
Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts

batkat21's review against another edition

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***Minor Spoilers Maybe?****
I have always loved Nora Roberts best when she incorporates elements of fantasy, supernatural, etc. into her books. This was no exception. As usual for her books the characters and world they live in are instantly loveable. I found myself caring for and rooting for these characters almost as much as my all time favorites from her Blood Brothers Trilogy. Things that should be cheesy or over the top (AKA: Mermaids) were magical and so fun to read about. I was miserable when I finished this because I couldn't find the sequel Bay of Sighs at my library. I finally broke down and bought the kindle version of the sequel. Now I'm anxiously awaiting #3.

dj1010fl's review against another edition

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Loved this first in a trilogy. Can't wait to dive in to the next one!

sueotwell's review against another edition

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I give this one 3.5 stars, I enjoyed it but felt it added a ton of fluff and started out a bit slow. I plan finish the series but many I spoke with agree it could have been done in one bk rather than three... I would even give 2 bks finding a star and starting the next hunt in one and finish in bk 2... but what fo I know. Characters are likable enough although it is definitely a bit hs ish to me but overall enjoyed this bk.

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Stars of Fortune
4 Stars

Reclusive artist Sasha Riggs travels to Corfu to make sense of the vivid dreams that have been haunting her. Once there, Sasha encounters 5 strangers, all of whom have been drawn to the Greek island on a quest to locate and reunite the three Stars of Fortune. While each member of the unlikely band possesses their own skills and abilities, it is only together that they will be able to find the first Star of Fire and prevent it from falling into the hands of evil.

This first installment in the trilogy is primarily exposition as the 6 guardians gather and their origins, powers and abilities are introduced. It is entertaining to follow along as they all slowly relinquish their secrets, some of which are quite surprising.

In terms of the romance, the pairing is between Sasha, the Seer and quietest member of the group, and Bran Killian, the Magician, who is reminiscent of many other "nice guy" heroes in Roberts' books, i.e., solid, supportive and sexy. Unfortunately, their relationship is much like their characterization - subdued and lacking real emotion and intimacy.

In sum, this is a solid beginning to the series and the overarching plot is intriguing. Moreover, the pairings to come in the next books are compelling, particularly Doyle and Riley.

zoealyce's review against another edition

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I was a little apprehensive picking up this book after my attempt at reading the Dark Witch trilogy by Nora Roberts...
And now I feel a little silly for doubting the creative genius that is Ms Roberts.

Firstly, I simply loved this book! I can't wait for the next one!! It was a lovely story, and the adventure was exciting. I loved the magical touch! In fact, the intrigue created by those magical touches is probably what kept me reading.

This book is written in 3rd person... And almost reads like there's an omniscient narrator. There was several POVs and it changed between them regularly.. (Which usually well and truly grinds my gears!) - but not this time.
It worked.
I think it bothered me less because there was still moments where I felt emotionally connected to the characters...or perhaps it was because the secondary characters were all quite loveable and unique.

Regardless, intriguing story, with a bit of romance, lots of adventure and a hint of magic.
A must read

cfh's review against another edition

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readtiltheworldisblurry's review against another edition

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The funny thing is that I know Nora Roberts is a romance writer and I know she is very popular and successful because of it, but what drew me to this was the adventure.

And it sat on my bookshelf for 6 years.

I’m kicking myself because this book is SO GOOD. I loved the adventure, the romance and the fantasy elements. She takes time unravelling the mysteries surrounding our characters. I was glad that they didn’t just sit down and spill everything up front, the secrets were revealed as needed. The climax was pretty quick, and it would have bothered me more if it was a stand alone book rather than a trilogy.

I was so engrossed with this and have ordered the third in the trilogy and want to wait until it comes before I read the second.

It is absolutely worth the read and I loved it so much. If you are interested in any of the three genres I mentioned, do yourself a favour and read this.

dgignac's review against another edition

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I have to admit... I loved this book. I know that fantasy romance is not for everyone, but I just love it. I'm very happy and relieved that Nora managed to find a way to write her typical fantasy-trilogy without it being a rehash of her previous fantasy-trilogies. Love it, love it, love it!

annes_reading_journey's review against another edition

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Loved this book cant wait to the get the 2nd one from my library.

dukefn99's review against another edition

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