
Snow White and the Vampire by Marina Myles

hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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NR because I didnt finish it. It couldnt hold my attention with all the mess of fairy tales.

foreverbeautifulbooks's review against another edition

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DNF @ 41%

I tried with all my might to push though and keep going with this story. At the end of the day, it wasn't so much the writing that was weak and not working, it was the whole story and the voice in which the author told a vampire story for me.

I like my vampires evil, bad, and very alpha with a hint of a Sadist just ready to burst from the surface. What I got was a very whiny, very Edward Cullen like vampire that was very self loathing and unwilling to really embrace what he was.

This not only was a vampire tale, but a Snow White retelling, and I wasn't really clicking with that idea. The 'evil' queen, wasn't bad enough. I mean the evil queen and Maleficent are notorious baddies, and I just didn't quite get where the evil was coming from. I know the evil step mother was there, I just wasn't afraid of her.

As a whole, I didn't quite mesh with the authors voice. I wasn't getting what I expected, and I had to end the story where I did.

*I received a copy of this book from Kensington Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

revengelyne's review against another edition

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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who stepmother was evil. While as a young child, the little princess met her prince. The two of them fell in love until one night the prince was attacked while saving the princess. While the prince is being cared for, the princess's family forbid her from ever seeing her again and move her far, far away from him.

Fast forward to years later, the prince and princess meet at a party. A cursed necklace and Jack the Ripper threaten to tear the couple apart.

I love, love this series. I love the idea of cursed princes rather the princesses. Of course with the necklace you never really know which direction the story might take you.

I loved the idea of this one containing Jack the Ripper. I will say I was surprised to find whom the Ripper was. It never really crossed my mind in the least that it could be this particular character simply because the character seemed so "nice". I suppose next time I shouldn't simply rule out the character anymore now.

I cannot wait to see what the next book will contain!

loverofromance's review against another edition

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I was able to get a copy of Snow White and the Vampire through Netgalley, and since I really enjoyed the first one Beauty and the Wolf, I was hoping I would get the same fun out of this upcoming release. Snow White and the Vampire is the second in the series, and is to be released mid December. Snow White and the Vampire, is a different setting than the first book. This story is about a young woman, who has come a long way from when she first fell in love in Romania. She is in London now, away from her step mother that desires her end, and she is the first female barrister, which is a huge accomplishment, and she is very good at her job and loves it. Then a man she once knew, a man she gave everything to, arrives at a birthday party, when she is about to be engaged to a sweet young man, who has no idea of her past. Dimitri, has also come along way, although in a different way than his secret love. Dimitri is a vampire, and a doctor after years of training. Dimitri was once a lowly boy, with no chance of winning Alba's heart due to his station. Now he is a gentleman, a surgeon, and devoted to Alba and has been searching for her for years. Now that he has found her he refuses to let go, despite the fact that he is a vampire, but Alba's stepmother is trying to kill her, and he must protect her, at all costs.

This story was intense, and breathless, and full of suspense and passion. Snow White and the Vampire puts together two people that are so right for each other. They have a past, and even though some dark and dangerous events occurred, their love for each other is stronger than ever,despite the years they have been separated. In this story we see a involvement of a curse, a plot full of intrigue and danger, and a passionate love. The characters were delicious and captivates the reader. I couldn't help but fall in love with these two characters. Even though the story took a bit longer to get into, once I was fully immersed into the plot, I was succumbed to the magic of this authors storytelling. This story is a retelling of the Snow White fairy tale, with a few twists to the story that turns it into a sensual and potent read!! I recommend Snow White and the Vampire to anyone that loves a roller coaster of a ride packed full with adventure, magic, passion, and intensity. A story to remember!! LOVED EVERY THRILLING MOMENT!!

lberestecki's review against another edition

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Was this book well written? Not so much. Did it make sense? Not really, it was ridiculous and kind of all over the place. Was it extremely entertaining? Oh my gosh yes. It's definitely the kind of book you have to be in the mood for, but it was highly entertaining.

musicalknitter's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book but found the pace at the beginning to be a bit slow. Once I got about of the third of the way through the pace picked up and it got more interesting as the plot twisted and turned in ways I didn't expect. The setting added a fillip to the plot and all the female characters were certainly not tame or predictable. I do look forward to reading more books in the series.

eloiseinparis's review

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This is the second book in the series, and unfortunately it suffers from the sophomore slump. The first book did a great job of grounding the characters in the actual social aspects of the time and then went wild with the fantasy, but this book required you to suspend all belief throughout the story. The ages of the characters made no sense. Dimitri was supposed to be about 28 and Alba 26. Dimitri was an uneducated Gypsy. He met Alba when he was 16 and she was 14. He taught himself to read. How he became a rich surgeon in 12 years in a foreign country is beyond me. I realize that medical standards of schooling then were not as stringent as they are today, but the amount of money and respect he earned would have taken longer than twelve years. Also Alba as a woman over 25 and a professional barrister would have been firmly placed in the category of spinster. So the fact that Teddy and his father were so eager for her to marry Teddy and this was never mentioned was odd. Especially by her mother’s friend Mrs. T who was also so eager for that match. Someone should have said how “lucky” she was to have such a fine suitor at her age. Another ridiculously aged character was a healthy, spry, and poor 90 year old woman. In 1888 London, I don’t think so.

I was also disappointed with the Jack the Ripper tie in. It was unnecessary. Snow White is a rich story, add in the a Vampire and there is so much to work with. The author got so caught up with the Jack the Ripper aspect that she forgot to include some of the best parts of Snow White’s tale. The wicked step mother was an after thought, there were no dwarves, no long slumber, and no huntsmen, even though there where characters there who could have filled those roles. I was also disappointed that Alba and Dimitri were fighting the exact same curse as Isabella and Draven. It was boring and anti-clamatic. I don’t see myself reading any more books in this series.

ravenmoon's review

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This book is a mixture of Victorian London, Snow White and vampires. Hell let's throw in some Romanian gypsies and Jack the Ripper as well. The book starts off with Alba and Dimitri meeting again at a birthday party that her suitor is throwing for him. After that encounter which causes her to faint we get to see their past in Romania and how they met. It turns out as a sixteen year old boy he was spying on her house to get a look at her. And low and behold they end spending about a month together and they fall in love. But it's not meant to be as her family is leaving the area after five weeks. He ends up giving her a cursed necklace (the same necklace from the first book). They also have a second curse put on them when they disturb the grave of Vlad Dracul's mistress. They are cursed to become vampires sometime within their lifetime.

Dimitri had become a vampire two months before the start of the book and is still trying to get used to his new powers and his vampire nature. Oh and to top it all off Alba's step mother is a witch and is jealous of Alba's beauty so she is trying to kill her off. I want to know why in all Snow White stories the step mother is always jealous of her step daughter's beauty and then decides to kill her off. Even if she did kill her there would always be another girl more beautiful than her in the world. Does that mean she will go on a never ending killing spree so she can be the most beautiful woman in the world? The whole concept is stupid if you ask me.

The premise of this book was an interesting concept and I actually did enjoy the book. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series. And I love how the next book or a book in the future was set up as a new collector has the necklace and the matching bracelet now.