
The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows

mikrokosm0s's review

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Maaaaybe 3.5

hannahhhhh's review

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i loved this?? total surprise, definitely here for it

jackiestone's review

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This was great. Fun, sweet, ROMANTIC, and magical. I can't wait for the next book.
I highly recommend it.

alisarae's review

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The writing quality brings me pains, but now I have to know what happens next.

paperbackjedi's review

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catholicamanda's review

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Wilhelmina (Wil) is the heir to the kingdom of Aecor. Aecor fell to the Indigo Kingdom ten years ago. Now Wil lives with the other highborn orphans of the One Night War. Patrick, the oldest and self-appointed leader, was the one to save the orphans from the orphanage and train them to be soldiers.

Wil, the future queen of Aecor, has her own secrets. She has magic. Magic has been outlawed since the wraith formed one hundred years ago. If her magic is discovered, it would be just about as bad as if her true identity had been discovered. Wil has many reasons to keep her secrets.

Wil and Melanie gain entrance into the castle by pretending to be Liadian nobility fleeing the wraith that destroyed their home. As Lady Juliana, Duchess of Liadia, and her friend Lady Melanie, the two enter the castle with strict instructions from Patrick for their time there. They are to discover information that will help them take back their own kingdom. They are not to get too friendly with their enemy, Prince Tobiah of the Indigo Kingdom.

During this time, Wil is having run-ins with the vigilante called Black Knife. Black Knife fights wraith beasts, hunts criminals, and turns in magic users. Since Wil is two of those, she has good reason to avoid him. But he keep turning up and Wil isn’t sure what to make of it.

There are still some questions I have about this world that were left unanswered. The main question is how on earth magic use can produce/feed the wraith? The only explanation given in the book is a hypothesis some of the characters hold. To me, that can’t possibly be the real reason but I’m not sure since we don’t know more.

I have to say that some of the twists weren’t all that surprising. I definitely had some guesses about some things early on that turned out to be correct by the end of the book.

All this said, I cannot wait to read The Mirror King and I hope it answers some questions regarding the wraith. Plus, after that ending, there has to be more.

This review first appeared at Orandi et Legendi.

novelheartbeat's review

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Sadly I didn't quite love this one like everyone else did. I do see the appeal, but the lack of connection to the story killed it for me. *sobs* I wanted so badly to love it, but I just didn't.

It was still a beautiful story, though - Jodi Meadows rocks at creating unique and intriguing worlds! I loved the magical aspect of the story, and the concept of the Wraith was pretty cool. That was definitely the selling part of this story. The Wraithland was my favorite part!

James and Black Knife were the only characters I really cared about. I couldn't connect to Wil and I didn't care about any of the Ospreys. But I kind of loved Black Knife! I felt an attachment to him from the beginning, an attachment that I didn't feel for any of the other characters. (Except for James. I think he was my favorite!)
SpoilerI wanted Black Knife to be James so, SO bad!! It kind of ruined it for me when I found out it was Tobiah because I didn't like him at all as the prince. 
Learning Black Knife's true identity killed some of the mystery and intrigue surrounding him, and some of my affection was lost I'm afraid. It makes me really sad :(

I did like the fact that Tobiah and Wil kind of shaped each others' childhoods. She says at one point that his kindness toward her when she was younger had kept her human over the years. Then later, he says that she thought he was worthy of saving - so he strived to live up to that. That dynamic was very interesting!

I enjoyed the idea, but the lack of feeling on my part ruined it for me. I was also underwhelmed by the ending that everyone was RAVING about.
SpoilerI mean, I see where they're coming from, but I just didn't care that Tobiah was "dying." I know he's not going to die, so it's not much of a cliffhanger for me. I cared much more when James was shot! If James had been the one dying at the end of the story instead of Tobiah, then I probably would have been as outraged as everyone else, ha.
The story was good, but not memorable. It won't stick in my head, I'm afraid. And this makes me really upset! I really enjoyed Incarnate and Jodi is an awesome person. It seriously sucks that this one didn't meet my expectations. I will definitely still read The Mirror King, though!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.

