
The Hidden Library by Heather Lyons

emhof96's review against another edition

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Overall rating: 3.5 stars

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance
Plot: 6/10
Ending: 4/10
Writing: 8/10
Hero: 8/10
Heroine: 9/10
Humour: 7/10
Steaminess: 5/10
Feels: 6/10
SpoilerCliffhanger - series

desertlover's review against another edition

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The Collectors’ Society was hands down the most unique book of 2014. I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to immerse myself in this world once again and see what new adventures would lie ahead for Finn, Alice, and the other members. Unlike its predecessor, The Hidden Library is written with Alice and Finn as narrators. I absolutely loved this new element. Finn is such a passionate character and seeing his inner thoughts and feelings added so much depth. We finally learn much of Finn’s past and the events that led him to New York. As always, Alice is the dominating and tough heroine I have come to love completely. They are the most dynamic of duos and Finn treats Alice as his equal, his partner. Few heroes and heroines share the intense connection and trust these two have for one another.

Our story is just getting started and, no damn author is going to write it. We will.

Since it a TCS book, there is a ton of action. Finn and Alice definitely have their fair share moments of attempting to save worlds. Danger exists on multiple fronts and their worlds are constantly in danger. However, the best moments are the intimate and loving moments. I can’t describe how much I loved seeing the closeness of Finn and Alice not only with one another, but with others. Their connection is often overshadowed by outside forces surrounding them. Watching their relationship blossom was complete bliss.

He enchants me more. He kisses me, because he knows. He knows me. He knows my heart. He has become part of my heart.

This series has the most distinct cast of supporting characters. Many that were introduced in TCS have returned. I enjoyed seeing Jace again and hope he turns for the third book. His devotion to Alice defines what love should be. Victor has quietly taken a huge piece of my heart, and I want desperately to find out his complete story and connection to Mary. There are also many new intriguing characters added, as well. I have never been a spider fan until this book. However, I had developed a certain fondness for one now. I am constantly awed by the extraordinary people and events Lyons has created.

The ending is complete anguish. I kept clicking my Kindle trying to make another chapter appear, and it just would NOT work. I will be anxiously awaiting to see what happens to my beloved Finn and Alice. I can’t recommend this series enough. It is one of the most unique and well rounded series I have read. It defies all genres.

nicolemhewitt's review against another edition

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I’m just doing a mini-review of this one because, honestly, I feel like I’d be saying all of the same things in this review that I have in my other two. That’s not to say that the books are too alike or unoriginal or anything – on the contrary, I’d just be raving about all the same things!! Everything that makes these books amazing is pretty much the same in all of the books – the kick-butt heroine, the incredible secondary characters, the fun and often hysterical references to the classics … I could go on and on. Instead I’ll just list the couple of things that made this second book stand out:

Past relationships and new relationships converge.
Jace. Oh, Jace. How can you not love the White King? You can’t. And Alice can’t either, but that’s okay because her love for Jace is part of who she is and what makes her capable of loving Finn so deeply. She has put Jace in her past, but their love definitely still remains. In this book, Alice’s life is in serious danger, and it is the undying, unconditional love of both Jace and Finn that eventually saves her. (I guess that’s kind of a spoiler, but you already see that I reviewed the next book, so it’s not like you thought she actually died or anything!)

Finn’s past.
We learn a lot more about Finn in this book and what drives him. We see how his upbringing in a racist world and his friendship with Jim shaped him and why he wants nothing more than to escape his past. Thought you couldn’t love Finn any more than you did in the first book? You were wrong.

The ending.
Man, Lyons loves to kill us with these endings! Some questions are answered during this second book, but plenty of mysteries still remain, and Lyons leaves us with some truly heart-stopping moments! Good thing book #3 is already out!

So, in other words, The Hidden Library is as absolutely amazing, spectacular and frabjous as the others! If you haven’t read this series yet, you are missing out!!

kerrythefire's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Loveable characters? Yes


It's always hard to tell how to rate a sequel compared to the first book in a series so instead of doing that I'll just say I loved the continuation this story! 

I also loved that we got to see Alice and Finn split up sometimes and get chapters from Finn's perspective. It only made me like him even more. I also liked that we got to spend more time with Finn's past and story too. His side quest to Wonderland was also satisfying.

Of course I'm hooked now and going to dive right into book 3. I'm so excited that it ended with a section from
POV and I am really excited to to grt more of that in the next book!
was my favorite supporting character in book 1 and I've been hungry for more since. 

Same as with the first book, this was visual, well-paced and overall well-balanced. The new twists and turns feel earned and integrated into the story. Great story and I can't wait to see what the next two books hold!

mccorbin's review against another edition

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I had the release day countdown ticking in my head until I could get my hands on this book – that is how amazing that I knew this story was going to be. And, it did not fail me.

It blows my mind how well Lyons can take all these childhood favorites of mine, twist and turn them into either characters that I love or despise and then build the most creative world around them. I cannot tell you how wonderful the first book was and the second book is just as amazing. The situations that Lyons puts these characters in are intense, thoughtful, dangerous, loving, and all around kick butt.

