
Citrus, Vol. 9 by Saburouta

vhar7's review

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No puedo creer todo este final. Sé que es sólo el Tomo 9 y que falta uno más, pero literalmente, siempre termino spoileándome el final (verdadero) en Pinterest u otros lugares... PERO NO SABÍA QUE IBA A COSTAR TANTO LLEGAR HASTA AHÍ.

No sé cómo, en un par de páginas más, vamos a tener el final– literalmente quedé súper triste con esos últimos dos capítulos, y peor aún con el capítulo final.

¿Por qué le doy 5 estrellas si es tan triste? PORQUE EL AMOR LO PUEDE TODO– y, también, porque realmente me enamoré de este tomo, de la determinación de Yuzu y de la tristeza de Mei (sonó feo, pero es verdad)

rereader33's review

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As emotional as the volume was, unfortunately there's not much to say about it. The first third is pretty much Momokino and Shirapon speculating as to whether Yuzu and Mei's relationship is going to be okay, Matsuri being a sulky, moody brat, and Yuzu constantly saying how much she loves Mei and is so happy being with her. The last third was strong and I won't deny reading Mei's farewell letter to Yuzu didn't give me a good dose of the feels, but that's about it. This volume wasn't bad, but there's just not a lot going on in it. Not bad, but not that strong considering it's the second to last volume. What will the finale have in store for me?

mielybooks's review

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Ese señor giro

m560's review

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Can't stop these tears...

everlaerian's review

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It's ok. Redundant plot of new step siblings falling in love slowly, one of them being related to the chairman of the school/ them being the student president as well. Unoriginal ending.

Since I've read this type of manga, with basically the same/ similar plot down to the T with the exception of character names, I personally don't recommend. Again, I tend to be harsher to mainstream/ popular titles and this just didn't seem that amazing as everyone else claims.

Do I recommend it:
Image result for anime nope gif

magicmarc's review

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4/5 estrellas.

Este tomo le partió el corazón en mil. Y estando a un tomo del final, todavía no termino de empatizar con Mei.

Por favor, protejan a Yuzu con todo lo que tengan

tyler_j's review

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No T.T Mei has the weight of the world on her young shoulders, and it isn't fair. I feel so bad for them both. I mean I have been spoiled for where it goes, but still (my own doing as I use the wiki pages to help me keep all the characters straight, but I don't mind). This volume is so sad. Full of information about Mei. Why she's been the way she has been. Heartfelt, and so very sad. 

lilac_rose's review

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wickedregal's review

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I am so glad I did not read this volume until I had volume 10 in my possession. My heart is extremely heavy and beyond sad as I finished this one. Their entire journey has been an emotional rollercoaster but the ending of this one... way to rip my heart out, stomp on it repeatedly then tear it into tiny pieces. Hoping it gets better in 10 because my heart is really hurting right now.

cristinajune's review

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Please end it already! The last chapters were a mess. The story simply changed the vibe it had at the beginning. Now I've started to stop worrying about the characters thanks to so many appearances! And now this, really? There were enough things to work with!