
Shadows Before the Sun by Kelly Gay

loishojmark's review against another edition

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Honestly I can't say why I'm not a wholehearted fan of this series. It just sort of bores me.

andimontgomery's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. I really enjoyed this action-packed installment. Charlie sets out to free Hank, who is being held in Fiallan after being captured for abandoning his post long ago guarding the towers.

This book is about so much more than this one task, though. It's hard to say anything without providing a spoiler. Not everything is rosy in this book, but let's just say this was a very satisfying read. I really like the direction this series is taking, and I can't wait for the next one!

ria_mhrj's review against another edition

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The Hour of Dust and Ashes ended in such a traumatising way, I was very concerned that Shadows Before the Sun would leave me in a sobbing heap in a darkened corner somewhere. Fortunately, five bright shiny stars were on the horizon...

Charlie Madigan's world is just so cleverly realised. Creatures of heaven and hell are grounded in realism and with such rich cultures that each book continues to explore in vivid detail. We spend most of our time with the Sirens in this book and the society is carefully described, ensuring that though we may not like everything we encounter, it makes an odd sort of sense.

And then there's Charlie herself. Flawed and feisty and fantastic, she sets a high bar for urban fantasy heroines and is definitely someone you would want fighting in your corner when the chips are down. The dynamics with Rex, Emma, Bryn and the surprising friendship with Sandra all help to reinforce the kind of woman Charlie is and the challenges she faces. And then there's Hank. I'll say no more.

And now I face the problem I have with countless other series. When I read the entries as they release, I then must endure the waiting game for the next book. Sigh. First world problems.

aphelia88's review against another edition

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Having greatly enjoyed the first three books in the Charlie Madigan series, I ordered this one specially online (which is something I've never done) because it's out of print. I'm glad I did, but the ending is a little lackluster. Although this book wraps up two major plot threads - rescuing Siren Hank from Elysia and Charlie using her new Divine powers to full potential - there are several left for the next scheduled release, [b:The Cold Light of Day|24970198|The Cold Light of Day (Charlie Madigan, #5)|Kelly Gay||44635084], which - to my frustration and disappointment is on permanent hold.

As the effective series end, I wanted more. I'm not sure if Gay knew that this would be the last book when she wrote it (probably not, since she had cover art for the next book), but even if she didn't, there are problems with the characterization and pacing in this story. I really expected Charlie to go all out, use her powers to full effect (finally) and bust down the walls of Fiallan to destroy the Circe who enslaved her partner Hank as a child and are holding him captive again now in punishment for escaping in the past.

One of Charlie's strengths is her complete loyalty to those she loves and her chosen family, of which Hank is a major part. As her work partner and friend, who has turned into her love interest, Hank is incredibly important to Charlie. Which may be why she tried to do the right thing this time and formulate a proper plan for his rescue. The Chief sent in a delegation to negotiate for Hank's release, but when they return early having given him up for dead, Charlie goes herself.

To her surprise, the oracle Alessandra insists on coming along to help her. The two are prickly frenemies, but Sandra's exalted position earns them a place in the palace where Charlie pretends to be her bodyguard, giving them time to search for Hank. With only the mark on her shoulder to connect her to Hank, the search is long until Sandra gets them invited into the inner sanctum of the Circe. I wasn't sure about Alessandra at first, but her actions and bravery earned my respect.

Hank's torture is worse than Charlie ever imagined. The three witches known as the Circe draw their power from an ancient spell encircling the city. Once used for defense to repel invaders, for centuries the grid spell - anchored by four Sirens of warrior blood, from childhood to death - serves only to bolster the witches' own powers and grant them the seeming of immortality.

They have worked a vile black magic on Hank, tethering his soul to his naturally regenerating body, bringing him to the brink of death time and again only to deny him peace and begin the torture anew. It takes time for Charlie to wait on the delegation and get the paperwork for her visit to Elysia in order; time that must have seemed an eternity to Hank. It is no wonder he is half-mad by the time Charlie arrives.