I would have to say that the most beautiful part about this series (of course, besides the wonderful world the Lyons created) is the love between Alice and Finn and the heart-breaking separation between Alice and the White King. My heart is still fluttering from the amount of love in this book and the dedication each one shows to the other.

It is also still skipping beats from all of the intense action in this book. For me, it feels like Lyons has planned out this wonderful series to the absolute best. No part is dull. There was not a time where I skimmed or skipped. I soaked up all of Alice and Finn’s world into my core and lived everything with them. Their world was my world and I can’t wait to get back to it. I will have to start another release day countdown in my head until the third book in this series is released.

Again, this world is brilliantly thought out and brought to life with Lyon’s amazing mind and writing skills. Please give this series a try because I highly doubt that you will have no other feeling than love for it.

duartepatri's review against another edition

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First of all I have to say that I totally love this series, it is such an imaginative twist for the old time favourites that it never comes as boring or predictable.

Secondly I totally love Alice and Finn, even Dr. Frankestein has a strong presence even tjough he is not a main character himself.
The first book was very enjoyable, partly because the whole setting and storyline were so unique that we could learn all about this Society and the characters from all those lovely books, then the whole Wonderland part comes and it is packed with action, horror and romance, it is a very VERY good ending.

This book is more action packed, we get to meet Tom Sawyer and other characters, there is a brief trip to Wonderland and Jace warms my heart all over again.

I am not giving it 5 stars for two reasons, the first one and the one I find really irritating is the lack of a proper revision, there were words that have been obviously auto corrected by "Words" and you had to gess what it meant...grammar was a bit slopy sometimes too...the abother reason is ending this book with such a HORRENDOUS cliffhanger, I couldn't believe the book has finished!
Pointless to say I am looking forward to the third one :)

jen286's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

4.5 stars

I started reading The Hidden Library and thought this is good, but not as good as the first book. The first few chapters I was just like okay...then it was like wait?! What is happening?! This is amazing!! I think I just had to get used to a slightly different voice for Alice since she is not as new to everything now. Really another great read and I cannot wait to read the next book and see what happens!

While The Collectors' Society was more focused on Alice and her story, The Hidden Library focuses more on Finn. You get to see his timeline, how he thinks of the things that happened, and just get to know him more. I still love him so much. Really I loved seeing how he thought of everything that happened in his timeline. I love reading these books and seeing what the characters think of their stories (though this is a story as well so...)

"I resented I was born in such a place. Loathed that I even associated with anyone who lived there...I came to hate Twain and his goddamn books.
I hated that he put those things in print."

Finn really doesn't like his story. He really hates Tom Sawyer and wants nothing to do with him or the place he grew up. He is still hurting over Jim and I don't blame him. When he and Alice go back to his timeline it is just like yes, why would he forgive Tom?

Alice was amazing in this story just like the first. When she goes with Finn to his timeline, oh she was awesome. She doesn't sugar coat things or take anything from anyone. I loved how she just laid it all out there for those people. Maybe Tom wants to make up and be friends, but she understands why Finn wants nothing to do with him. The more she learns of his past the more she understand, the more she dislikes these people. She is the same way. She wouldn't want anything to do with them either.

There are still Wonderland themes in this story as well. The society captured Todd's accomplice at the end of the last story so they are trying to find out who is ordering the timelines to be deleted. Who is behind all of this? While also trying to find Sweeney Todd to hopefully get more answers. It was so much fun to read!

"'I didn't take you as a reader. No-don't take that the wrong way. I meant no offense. You just struck me as more of a take action woman rather than a reader.'
I ask cooly, 'Who says a woman can't be both?'"

Oh I love you Alice. Just as much as I love Finn. And I love the two of them together. I still love how Jace is dealt with. It is so refreshing to see people actually be adults and actually care about the people they care about, doing what they need to, wanting what is best for them. As more and more of the story is revealed, who is involved with the villains, it is just so much fun to read. Some of the people involved are a bit surprising, but then Alice or one of the other main characters will think about them in a way that I never did and it is just like yes, that makes sense. Why did I never think of those stories that way? It is all set up that they are good people in their stories, but maybe not. Again with the story is what the author chooses to tell maybe not what it is actually like. Love it.

It does end on a bit of a cliffhanger. What will happen? Will they be able to figure out what is going on and why? And will they be able to stop the bad guys? I cannot wait to start the next book. This is definitely a new favorite series of mine. I just haven't read anything else quite like it. I love the way books are talked about and the characters are some of my all time favorites. Such a great read.

thebooktrollop's review against another edition

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I am still and will always be in love with Heather's writing and her ability to pull a story together that makes you FEEL all the FEELS. No matter if she is writing about superpowers or tales that were long since forgotten.

Pulling Twain off my shelf, blowing off the dust and diving back into his story gave me a sense of longing and nostalgia that holds a deep place in my heart. Reading Carroll's semi-creepy tales about mad hatters, sneaky felines, and killer cards just gives you a sense of wonder and imagination like nothing else. I am also still convinced that man was dropping acid in order to dream up that fantasyland.

