
The Bleach Boys 2 by Johnny Scarlotti, Josain Splorgat

kingjason's review

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The Bleach Boys (Scarlotti and Splorgat) are back again with another volume of their mad/sick/twisted poetry and I'm so happy! I've not made it to page 10 in this book before I find myself laughing at a guy who has wet himself after having his dog stolen, I should feel bad but it's too funny.

A lot of insecurities are covered here, one of the interesting ones is "poetry rehab". It is really tempting to take a course on psychology...or even FBI profiling....and to then study this book and see what I can make of it. As things stand it all seems quite normal to me.

Have you ever wondered why you never see the Bleach Boys in the ocean? Well read this book and you'll understand their fear.

There is one poem in this collection called "I wrote this when I was 11 months old jk" makes me wonder if Samuel Taylor Coleridge had the same thoughts when he wrote Kubla Khan.

"Girlfirend" for me was amazingly shocking, the last line turned the whole poem on it's head, pure genius. The best of Part 1.

Part 2 - Interlude, I've read volume 1 so I understood just how mad things are going to get. It is so difficult to describe Part 2...think of a serial killer wearing somebody else's face doing stand up comedy whilst juggling body parts. A few lines below giving you an idea of the range of madness.

When she asked for my digits I gave her all 20 of them :)

She laughs like a crashing chandelier

(fun fact:) it takes 8 librarians to restrain me

Best line in the book "The mall is what cancer looks like blown up in size" Class!

All in all a faultless collection that was a joy to read, skip this book and you'll be missing out big time.