Having had false memories implanted in his mind by the Circe, who seek to turn him against Charlie and use him to capture her (so they can figure out how to steal her power, recognizable from the ancient runes on Charlie's arm), Hank's reunion with Charlie is nothing like she'd hoped.

Major quibble:
SpoilerHank and Charlie's relationship has slowly shifted into romance, and the sexual tension had been running high. But when they finally admit and act on their feelings, it's awkward - a quickie in a pool, where Charlie is uncharacteristically shy and Hank seems aloof. They are in a divine paradise outside of time, given to them as a refuge to heal by the thankful sea goddess of the Sirens - and this is what they do with it?

They had all the time and space to fully explore whatever it is between them (neither really seems to know, and they could have finally taken the time to figure it out!!!) but instead they have sex once and book it back to the real world, emerging shortly after they had left it (when months passed for both of them in paradise in a healing coma).

DISAPPOINTING. Waste of a magical goddess gift - never mind that they both obviously need time to process what's happened, and Hank could have used some relaxation and recuperation!

Although this book wasn't as good as I'd hoped, I still love the series and very much hope that Gay finishes it someday. Charlie is a great character, and this is solid Urban Fantasy series with unusual, gritty world building that really works. Recommended!

alexiachantel's review against another edition

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Gay has done it, with Shadows Before the Sun she manages to surpass the the action and emotional connection the previous books had. Who would have thought it was possible!

The end of book three leaves you hanging just a little. Death is stalking Charlie, her sister is safe but still addicted to ash, and Hank has been taken back to his home to face the wrath of three powerful beings. You can breathe a sigh of relief, well not once you start since there are plenty of bombs dropped on Charlie right away...but once you reach the end you will have some relief.

Charlie is determined to find Hank, no matter how grim the outlook. She travels to Elysia with, surprise surprise, the Oracle! Not exactly friends, but not enemies either they do provide some comic relief to the dark and serious happenings. Finally able to face the three Circe Charlie gives into her power. The repercussions from her choice will be felt far and wide, even more so after she returns home and still has to face Death.

Shadows Before the Sun has a perfect ending. You even get to see Charlie through someone else’s eyes. As perfect as it was, you will still be itching for another Charlie Madigan book. Please, please, please keep writing them Kelly!

Review posted at Reading Between the Wines blog:
(copy courtesy of publisher)

audiobookmel's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at

Shadows Before the Sun starts off where The Hour of Dust and Ashes ends. Hank has been taken by his people. He was wanted for treason. Everyone keeps telling Charlie that he is already dead and that she should mourn him and move on. In this world that Ms. Gay has built, there are three worlds. Earth, and the alternate dimensions of heaven-like Elysia and hell-like Charbydon. In the previous book, Charlie, Hank and Rex visited Charbydon. In this one, Charlie goes to Elysia to get Hank back.

While at the airport to take a portal to Elysia, Charlie runs into Alessandra. She is the oracle in Atlanta and has been alive for over 2,000 years. Charlie and Sandra don’t have a good history. They’ve never gotten along. Charlie thinks Sandra is a know-it-all. Sandra sorta is a know-it-all and acts like it. So Sandra knows that she is supposed to accompany Charlie on this journey, but because she is involved, can’t see more than that.

The first part of the book does drag a little bit, while Charlie is trying to get to Fiallan, the city that the Sirens call home. It is pretty secluded and it takes magic to get there. Then once, they arrive, they have to try to get to see Circe, the priestess. During this time, Charlie and Sandra do become closer friends. Charlie learns that Sandra isn’t all bad.

Throughout all of this, we do get some glimpses into Hank’s experiences. So, we do learn before Charlie that Hank is alive. But what Hank is experiencing is way worse than death. He has no idea that Charlie is coming for him.

There is some new revelations as to why a dark shadow is following Charlie around everytime she uses her powers. Also, the introduction of a new character of Leander. He is very mysterious. I’m sure he has a part to play later in the series, but I’m not sure where yet.

