
Not On Your Telly by Tim Worthington

sirchutney's review

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Not On Your Telly is an informative and witty book on the more obscure corners of pop culture. It collects some of Tim's writing on lost, forgotten or censored television shows. Of particular interest to Doctor Who fans it includes hefty features on:
= The Evil Of The Daleks,
= The Space Pirates,
= The Android Invasion, and
= a radio adaptation of the Peter Cushing Dalek Films.

Also covered are BBC 'Sunday Classics' serials produced by former showrunners Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks. It also has features on:
= Fist Of Fun,
= Play School,
= The Tyrant King,
= The 8:15 From Manchester,
= Madhouse On Castle Street,
= Rubovia,
= Bizzy Lizzy,
= Dear Heart,
= Hear'Say It's Saturday, and
= Kelly Monteith. And, um, Spatz.

Its clear that Tim's is extremely enthusiastic about his subject. A great read, especially if you're of a certain age and from the UK.