When we enter The Hidden Library, we pick right back up from where The Collector's Society left us.
Alice is still there doing badassery things with her badass self and I fall back in love with her. The way she talks, moves, her determination, perseverance and everything else about her makes me want to do a little happy dance that I finally found a female character that I don't want to throat punch!

With this book, we get a nice surprise of being inside Finn's head. The reader gets a deeper, emotional, look inside of him and what he is really all about. I liked him in TCS but I absolutely LOVED him in THL! I am glad Heather decided to put his POV in this book, it was a good choice!!.

I am not going to get into the specifics of this story or TCS because I would hate to ruin the books for anyone reading them for the first time (I am also at a loss for what to say other than YOU BETTER READ THIS BOOK).

Just let me say that by the end of it, you are going to look a lot like this...

Find Heather and give her this look...

And then when she laughs and thinks it is funny that you are in emotional turmoil, you will want to just...

There are a lot of curse words I want to use but I am going to contain them and get right with God, while I am silently cursing out everyone until the next book is out...

If I get arrested, I am blaming Heather...

Maybe I will meet Alice in my new padded cell...

We can all join and discuss theories until our heads EXPLODE with wonder...

But seriously, this book will rip every emotion out of you, grind them up, and spit them back out at you like a possessed blender. You won't know which feeling you feel but you will have a lot of them flying at you.
And finally, you will hate/love the author until she does it again in the next book!!

If you haven't read The Collector's Society, then I don't know what you are still doing here reading this...

You need to go...





If you have read TCS, and are still here but haven't read The Hidden Library yet, then I just have one thing to say to you...

yviie_reads's review against another edition

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*Inkslinger PR kindly provided me with an ARC of the book*

Once again Heather Lyons managed to completely satisfy me! As I've already read quite a few trilogies and series I know that second books (or books further into a longer series) tend to lose their quality and become significantly worse, which is actually pretty sad. Heather Lyons on the other hand is totally different! Her characters are somewhat interesting and the whole concept of this series is fantastic - I can't say it often enough!

Alice Reeves, also known as Alice in Wonderland, is such a strong female lead character! Other characters could definitely learn a thing or two from her. She doesn't complain, she does what is necessary to protect the people she loves - and Timelines, of course - and is generally one brave woman. I seriously have a weakness for badass characters like Alice!

Finn Van Brunt is amazing too! I really liked and enjoyed his scenes with Alice because I think they're (1) a great team that just functions well together and (2) a really, really cute couple - they bring out the best in each other and support one another whenever and wherever they can! Seriously though, what Finn did for her in this book is incredible ... he's definitely more than a good guy and probably also a perfect match for our beloved Alice.

"I will always come to your aid if you need me. Always."

I've mentioned him in my review of "The Collectors' Society" and I'm definitely going to do this here again because he deserves an extra paragraph - The White King aka Jace. He stole my heart in the first book and hasn't given it back yet - he still has it. I just can't believe how amazing this man is - what he sacrificed for Alice and her to be happy, for his world, Wonderland, and all his people there ... he's just so great and I love him a lot! Whenever I read a scene with him and Alice my heart ached because I know how much he loves her but also can't be with her. It's just terribly cruel and I really hope he finds someone else (how about me? I'd volunteer!), so he can be happy too. He definitely deserves it! So, so much! For me, he's one of the best characters of this book/series! *sigh* ♥

Heather Lyons also created various worlds we got to explore a little more in this second installment - Finn's timeline for example! I must say that I loved it! All the worlds are so unique and interesting but so far Wonderland is definitely my favorite - I just love the idea of all this magical stuff and the different "creatures" and so on - I really wouldn't mind reading a book only about Wonderland itself and all the Queens and Kings (especially The White King!) sometime!

"True love does not have limits or restrictions. True love allows a person to love deeply and unconditionally. True love does not ask you to let go of life. True love encourages you to live."

The storyline was a bit confusing and "hidden" at first - I didn't really know what it all is about, except for finding Sweeney Todd and all this other terrible guys who tried to destroy Timelines but obviously there's so much more to that! Especially the last few chapters were really action-packed and fast-paced and I couldn't quite believe what I read and the end itself ... oh cliffhangers, how I love you. And this one was extremely mean. How long do I have to wait for book 3 now? Hopefully not too long, ahhh.

Overall it was a pleasure diving into these worlds again! I love the characters, Heather Lyons writing style, her ideas in general and just everything about this book. I'm recommeding the first book to everyone who asks and who I think would enjoy it immensely but I want to say it again - READ IT! You won't regret it! ♥

15th February:
Oh my gooood, I can't believe I'm already finished with this, nooo!

Heather Lyons is incredibly talented and I absolutely looove her writing style, the characters and her ideas - I'm completely drawn into the story and want to live there myself, it's so amazing! Or well ... If I'm being honest, I'd like to stay with Jace. He stole my heart in the first book and still has it, of course. I just love him loads. *sigh* ♥

lunaty's review against another edition

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4.5* Loved it! Review to come