
King of Hearts by L.H. Cosway

cokdramatic's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

digitlchic's review

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iztheliz's review against another edition

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I've love this whole series!

abnieszka's review against another edition

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So far this one was the weakest. Romance part was ok, but criminal - not so much. He was important witness and they let him just disappear? They didn't connect him to his sister and circus? His mother didn't hire some top shelf detectives? And his alcoholism - he just needed love of his life and few weeks and he is fine? I don't buy it. Where is therapy? Rehab? Some AA meetings? I know it's romance and fairytale, but I'm still angry about that part of a story.

kayla_llbr's review against another edition

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"I fear if I made you my Queen, I could no longer be King."

L.H. Cosway is one of my go-to authors when it comes to stories that make me laugh, cry, and feel really good by the time I finish. They characters are unique, cheeky, and never fail to pull my heartstrings. After reading and loving the past two books in the Hearts series I was anxious about Oliver's. As we all know from reading the previous books, Oliver AKA King is in a bad place. But he wasn't always that sad alcoholic we've come to know. King of Hearts takes place about 5 years prior to the current events in Hearts of Fire and although I was hesitant about wanting to read a story about this sad and sick man, I can gladly say that my fears were completely unfounded. Kings of Hearts is a beautiful story about love, redemption, and courage.

“Sometimes we see someone and they just suit us. They’re beautiful to us in every way. You’re that person to me.”

Despite the heavy and sad undertone that I had going into this novel, it was surprisingly funny and ridiculously sweet! As with most of her characters, Alexis and King have this epic attraction from the beginning. The banter between them was equal parts naughty, hilarious, and yet vulnerable. It was so easy to see how easily these two fell for one another so early on. Of course, in the back of my mind I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop and the warning signs of what was to come for Oliver were hard to ignore. It was especially hard to see how Oliver's drinking was progressing through Alexis's eyes. You can see just how easily it is for him to use alcohol as a coping mechanism. But even knowing what kind of road Oliver was following it still didn't prepare me for the twist in this story.

“I never stopped loving you, not even in my darkest hour."

My only hesitation with giving this a full 5 star rating was due to a few issues.
SpoilerI get that King was extremely shaken up by the confrontation between him and his father (especially believing that his mother was dead) but the fact that he ran away and just never ever dealt with it until Alexis found him was just bizarre. I also was a bit put off by the revelation that Alexis was pregnant. I usually love these types of twists but for some reason this one felt a bit predictable.
But overall, I really enjoyed this story and I especially enjoyed how I felt after I finished reading. It was one of those stories that make you believe in love and forgiveness.

4 stars!

seffra's review against another edition

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5+ stars!!!

Meet my Oliver King:
Meet my Alexis Clark:






As soon as I read the first word of this book, I knew I was going to love it. I loved the dynamic between King and Alexis, their chemistry was so intense and I swear it burned off those pages!


Their banter, chess games and even her little 'white' lie of batting for the same team! Her little snarky comments caught her in a situation that she couldn't get out of and I LAUGHED AND LAUGHED AND LAUGHED!

BOOOOYYYY OH BOOOOOYYY! When he found out that she wasn't a lesbian, wooooooooohhhh! It was HAWT!


I loved them so much but once the game changed and the book picks up 6 years later, I loved them even more!


Their relationship was still explosive and such a beautiful thing.

Spoiler There was just ONE thing that I found a little iffy about and that was the lack of anger that Alexis had when she found King again was a little bit questionable. I thought about it and I know it was down to her not wanting him to hate himself more for what happened. King's transformation from an alcoholic to a sober individual was surprisingly easy and I expected him to have some setbacks but he didn't. Again, I thought this through and I think it could be pinned down to the love he was surrounded in.

I loved this book and I honestly don't have the proper words to share my love! I'm so happy I decided to give this series another go after about a year of reading the second one!

greatbutuseless's review against another edition

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This book completely took me by surprise and was absolutely lovely.

amor_fati's review

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Love this! King was such a mystery before and I instantly fell in love with him in this book. His story is woven with such heartache and redemption, that by the end I was just left with such so many feels. It was perfection.

mandy_pandy's review against another edition

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I LOVED this book! This was such an emotional, beautiful, heart-breaking and powerful love story. I couldn't wait for King's story to be told after meeting him in Hearts of Fire and it did NOT disappoint. This book had some of the best build up and sexual tension I have ever read. Alexis is one of my very favorite heroines ever -she's funny, smart, curvy and she has such a good heart. This story made me laugh and made me cry - it was an emotional roller coaster. I LOVED this book so much and can't wait to read what this author writes next! Fantastic!!!!

lara_ghr's review against another edition

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Inhalt: Welcome to the City, London’s most prestigious square mile, where finance reigns and Oliver King is a rising prince.
I used to rule the world. There might be wolves on Wall Street, but there were crocodiles in Canary Wharf. Some of us craved money. Some of us craved power.
I liked money, and power had its advantages, but what I really wanted was to excel, to surpass the men who came before me. I never cared much for love and romance until I met Alexis.
I could feel it the very moment she walked into the interview, with her outspoken charm and vivacious personality. She cast all the others in shadow, made me laugh when life held no humour. Our friendship should have remained professional, but it wasn’t long before the lines started to blur.
You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Well, I never foresaw where my plans would lead, and only in my darkest hour did I finally see the light…
You can have all the money and prestige in the world and still be the poorest man alive. And love, well, I hate to use a tired old cliché, but love can be the thing that truly sets you free.

Rezension: Diesen Roman habe ich in meiner New-Adult-Phase gelesen, weil ich immer noch auf der Suche nach dem einen besonderen Buch dieses Genres bin. King of Hearts beweist jedoch, dass dieses Genre wohl nie zu meinen präferierten zählen wird, vielleicht weil es keinen Tiefgang zulassen kann, vielleicht weil ich einfach nicht darauf anspreche.
King of Hearts ist eines der Bücher, an die ich keine Erwartungen gehegt habe, die aber in der ersten Hälfte gut und in der zweiten miserabel sind. Beginnen wir mit Alexis, der Hautprotagonistin, mit der ich mich in feinster Weise identifizieren konnte, sie war mir als Figur egal. Oliver hingegen fand ich sehr interessant, da er das Gefühl vermittelt, es könnte mehr hinter seiner Fassade stecken. Soweit so gut.
Das Story nimmt jedoch mitten im Buch eine tragische Wendung, und ich verstehe nichts mehr, kann weder Handlungen der Figuren nachvollziehen, noch macht die Story einen Sinn. Ab diesem Punkt wird die Geschichte melancholisch und nimmt sich viel zu ernst, was ich mir ja eigentlich in diesem Genre gewünscht hatte, aber die Art und Weise wie dies geschieht, ist einfach lächerlich.

Fazit: Dieses Buch ist keine Enttäuschung, denn ich wusste ja worauf ich mich einlasse, aber dennoch rate ich von King of Hearts ab.