his character does revolve around his love for Teagan and the lengths to which he will go for her. Still I was ultimately in the end sure that this was one character that can be explored beyond the limits of what has already been written in the book. To tell you the truth, you may think that you have him all figured out by the end of the story, but trust me, you ain't seen noting yet! Maybe i am taking a blind swing at absolutely thin air, but lets wait and see what does transpire. So... where was i?... Oh! yes, Garreth's character. Well... Garreth to me is the somewhat of a part of God himself with an unending reservoir of love. Even though he is just a character in a book, we as humans can learn one thing from him. Which is the courage to take risks and to step up for the ones you love and care about. When i saw the love he had for Teagan and the way he protected her, I thought... is it so hard for us to do the same? Live for someone, and when needed even put your life on the line for the one you love or literally sacrifice every single thing that you hold dear for the ones we love. Its a question i will leave for you to answer?

Hadrian... His name does always brings a smile to my face for the simple fact that i do share a bit of his character in myself, which i am sure enough to say that i knew even before the book did get into my hands. Hadrian, well... The dark angel. To say about him briefly, even though he may seem like an angel, his mask once removed reveals everything that defines a human. Conceited, Overconfident and Evil... but still holding deep inside the creature of light he once used to be. I saw him as being conflicted between his wants and his purpose. Ultimately, he epitomizes everything that a human is and has the same flaws as well. This may not have been what he was, but its what he is now. Let me just leave the rest of the finding for you to decide cos its better that way. Hadrian is a character for each and everyone to understand and discover for themselves.

I did find Teagan's Mom to be sometimes just like most mothers but sometimes the little things she did for her daughter like leaving her alone when she needed and understanding her for what she is going through was just lovely. I think more mothers should follow her example. Indeed in todays society, after we reach a certain age, we fail to remember how we ourselves were when we were young. It's a flaw of sort that emanates within us as we get older. But still, its better to try,isn't it?

Now the rest of the cast. Ryan for me was the typical cute boy in college character but had made appearances at critical points in the storyline. Brynn and her friends were the typical plastic, snobbish and Make-Up factory made girls now widely seen in Colleges. Maybe not all of them, but trust me I've seen my fair share of them in all the Colleges i went to.

Let me just say a word or two about the book in its entirety and why i am so into it.

The book does have something that most books lack these days. The book has life. Simplicity of words, believability of the situations and the reality of an invisible war in a realm beyond our own (Biblical in its origin), did breathe life into the story. This is entirely my opinion on the book and i may or may not or wouldn't fancy anyone agreeing with me either.

As i said before, i was going through a rough time while i got hold of this book. But it made it all worthwhile. Cos i found comfort in Teagan and Garreth and their life. One thing that surprised me was the similarity in the way I and Garreth talked. Trust me when i say this, that most of the conversations i had with my love are exactly the same to the last word (minus the angel/saving the world thing). It did give me back memories which made me smile when i did think all was lost for me. And in the end, this book, did fill me with hope. Hope for life and the hope that even when every single thing to the last smallest detail does seem like the end, there is still a way and there is still hope. Just holding on to the things that you hold dear makes all the difference and even though i did know that i should hold on... this book made me stronger and to live not for myself but for others too.

And finally, let me just say that opinions vary from person to person. And all that i shared may not be what you see in the book. But i do hope that you can see the life it holds and the message it gives out.

January 5th 2010
"I somehow feel that this book is gonna be just amazing. Even though there might be a few 'Angel' themed books out there right now, i somehow feel something different and unique about this book. A recent, short but friendly chat with the author has also made it clear to me that this book is going to be unique in its genre. I am really looking forward to reading this book."

bonbonsandreveries's review against another edition

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Angel Star, written by Jennifer Murgia, is the story about good vs evil, or light vs. dark. Teagan’s life isn’t that great: she has only one friend, Claire, is the object of torture by a group of girls at school, is plagued by nighmares, and her father disappeared when she was a baby. One day while sitting on a bench, a new transfer student, Garreth, approaches and talks to her. He seems to shine/glow. She realizes that not only does she feel strongly for him, he makes her feel safe from the nightmares and the dark shadows that seem to follow her. Garreth is her guardian angel. He has watched over her and kept her safe for years. He is finally allowed to appear to her as a human, but only for eight days. During those eight days her destiny will be revealed.
I had mixed feelings about this book. I really liked the chemistry between Garreth and Teagan. Their bond was beautiful. Whenever Teagan was worried he would breathe for her, calming her. It was so sweet. Their dynamic was the best part of the book. Hadrian, Lucifer’s brother, is the dark angel. He tries to corrupt people’s guardian angels so that he can control humans. Garreth and Teagan are constantly running from him. When Hadrian starts targeting people close to Teagan, they stand and fight. While Garreth symbolizes light, Hadrian represents the darkness. Teagan finds herself drawn to Hadrian and the darkness only to be reminded of her light, Garreth. This situation is parallel to the good-angel-bad-angel-on-your-shoulders. Both are trying to pull Teagan in different directions and get her to do something. It is both an internal and outward struggle for Teagan.
There were many things I didn’t like about this book. There were times when I was confused as to the location of the characters; one minute they are talking in the car, the dialogue going, with no mention of leaving the car then all of a sudden they are in the park on a swing set swinging. There were times when I couldn’t tell the difference between her nightmares and reality because she kept “waking up” suddenly in her bed like it was all a bad dream. I could never tell if the action sense took place in her nightmare or in reality. I really liked the basic story of Angel Star. I think Jennifer Murgia could have slowed it down a bit by adding more detail to the action scenes and adding more depth to the characters.
Overall, this book wasn’t for me. I didn’t really like it. In all honesty, I only continued reading, and will probably read the sequel, Lemniscate, because of Garreth and Teagan’s relationship. Their connection was deep, like down to the soul deep. It was fascinating. Jennifer Murgia’s idea was fresh and different from many of the angel books I’ve read.

phillygirljl's review against another edition

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Despite the current trend in angel themed YA novels, Jennifer Murgia introduces a unique story and fresh take on the guardian angel story. Her novel Angel Star mixes mythology, symbolism, and of course a love story, to create a wonderful novel that pulled me into Garreth and Teagan's world and didn't let go till the last page.

