
The Fuse #3 by Antony Johnston

lacifaeria's review

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Y'know, I didn't expect to like this, but I totally do and I'm still behind but I'll catch up soon. Ok so this is another recommendation from the cats at the local shop. And of course, I like it.

Check it:
- It's a buddy cop procedural
- It takes place on this enormous ship in space. SPACE!!!
- The grizzled elder half of the buddy cop pair is a middle-aged, tough as nails, broad. Not lady. Broad.
- The younger half is a young over-achieving black man who requested to be on that detail as head of his class
- Did I mention the fact that they speak German? Now I did. They speak friggin' German.
- Alternate history timeline. Say word.
- Political corruption and general malaise in a hyperpopulated environment.

And that's all in the first issue. So it makes sense that I added it to my bin and can't wait for #4, which I'll grab my next time there.

Totally didn't really expect to dig this as much as I do, but I do. ^.^