lilliannor's review

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WHAT KIND OF CLIFFHANGER WAS THAT???? YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HANGING I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. I WAS GONNA GIVE THIS BOOK SIX STARS BUT I'M TAKING ONE AWAY FOR THAT CLIFFHANGER. Yes I know I'm typing in all caps I'm ANGRY. But besides the fact of me needing to know what happens that cliffhanger was awesome. Like the best one I've ever read. Also I actually shipped Wil and James in the beginning because I loved how they went back and forth but I was CAPTURED by the Wil and Tobiah romance that was so amazingly written. Also also what's up with lil white creepy dude, I so affectionately decided to call the wraith that, he seems to have teamed up with Patrick???

ladyknightmeg's review

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I want to begin by stating that I am not usually very critical of books. That being said, if I could describe this book in one word, it would be "disappointing."

I had very high hopes for this book. After reading a synopsis and reviews that touted it as a thrilling tale of an orphan princess who acts as a clever spy in order to win back her kingdom, I had it pre-ordered and ready to go!

What this was not: Thrilling

What the main character was not: Clever - in fact it seemed that any success that she had in uncovering anything was pure luck. Most of the things she did were impulsive and poorly thought-out.

I can see why one might find this book to be interesting. If one has not read copious amounts of amazing fantasy books prior to this one.

What I liked.

The author's writing style. Meadows has a very easygoing writing style with a good use of descriptors and vocabulary. I could easily imagine each setting and character. The descriptions were just enough without being overdone.

The world. The fantasy world in which the book takes place is an interesting one, and because Meadows was good at describing it and forming it for the reader, I had no problem picturing geographical locations in my mind. I also liked the whole magic is illegal thing and the wraith reminded me a bit of pollution as a result of overuse of fossil fuels. Interesting and new concept to use with magic for sure.

No overpowering romance. I struggle sometimes when there is too much romance and not enough other-action in books. This book had a little sprinkling that was just enough to satisfy my girlish wants, but not so much that I wanted to yell at the characters and be like "Um hellooooo there are very bad, very important things going on and you should probably come up for air so that you can attend to them."

What I did not like.

PLOT HOLES! PLOT HOLES EVERYWHERE! Really, some of the things that occurred in this book were just not believable at all. I spent most of my time questioning events as they occurred. For example
SpoilerWe find out at the end that Chey knew that Wilhelmina was not Julianna the entire time, but didn't bother to mention that to anyone for, what? Two months? Even if you were waiting for "proof". Come on. Or the fact that when Wil decides to go to the wraithland and disappears for three weeks, no one acts on the fact that it is WAY TOO FREAKING SUSPICIOUS that she has been sick this entire time and cannot be seen. Terrible excuse. But apparently this palace is just full of dimwits.Sigh.

Nothing surprised me. I was never sitting there like "OH MY GOSH MY MIND IS BLOWN." Which is of course not required, but when you have a mysterious, masked character, you do not want him to be who you suspect him to be.
SpoilerThere was a small part where Meadows had me thinking that maybe James was Black Knife instead of Tobiah who I had suspected from the get go, and during that brief time I just kept thinking about how it wasn't even plausible for the prince's bodyguard to be gallivanting about the city in a black suit. But then it ended up being Tobiah anyway so I was just able to continue to be not surprised.

I felt like I didn't know most of the characters well enough. We met some characters very briefly at the balls where not much of anything happens. I guess perhaps the book could have been longer to include a bit more. There was a lot going on, and perhaps not enough detail.

Basically, I would not recommend this book to anyone who has read oodles of wonderful fantasy novels like I have. If you don't read a lot of fantasy and are looking for a quick, easy read then perhaps. Clearly a lot of people have enjoyed this book, but I just wanted to present the facts as I see them.

miloulou's review

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15% so all the names are either super fantasy/fan fic type names (house of unicorn? skyvale? really? they sound like a name generator made it up) or modern sounding like Patrick. it's jarring when there's no consistency. also, why is it that the first women Wil (her name is also awful) encounters at the castle try and put her in her place? seems over the top and cartoony to me. also, there was a really awful infodump with two boys literally reciting a history lesson of their shared history.

also, one night war? I'm pretty sured that'd be considered a battle, or more attack, or conquering.

final thoughts: so the only tolerable scenes in the novel were with the black knife, and of course that gets ruined because of the reveal. I skimmed through every other scene. yawn.