
The Visitor by Amanda Stevens

yodamom's review

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"Watch Your Back Graveyard Queen"
Amelia, is chased, frightened, hurt, tricked, and lied to. Her history is catching up to her faster than she is ready to for, and she is evolving. Everything she thought she knew is about to change forever. Amelia's road is full of darkness and death.
Cleaning out the storage under her house an item is found that sets her on a journey to find the truth behind an image that looks like her. Her restoration business gives her an in to help solve the mystery of a cult mass suicide and her own history. The family that owns the graveyard are something to see, freaky, creepy and dangerous. One of them has a deep relationship with bees, one with cloves, and the other is just creepy by association. I will never enjoy cloves scented things again, thanks Ms. Stevens.
There are bugs, nasty ones, mazes, rusted gates, creaking floor boards, tinkling keys and did I tell you about the bugs ? EEEEKKKK ! Okay I have a bit of an exoskeleton phobia and there are plenty in these pages. Wait till you get to the book marker switch !

Devlin, her man is not the same. If you read the last book you know he had a major event happen, well he's not okay. That isn't all that is up with him, he has a Grandfather who is demanding something of him. Big change here folks, BIG.

I loved this fourth book in the series, they just get better and better. Instead of following along the same road it had been traveling this one took a wild left snap to the left then spun around and wiggled a bit more. The southern gothic style was amazing as always, the pacing just right with not a dull page in the book. One complaint, I don't have the next book, yet.

Provided by Netgalley for an honest review

uutopicaa's review

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Existen libros que son tan malos que los quiero abandonar en la página 10; tambien hay libros que son tan fáciles de leer que en un par de horas los termino. Existen libros que tardo meses en llegar al final o que hasta me salteo algunas páginas.
Y finalmente, hay libros como los de Amanda Stevens que una vez que los agarro, no los puedo dejar hasta terminarlos, sin importar cuánto me tarde.
Empecé a leer este libro ayer a eso de las 7pm, y lo terminé hoy a las 4:30AM. No me detuve ni para ir al baño.
Hay muy pocos escritores que logran eso es mí: Amanda Stevens, Laini Taylor y Agatha Christie.

Este libro NO ES el mejor de la saga, pero es espectacular. Algunos giros son muy predecibles, pero creo que eso se debe a que el lector ya conoce gran parte de la historia de la protagonista.

Como siempre, THE VISITOR mezcla lo mejor de los policiales clásicos (sin toda esa aparatosidad del estilo CSI) con lo paranormal (desde un punto de vista que es casi mitológico) y le da una pisca de romance. No demasiado, el amor no se traga la historia sino que está allí como punto de apoyo, como si quisiera darle cierto realismo a la trama diciéndonos "y en la vida la gente también se enamora, no todo es fantasmas y muertes".
Me encantó.

Los pocos puntos en contra son estéticos. Esta tapa no combina con todas las anteriores de la saga. Y el formato "de bolsillo" que todos los libros de Amanda Stevens tienen hace que me duelan las manos por el esfuerzo que es mantener el libro abierto por varias horas. Además, se arruina muy fácil.

mstapel's review

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I love Amanda Stevens and especially Amelia Gray. The Graveyard Queen Series has been a twisting and turning ride following a cemetery restorer as she does her best to live an ordinary life and manage her ability to see the dead. Her adoptive father, also has the gift, has established a set of rules to keep her safe, but these commandments aren't as simple to follow.

The Visitor was another triumph in the turbulent, intense essence that is Amelia Gray. The story line is gripping, adventurous and tragic all at the same time. Her devotion to John Devlin is tested as she investigates her expanding abilities and a long forgotten cemetery which holds the final resting place of a great local tragedy shrouded in mystery with an enigmatic pull that she simply cannot ignore. Another fantastic installation from Amanda Stevens that makes me salivate for another!

sandygx260's review

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This is a vastly disappointing entry in this series. All I can say if Devlin is out of the series, hurrah for that plot change. The gooey romantic descriptions harmed my sugar levels and transformed our intriped Amelia Gray into a cliche.

Stevens amped up the sappy romance too much for my liking at the expense of the supernatural scares. How sad.

bookish_caprice's review against another edition

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It’s not the first time I’m amazed by the writing style of Amanda Stevens that can create an atmospheric setting with chilling undertones that keeps the heart pounding and the sweet love story at the same time.
The Graveyard Queen has it all. I’m surprised it’s not a well known series because they are definitely great!

pachypedia's review against another edition

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Me daba un poco de cosa empezar este libro, porque ya hacía unos años que había leído los tres primeros, pero la verdad es que me ha sorprendido para bien. No recordaba que los anteriores me hubieran puesto los pelos de punta, pero sin duda algunas escenas de éste sí lo han conseguido. Ahora bien, no me parece un final de la historia de Amelia y su policía, si no todo lo contrario.

blodeuedd's review

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It has been 3 years since the last book and how I have missed this series. I like the eerie feel to it, I would not call it horror. It doesn't give me any chills, but it's a nice southern Gothic mystery.

Amelia is haunted by things that happened in book 3. But at least she has Devlin now..but alas he has secrets, and I would love to get to the bottom of those secrets. Maybe in the next book. He is just so, no this is not real.

The mystery to solve is what happened to Ezra Kroll and the people in the colony. And why is she getting dragged to solving that by something she can not control? Ohhh, nice, oh those ghosts. Amelia does not have it easy, there are things after her, it gets dark, it gets suspenseful, and the secrets never stop coming.

This is a great series, and you should totally read it.

amibunk's review against another edition

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Here we go again.
A few years ago I vowed never to read another book by Amanda Stevens. And then, in a moment of literary desperation, I caved and broke that vow. And I don't have a lot of regrets about that.
Don't get me wrong, there is a lot that irritated me about this fourth installment in the Graveyard Queen series. We spend far too much time in Amelia's head. So much time...eons of time. Basically, a galactic vastness of time is spent inside the head of a character who cannot stop fretting about breaking her Papa's rules concerning supernatural entities or the growing distance between her and John Devlin.
As a result, there is sparse dialogue and little action until we get to the end of the novel. I adore good dialogue and I enjoy some fast paced action, so this was all negative in my opinion. On the other hand, I thought to myself many times that this book would make an excellent drinking game- take a shot every time Amelia laments "the growing gulf" between her and John or whenever she mentions her Papa's rules. However, all the readers would probably end up with alcohol poisoning.
So why don't I regret reading this book? Because it scared the absolute pants off of me- such creepiness! Such suspense! Haunted graveyards, dark cellars, things crawling through house walls-so freaky.
If a book can make me cower under a blanket while I read it, I would call that a success. So even thoughI do not appreciate Amanda Steven's writing, I will read her books when they deliver on the scare factor.

leslie_turner0121's review against another edition

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I think the author has an affinity to the words lush, exotic, ephemeral, nape, and niggling. If you made a drinking game of taking a shot anytime any of those words were used, you'd be dead from alcohol poisoning in one chapter alone! Because she has overused those words so much in this series, they are now on my words-never-to-use list, along with moist. Bleh!!!

elvenavari's review against another edition

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3.5/3.75 stars. I honestly don’t know how to feel about this book. Overall, the atmosphere and the details were spot on. The characters though? Very lack luster. All her life, Amelia has followed the rules in relation to ghosts laud down by her Papa. But with the last two books, and especially this one, she throws one rule out the window after the other. And Devlin? Boy was he flat this time around. I felt nothing when it came to his and Amelia’s relationship other than boredom.

I think I will continue the series because I am interested to see where this goes...but I’m not in a rush to do so.