I’m in love with this series. If you haven’t started it yet, I highly recommend it. It is a wonderful urban fantasy with amazing world-building. The characters are amazing and funny. There is a ton of action and suspense. There has been quite a break between this book and next book, but it has a name and a cover (if not a blurb, yet). I’m hoping that it will in fact be released next year. I hope this series isn’t ended here.

drey72's review against another edition

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Wow. Charlie sure has her hands full in this fourth installment of Kelly Gay’s fab urban fantasy series! At the conclusion of The Hour of Dust and Ashes, Hank’s apprehended and taken back to Fiallan for the crime of leaving the Circe’s towers. Now in Shadows Before the Sun, Charlie’s told that Hank was executed…

She doesn’t believe it. So she does the only thing she can – take a trip to Fiallan to find Hank. Armed with her magic sword and trademark sass, Charlie’s surprised when the Oracle herself shows up to accompany her on the journey, and even more surprised to find out she might actually like her.

Meeting with the Circe is a mite hairier than Charlie expects, and before you know it, it’s a race against time – to save Hank, AND to get out of Fiallan. Because a rescue mission always comes with danger…

I love this series, and Kelly Gay doesn’t disappoint. Charlie’s a fabulously kick-ass heroine – if anything, she gets even more kick-ass here. The only thing I’d say is, if you’re squeamish, you’ll want to skip the prologue and the italicized paragraphs – they’ll more likely be about Hank’s torture, and they’re pretty high on the ick factor. *shudder*

drey’s rating: Excellent! I can’t wait for more!

nhiguera's review against another edition

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I love this series! Charlie kicks ass and Hank is awesome. So happy they are FINALLY together!

thenia's review against another edition

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A great addition to an awesome series!

Charlie continues to be pretty kick-ass and fiercely loyal and in this part of her story she is on a mission to save her partner. She gets to see Elysia, the opposite of Charbydon and the equivalent of paradise, but her determination to find and rescue Hank makes it less enjoyable for Charlie than it would be otherwise.

A lot of things get resolved,
Spoilerthe shadow creature appearing whenever Charlie uses her power and the darkness above the city among them,
enemies vanquished and mysteries uncovered and there has been some foreshadowing that makes me hopeful for a sequel, despite hearing that this is probably the end of the series.

For now, there is a short story starring Rex, Emma and hellhound puppies in "Hell’s Menagerie", Kelly Gay's short story in [b:Carniepunk|16130371|Carniepunk|Rob Thurman||21940472].

veronica87's review against another edition

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Book four continues to cement my enjoyment of this series. I had a concern in the first book that Charlie maybe came into too much power too soon and I think that has largely played out BUT it doesn't really bother me here whereas in another series it might. The main reason is because of Charlie herself. She doesn't take her powers for granted and she never just assumes that she's going to win or, hell, even survive.

Book three took us to the world of Charbydon and in this installment we head to Elysia with Charlie as she sets out to rescue Hank. This translated into not as much page time for some of the other secondary characters that I've come to love *cough*Rex*cough, but in exchange we get to meet some new characters and that proved to be worth the trip. We meet Alessandra, Atlanta's 2000 year old Oracle who was briefly mentioned way back on page one of book one, and we also meet Leander. I'm not sure who or what he is yet but I'm certain we haven't seen the last of him.

We learn more about Hank, his past, and his present and it's truly heartbreaking. While this series has always been told in Charlie's first person POV, this book deviates just a bit by giving us Hank's thoughts in third person every once in awhile. I'm not sure there would have been any other way to adequately understand what he endures in this book otherwise so I think the author made a good decision in taking this route.

I hear from the author that a decision has yet to made about any future books. I'll be very sad if there are no more books to come but I will say that this book, while leaving some avenues open for future storylines, did at least wrap up one major story arc from book one. Additionally, every character ends in such a place that I can easily see a positive outcome for them in the future. In the meantime, while I wait for news on the fifth book I'll be sure to read [b:Carniepunk|16130371|Carniepunk|Rachel Caine||21940472]. Kelly Gay has included a short story involving Rex (yay!), Emma, and Brimstone (the family hellhound) on an adventure that takes place during the events of this book while Charlie is away saving Hank. So, while I will keep hope alive that this won't be the end of the series, I'm grateful that the characters ended on an upbeat note and I'm glad for having had the chance to meet them.