
Dead of Night by James Agee Jr.

becsa's review

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Christoph Vasile's family owns a funeral home in Fredericton, Virginia which is perfect for the family of vampires. They do what they can to stay under the radar and sometimes get assistance with bodies from their friend Vlad.

Talia Braxton's grandpa has just died and had his funeral at Vasile's Funeral Home. She meets Christoph and is intrigued by him and wants to get to know him better.

But for Talia and Christoph danger lurks as someone else is interested in Talia and will do whatever it takes to make her his or not allow her to be with anyone else. Can Christoph keep Talia safe?

This was a super interesting book and I loved seeing the two different worlds come together. I kind of had a feeling how everything would turn out and I wasn't disappointed.

I liked how Christoph's family tried to live almost in the shadows of Frederickton but at the same time in the open. They worked hard and tried not to stand out while still maintaining what they needed to survive.

Christoph was attracted to Talia but was unsure of what was going to happen as she was a human yet he wanted to keep her safe. I liked Talia's grandma and how she knew what she wanted even if it was not Talia wanted.

The twist with Errol was interesting and I definitely was not expecting the one person to betray Christoph. I am super curious about how the story ends with New Orleans and it seems like something spooky is going on there!

lindzmeadows's review

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*Possibly spoilers may be mixed into this review*
Three stars seems like a harsh rating but as the goodreads ratings go- its stands for I liked it, which I did!
I really enjoyed the premise of this book and the characters. I am a huge vampire fan and these vampires did not disappoint! And I am excited to see how the whole "vampire being a curse that can be reversed" thing plays out in the following books.
A few things I would like to see in the next book would be a lot more details (especially details using the five senses) a lot of things were just stated when, if described in more detail would've put me in the characters place a bit more.
I'd also like to see more character development. More of what the characters look like and also how the characters grow to like each other. The Christoph/Talia relationship was so sudden I would've liked to have seen more build up to the relationship: a few more meetings, more personal/in depth convos. I like how it was instant attraction, I just felt like they knew nothing about each other and would've liked to see them learn more stuff about each other. She keeps stating he loves her but they haven't really had any conversations about their relationship and what they mean to each other so I would definitely like to see more of that.

I would like to see more about secondary characters as well. Especially the parents. Both main characters have a lot of animosity and I'd like to learn more of where that stems from (another good in depth convo I'd like to see Christoph and Talia have)
Basically I just want to see loads more details and build up in the next book. Some scenes felt a little rushed and I would just like to see more of everyone. The book ended with a good setup for the next book and I'm looking forward to continuing this series.

*I was given a free copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review