kellylynnthomas's review

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A series that, like "Infinities", explores "what if?" It allows the authors and artists some license to be creative without having to worry about continuity. There are some truly moving stories in "Tales," such as the one about the stormtrooper who has to take point when they board the Tantive IV, and the Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul duel, and the story that shows Vader with 3PO on Cloud City during "Empire".

wyrmbergmalcolm's review

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Planet of the Dead
What?: Han and Chewie land on a planet where they are haunted by the dead.
When?: Before A New Hope
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A nice ghost story that hits the usual ghost story beats.
All For You
What?: A group of farmers gain possession of a Jedi holocron but dispute what to do about it.
When?: During the Sith War
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Reminded me of the graphic novel Jedi vs. Sith with its art style and violence.
Phantom Menaces
What?: Luke is attacked by a holographic Darth Maul
When?: During the New Republic
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Another story dealing with the possible resurrection of Darth Maul. This one does it a little differently.
Ghosts of Hoth
What?: While working on the Millennium Falcon in Echo Base, Chewbacca is haunted by ghosts leading him to discover a nearby Wampa cave
When?: Before the Empire Strikes Back
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: In an early draft of the film there was an entire sub-plot involving wampas in Echo Base. This story is inspired by that. Another standard ghost story.
The Apprentice
What?: A Sith lord's apprentice finds his position put into question when he rescues a slave.
When?: During the Old Republic
Could be Canon?: Yes (confirmed)
Thoughts: A small story with a lot going on. Great stuff.
Dark Journey
What?: A Jedi in on the trail of a serial killer.
When?: During the Clone Wars
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Tonally very different from everything else in the Tales stories so far, this is dark and grim with an art style to match. Great stuff.
Number Two In The Galaxy
What?: A rival bounty hunter attempts to take Boba Fett's gear and take his place in the number one spot.
When?: During the Empire or New Republic
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: The phrase " you're nothing without the suit you shouldn't have it" comes to mind.
What?: Boba Fett is given another assignment that isn't what it seems.
When?: During the Empire or New Republic
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Just how badass is Boba Fett? This badass, that's how. Great artwork!
Being Boba Fett
What?: Boba Fett deals with the fact that every time he looks in the mirror he sees his father's face.
When?: During the Empire or New Republic
Could be Canon?: Yes (confirmed)
Thoughts: An aspect of Boba Fett I've not seen explored anywhere else. Nice.
The Way Of The Warrior
What?: A young Boba Fett goes on his first hunt with his father.
When?: Before Attack Of The Clones
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A nice story showing a father-son bonding in the only way Mandalorians can.
What?: Han Solo is hunted by Boba Fett who keeps coming no matter what Han throws at him.
When?: After Return of The Jedi
Could be Canon?: Yes (confirmed)
Thoughts: Nice and action-packed that puts Han's and Boba's relationship on a whole new level. Fantastic!
Collapsing New Empires
What?: Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie and the droids encounter a sinister force in space.
When?: After Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Some cool ideas here with a good story.
The Value of Proper Intelligence to Any Successful Military Campaign is Not to Be Underestimated
What?: An Imperial force lays claim to a planet inhabited by diminutive farmers.
When?: During the Empire
Could be Canon?: Yes (confirmed)
Thoughts: A short, two-page story that's brilliantly illustrated and funny.
Rather Darkness Visible
What?: Two Jedi discover and undercover cloning facility.
When?: The Clone Wars
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Another short adventure of the Clone Wars. It was okay, but with unknown Jedi the outcome was pretty much expected.
The Rebel Club
What?: A parody of The Breakfast Club, Star Wars style.
When?: During the Rebellion
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: This is a bizarre choice of parody, but a lot of fun and some appropriate artwork.
The Lost Lightsaber
What?: This is the story of Luke's lightsaber after he loses it on Bespin
When?: After The Empire Strikes back and beyond
Could be Canon?: No - see the Thrawn trilogy
Thoughts: This is a nice alternative timeline for Anakin's lightsaber that far surpasses that rubbish that Disney spewed out. I particularly like who turns up to claim it.
Into the Great Unknown
What?: Han and Chewie crash land on Earth.
When?: After Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: This was a lot of fun. Topped off by another Harrison Ford character turning up years later to investigate the mysterious ruins guarded by a Sasquatch.
What?: Two members of a race being racially cleansed by a rival race (resembling stormtroopers) escape and find the remains of C-3PO who tells them an ancient story of a great rebellion.
When?: A long time after Return of the Jedi
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: A grim and violent setting coupled with the feeling of a great passage of time sees the end of things, and a new beginning. This is perhaps where Disney should have based their new stories on.
George R. Binks
What?: Jar Jar Binks' long-suffering father belatedly finds out why it's not a good idea to bring his idiot son whaling.
When?: Before The Phantom Menace
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Done in the style and era of Moby Dick this story plays on the idiocy of Jar Jar Binks' character. Silly, yet pointless.
Who's Your Daddy
What?: Darth Vader prepares to meet his son for the first time.
When?: During the Empire Strikes Back
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Done in the style of a comic strip, this joke is far too long for what it is.
Fred Jawa
What?: Some moisture farmers find they may be saved from Jawa 'bargains' when a Jawa solicitor appears to betray his kind.
When?: Anytime
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Full of amusing gags and artwork, this was a lot of fun.
Luke Skywalker: Detective
What?: Luke's framed for murdering a rival.
When?: Before A New Hope
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: An odd story for Luke that would have better suited a freshly invented character. The story was okay though.
Hunger Pains
What?: A wampa strives to feed his children
When?: The Empire Strikes Back
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: A retelling of Luke's wampa encounter from the point of view of the wampa.
Failing Up With Jar Jar Binks
What?: Now as a senator, the incompetent and idiotic Jar Jar Binks causes chaos in the galaxy.
When?: Revenge Of The Sith
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Though partially responsible for Palpatine's emergency powers, this overly-caricatured portrayal is just over-the-top.
Nobody's Perfect
What?: Anakin admits to his fiance some of his other atrocities.
When?: Attack Of The Clones
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: This is a fun continuation on Padme's nonplussed response to Anakan's admission that he slaughtered an entire tribe of Sandpeople.
Problem Solvers
What?: Han and Threepio are left in charge of fixing some of the New Republic's problems, with disastrous results.
When?: After Return Of The Jedi
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Another daft story taking certain character aspects to the extreme. This one was so ridiculous, it forgot to be funny.
Melvin Fett
What?: Boba Fett's cousin is a dim-wit.
When?: Whenever
Could be Canon?: No
Thoughts: Just dumb
Young Lando Calrissian
What?: Lando poses as a Jedi to gain a reward for ridding a tribal village from the terrors of a rancor.
When?: Before A New Hope
Could be Canon?: Yes
Thoughts: Lando's always pulling some scam, and this one is entirely plausible, even if the Jedi were pretty much extinct at this time. A fun story though.
Final thoughts: This volume was more of a mixed bag with a lot more sub-standard stories than in previous volumes. There are still plenty of good nuggets in here, but they overshadowed by the weaker stories.