My favorite part of the story, beside the mythology, was seeing how Teagan's character grew. In the beginning of the story, Teagan is portrayed as a solitary girl with one friend, Claire. Teagan's happiness seemed to depend on Claire's actions and feelings. But, by the end of the story, and in the midst of tragedy, Teagan grew into a person who stood up for herself and was willing to risk all to save the boy she loved.

I also liked the character of Teagan's mother. For the most part, parents in YA novels are portrayed as absent, too busy or apathetic towards their children. There's good reason for that, because otherwise how else would the teenagers get up to the shenanigans and trouble they get into that forms the plot of the story? But with Teagan's mother, Jennifer Murgia, creates a character that loves and worries about her daughter, yet because she is a single working mom, she is not home often. I admire how Murgia was able to develop a story with conflict for her main character, but still have a loving family life.

Jennifer Murgia has written a complex and fantastic story of a guardian angel's personal sacrifice to protect the girl he has fallen in love with and a girl who will do all she can to overcome the evil haunting her.

cybersuccubus's review against another edition

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Big MEH honestly. I picked this up because it reminded me of a book called Hush Hush that I read a long time ago, and I thought it would give me similar feelings. It did not. This book was oftentimes poorly written, and I've noticed many grammatic and format mistakes. Beyond that, it started well, but somehow quickly deescalated around half way through the book. There were many parts that seemed rushed, or poorly written? Either way, no thank you. Wasn't worth the time.

vivianhester's review

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Mmmm... tof boek, maar niet geweldig. De schrijfstijl is wat rommelig en het verhaal niet helemaal overtuigend, maar verder is het wel heel leuk: geweldige zelfspot bij de hoofdpersoon, heerlijke romance-chemistry, intrigerende plot en een paar mooie plottwists. Murgia heeft zeker mijn interesse gewekt: ik hoop op een tweede deel! Uitgebreide recensie:

my_booklove's review against another edition

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Teagan has always felt different, her dad died when she was a baby and her relationship with her mother has always been more like a friendship. When Teagan meets Garreth, she gets pulled into his world unknowingly and reveals secrets that weren't meant to be revealed. She discovers that everything is not as it seems, will she be able to defeat the dark forced, or will she surrender?

A fabulous book by Jennifer Murgia and i can't wait for the sequel. This book gripped me from page one and i couldn't put it down. A book involving angels, deamons, magic, love, and adventure.

lifeinfiction's review against another edition

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Jennifer Murgia’s writing is fluid and all around great. She has an incredible sense of detail that allowed me to see the story and its characters very clearly in my mind. With Teagan, Ms. Murgia has created a wonderful narrator who has an authentic voice and is a character I can relate to. Thanks to Ms. Murgia's talent for characterization, the other characters are well-rounded and believable as well, even the supporting ones.

My favorite part of the novel is Teagan and Garreth’s relationship. No surprise there, right? Their relationship unfolds quickly, but because of their strong connection, it was never unconvincing. There’s this one scene where Garreth blocks Teagan from the mean girl’s view and it’s so subtle, but so sweet.

In addition to her great writing, Jennifer Murgia deserves a huge round of applause for her angel mythology. It stands out amongst the other angel-related books I’ve read and I love how thorough her mythology seems. I can only imagine how much work went into perfecting it and I can’t wait to read more about it in Angel Star’s sequel, Lemniscate.

Please don't hesitate to read this amazing novel! Not only does it have great writing and romance, it has a fair amount of action and an ending that will leave readers craving for more!

kate2440's review against another edition

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4 and a half stars for this book. i really enjoyed the story and i did get attached to the characters and the only reason why it didnt get the full five stars was because i got confussed in places but apart from that i loved it.

selenamarie's review against another edition

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I have been wanting to read this book for about a year now. And I finally decided to get it from the library because I couldn't find it in stores. Well I'm glad I did.

I was really excited to read this book, but once I started it I realized it was going to be one of those books, that you had high expectations far, but they just fall flat. Angel Star was that for me. It fell flat.

Teagan didn't do much for me as the main character. There wasn't anything special about her that made me like her. Well other than having a guardian angel among other things. She meets Garreth at school one day and of course is instantly attracted to him. Then like the third day they know each other he takes her to this rundown church and tells her what he is. I found it surprisngly early for information like that. There were quite a few infor dumps that I found quite annoying.

Throughout the book I really wanted to knock some sense into Teagan. First off, she leaves her best friend with her boyfriend who is acting strange and the girl who is the queen bitch of the school.
Spoiler then later that night she finds out her best friend died. She should have stayed with her friend. Then Teagan doesn't seem that affected by her best friends death. Sure she cries a little, but it seemd that she didn't care all that much.

And then there was Hadrian. Oh good god. Not only is he the bad guy, but Teagan feels attracted to him. Of course she does. But she loves Garreth. It was almost like the author wanted to establish a love traingle, but didn't really. I just didn't like that at all.

The one thing that drove me crazy throughout the book was all of the ... some of them I understood, but almost all of them were uneccessary, it seemed like Teagan had issues with staying on track.

Overall Angel Star was a huge disappointment for me. I don't even think I am going to try with the next one.