
King of the Dark by Ariana Nash

magicalflails's review against another edition

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I read this book in its entirety, waiting for payoff that never came. There is little logic in this book. Characters act and react in ways that aren't consistent and don't make sense based on what the author has told us about them. It's like those mysteries where the reader is given only red herrings and/or inaccurate information. It's not clever--it's just bad writing.
For example, Niko is a blacksmith's son who became a soldier but behaves like a noble. He has a knee-jerk negative reaction to being given orders, which doesn't make sense given the whole soldier thing, and calls all the royals he encounters by their first name only (i.e. no titles) even when he's a slave. He has a deep, violent hatred for the royal family yet stands up for Vasili and does nice things for him even when he doesn't have to and kind of wants to murder Vasili himself. Why? There's no point asking why in this book. Things just...happen. Characters switch personalities entirely. Danger appears out of nowhere then disappears just as suddenly. Information is teased for ages then suddenly just handed over for no reason. I don't generally write negative reviews even when I don't like something, but this story made me genuinely mad.
Author, I do hope you continue to write and I respectfully suggest you work on characterization--heavily. The best way to get better at something is to practice, so continue writing stories and trying to learn how to make real-seeming characters. I look forward to what you will create.

jg1987's review against another edition

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4 Stars

A strong start to an exciting series. [b:King of the Dark|54359996|King of the Dark (The Prince's Assassin #1)|Ariana Nash||82435466] has some great world building that is not heavy and provides just enough info to paint a clear picture for the reader. I liked Niko enough, and found Vasili very intriguing, even though he is a bit of a villain with unclear motives throughout the novel. I did not expect the Julian storyline to go the way it did, and am always pleasantly surprised when a plot twist like that catches me unawares. Overall this was a very enjoyable fist installment in what is likely going to be a thoroughly entertaining series. I am very eager to see what happens to our reluctant assassin in the next book.

paz_books's review against another edition

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5/5, without a doubt.

“We have other means of deterring attackers.” “Your personality?” Niko mumbled.

The world building is absolutely immaculate; I love how high fantasy and intense it is. Niko, our main character, really hooked me in. His past is so interesting- and even more so fascinating is the way he thinks, which is completely different to me and yet completely understandable.

As spoiler free as I can say this... a certain plot twist absolutely wrecked me- from a spoiler I read, I assumed a X just died, but no... it was worse. There are, without a doubt, some gruesome and horrible scenes in this book so please read the full trigger warnings if you're interested, but these were still handled in a tactful/plot-driven way. I have seen a lot of comparison to Captive Prince, which is honestly pretty accurate, so if you liked that series then 100% check this one out too.

In all, I adored seeing how unique these characters were, adored the plot, the secrets, the politics, the world, the writing and honestly everything about this. It was so well structured and emotionally driven. I started the second installment straight away.

emilylovesbooks94's review against another edition

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To say this story kept me on my toes is an understatement. Niko's journey took me deep into the complicated dynamics of the Caville family and carried me away on a heart-pounding and captivating adventure. Between Niko, Prince Vasili, and Julian, I never had a moment's rest from trying to figure out these men's motivations. Every time I thought I had a handle on them, something would happen to totally shake the foundation of my knowledge. It was thrilling to let myself be swept away in the urgency of Niko's actions and try to piece together information along the way. Some of the details were downright harrowing to uncover, but for every painful, heartwrenching discovery I was equally fascinated by how it shaped the way these men behaved. The level of trickery and deception in this story was unreal, and I loved how it forced me to stay laser focused on what was going on so I didn't miss anything. Even with my fullest attention I still didn't see any of the big plot points coming, and there was something exciting about knowing that there weren't any limits to what this author would make these men endure. The romance in this story, if you can even call it a romance, wasn't central to everything else going on but did make for a refreshing reprieve from the rest of action. While Niko did conquer some of his enemies in a satisfying way, there's no doubt that this storyline is far from finished. The Caville's have so many more secrets to be uncovered, and I can't wait to see how Niko gets involved next.

**I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. This review expresses my honest thoughts and opinions. 

sara11_reads's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. May update depending on where this series ends up. It definitely has Captive Prince vibes at the beginning but goes in a different direction eventually. Loved Vasili's character, but unfortunately the POV character, Niko, comes off as kind of an idiot. I get that he's supposed to be the honest, forthright soldier but ugh, some common sense would be nice. Hope he gets smarter in future books.

pilgrimgossip's review against another edition

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Is this series just another"Captive Prince" clone?

Ok, I noticed a few similarities to captive prince, mostly between the actual princes of both books. On the surface, they both come across as treacherous and cruel. Both prince's are almost asexual on the surface, especially compared to those around them. There's the rumor going around that neither one of them have dicks. They are both cold fuckers. Icey cold. And I believe they may share similar physical characteristics. I could go on, but really it doesn't matter. This book is awesome and it's unlike "Captive Prince" in every other way. Plus with " King of the Dark" you don't have to wait a couple of books before things start to get spicy.

If you are thinking about reading this stop reading other reviews now and just do it or you are going to get spoilers that will take away from some jaw dropping revelations that make this such a great read. The entire climax was giving me everything I needed. In fact the last 20% of this book are so good I would recommend reading just for that.

shintaf's review against another edition

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dark magic, assassin, slow-burn with captor/captive romance, intriguing plot and amazing world building, definitely something I shouldn't pick up but what do you expect from me anyway.

vanashke's review

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I mean, I finished it! The story interesting but needed more depth, and the sentence level craft was missing in a big way. In my opinion, the pitch yourself as GoT adjacent, much more work needs to go into the political machinations. 

sinamile's review against another edition

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CW/TW: war, death, graphic description of blood, slavery, imprisonment, graphic description of torture, lashing/whipping, ableist slurs, corruption, sex work, gore, PTSD, anxiety/anxiety disorder, starvation, physical abuse, vomiting, graphic description of violence, sexual content, sexual assault/rape, knife/knife violence, mention of pedophilia, suicide, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, attempted rape, drug abuse, drug addiction, animal death, animal torture, orgies, unconcerned voyeurism, poisoning, attempted murder, drug overdose, incest, unconsented kissing, unconsented touching, untreated trauma, kidnapping, child death, fire

I have a lot to say, but for all I can say is holy wow!

ahoeft09's review against another edition

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I have been bereft of proper enemies to lovers stories since I finished the Captive Prince trilogy ages ago. *THIS* book finally, finally scratched that itch! Haven't read Ariana Nash's work before, but it felt very tight compared to other self-published books I've read. Not much excess, and Niko's character development (and the others') was solid. Loved Vasili's complexities. Genuinely enjoyed this book and will be starting the next one immediately.