
Cherry Tart by Scarlett Jade

xoxotawnydee's review

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First of all... I think Cherry Kilgore is amazing. Vibrant red hair, plenty of curves.. and best of all? She rocks them. She doesn't pity herself for being overweight. She's a size twenty and she owns it. All I could think when I was reading this book, especially the parts describing her dancing, was that I would kill to actually be able to watch her. I feel like it would just be this incredible work of art to watch her dance - not just because she is good at it.. but because of how passionate she is about it. Dancing is her thing. Who cares what her parents think, or what society says about how bigger girls shouldn't be rocking it on a stripper pole. Cherry Kilgore is all kinds of awesome.

Kellan Morgan is just as awesome.

So incredibly sexy, and yet he is more than just sex on a stick unlike some male leads in some books. His humor reminded me of my husband so much while I was reading this book that when he writes the note "Hope everything comes out all right - K" I had to stop reading because I couldn't stop laughing. My husband says that all the time. I haven't laughed as hard as I did reading Scarlett's book in a long time.

I devoured this book. Honestly I hated having to walk away it because the steamy parts were that hot, and the rest of it was so sweet and funny. They were my kind of couple. Just enough tragic drama to make it interesting but strong enough characters that they don't let it bring them down. So I would like to thank Scarlett Jade for sending me an ARC of this book to review. I am so glad I got the chance to read this book.

heatheray's review

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I do. I have adored her since Scarlett first told me she was coming. I saw the cover and thought, I want her hair. I begged and pleaded for an ARC. She sent me one. I squealed like a little girl.

True Story.

More truth. I started reading this before I had to take my 6 year old to dance and could not put it down. That isn’t unusual for me. What is unusual is that normally, I can make myself put it down for a couple of minutes to do the essentials. Not this time, this time I was so engrossed that I had my iPad propped up on my make up box, leaning on a basket, so I could attempt to read it while doing my hair. I can say in 38 years I have never attempted to read while doing my hair.

It’s that good.

Then, I was reading at dance and I had a hard time keeping my face neutral. I think other parents were staring at me when my mouth would drop open or I would laugh or start fanning myself. I did stop to talk to one mom and show her what I was reading but I’m not sure I like that. It took away from my reading time. Make friends? Read? Read? Make friends? It’s a tough choice.

Scarlett Jade poured heart and soul into this book. You can feel it with every page turn. It is definitely an erotic romance, the hot scenes are extra hot (look for the one with sensory deprivation, holy moly, but the love story that is there, absolutely beautiful. There’s this scene where Cherry reaches out to her mom, it broke my heart. I’ve been in that conversation. I was much younger than Cherry. I don’t care what age you are, that conversation hurts. You think this one thing for so many years and then it is ripped out from underneath you. I’ve lived that pain, she did such a good job bringing us in and letting us feel Cherry’s hurt.


Kellen makes me smile.

If he behaved the way he did with Cherry from the git go, that would probably be a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen, but with Cherry it felt right.

Cue the song What A Man right now because that is totally what I was thinking of him when I was done reading.

Not only do we have the sexy man, the beautiful woman with some commitment issues, and the hot steamy scenes, Scarlett is hilarious. You get things like this thrown in:


They looked a lot like Oompa Loompas had caught them in the back alley behind a hairdresser, snatched their weaves while they got boned front eh back, and then beat them with a 64 color box of Crayolas before letting them go. In other words, they were a hot mess……

Cherry Tart just went on my Book Boyfriends AND Girl Crushes shelves. I kind of want to be Cherry.

I have read almost all of her books and as amazing as I thought she was when I first became a fan, Scarlett Jade just continues to put out books that are another step ahead of her last one. I don’t know how she does it. Each book is even better than the last one, and the last one I gave 5 stars too. She is an awesomely talented author and if you haven’t, you really need to check her out.

I cannot wait to see what comes out of that mind of hers next!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

xakyr's review

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Thankfully, this was a short read! Both the hero and the heroine tried to control the situations to their own benefit too much, making it extremely difficult to relate to their characters. I couldn't believe that Cherry built herself up to be this kick butt woman, but allowed another man in the form of her ex have that much power over her self-esteem and self-worth. Cherry's mother was a total witch and her friend Trace really wasn't her friend when the chips were down, and I hated him for it. Not a book worth keeping in my opinion.

paddlefoot55's review

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Review - ARC received for an honest review

4.5 stars

Cherry Kilgore - AKA Cherry Tart. Secretary by day, stripper by night.

After being humiliated by a man when she was in her teens, Cherry decides that two can play at that game, and becomes the ultimate man eater.

As her alter-ego Tart, plus sized beauty Cherry owns her curves, and works them as a stripper. Never letting a man in for more than one night, she has lost the sweet girl she used to be, and has pretty much become queen bitch.

Her well-to-do parents, who have never made her feel that she is good enough, despise her work and the "shame" she brings down on them. She has no real friends except her boss. But being alone isn't all that bad, is it?

Enter Mr Green Eyes, Kellan Morgan. The second he sees her dancing, he is hooked. He can't get enough of her, needs to know her. Needs her.

Neither of them is looking for love, but here it is, smacking them in the face

When their worlds collide outside of the strip club, this is when things get interesting. The sexual chemisty between these two just steams off the page. And the sex is hot hot hot!

I love that Cherry owns her body - yay for no stick insects!! She is content with who she is and makes it work for her. There is one scene in a cafeteria that had me with the pom poms out cheering away!

Cherry is no easy pickings for Kellan, if he wants her, he is going to have to work for it. And work at it he does. He has never had to work this hard for a woman before.

Of course, the road to true love is never smooth. Cherry and Kellan have their fair share of ups and downs. There are lost messages, miscommunications and misunderstandings that all shape their story. At times I wanted to slap either one or both of them and tell them to get their act together!

I love how well they play off each other, can read each other so well after knowing each other for such a short time. They are smart, witty, sexy, funny, they made me LOL and made my heart break for them. I loved how they are normal - so many books these days either one or the other of the main characters are so over the top that there is no way any of us would know them in real life, but with Kellan and Cherry, they could be our friends or work colleagues.

I also would love to know more about Trace, Cherry's business partner and oldest friend. I would love to go back through their friendship to see how they got to where they are today.

And then there is Jasper, the new business partner. I think we NEED to know more about him!

I completely enjoyed every last word of Cherry Tart, and look forward to reading more of Scarlett Jade's work.