
Living with Fire by Devika Fernando

indywrites's review

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Living with Fire is full of magic and a rocking finale to the fire trilogy. It is filled with lots of sparks, passion pumping emotions and fueled by the desire to embrace the fire. If you have read any of the fire books you would know that Felicia might be quite and gentle but she is no pushover, she knows her mind and it is not different in this book.

As she struggles to find her balance and place in the grand scheme of things she learns more about her powers and inner strength, growing like the ever present fire inside her. I had the honor to beta read this book and I found the story line moving smoothly, answering the questions of book 2 and bringing it all together in a sparkling finale!

The book explores more about her feelings for Joshua as well as Kyle as she matures and accepts her fire magic and the responsibility that comes with it. Joshua, the Ice wizard feels the pull equally like both Felicia and Kyle. What started as a quest to find a peaceful place to live turned into a life and death situation as the volcanoes beckon and the Ice instructs!

The book unveils all the secrets and why the natural disasters are taking place. As Mother Nature burns so does the passion between Felicia, Kyle and Joshua. It is almost a love triangle and then some more. Each of them try to find their own hidden magic and try to hold on to each other as well. The land is falling apart and so are their lives.

All this and lots more and how can we forget the fire boy Kyle? Kyle and his motivation, what makes him tick and why he wishes to be with Felicia is revealed. He burns up the pages with his presence and even Felicia is not spared!

I enjoyed reading this book since all the secrets were revealed and the magic demystified. This book had me totally absorbed in the love story as well as the magic. Fire destroys; Ice freezes but how they can strike a balance? Can Felicia and Joshua find each other in this madness? Will the world survive their love story?

Living with Fire answers all these questions and made me fall in love with Joshua, again!! I was already a big fan of his and now I am totally floored by his icy cool, calm reserve and to die for looks. A book that made me a fan of a different kind of paranormal, Mother Nature and it magic! Pick it for some fiery fun!

( © I received a copy of the book from the author, I beta read the book and the review is my own honest view.)