kaelifannin's review

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Only okay. Not as good as I expected but provided some information I think every American should have before they form an opinion on the Middle East and Gitmo Bay. Humanity is truly awful. Mark Fallon is one of the good guys.

academiceve's review

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I will share a couple of quotes from this book, which depict why I liked this book so much!
"Once torture is accepted in limited doses, it begins to spread like a virus."

On Rumsfeld and his decisions: "Rumsfeld continued, "I wish we had known more sooner and been able to tell you more sooner, but we didn't". It was an audacious performance for someone who had hand-picked both Dunlavey and Miller to lead the Gitmo Battle Lab, sent Miller to Abu Ghraib, and worked to scuttle high-level legal reviews of the very torture tactics the committee was investigating. Rumsfeld knew he had blood on his hands, but there was no remorse in his conscience."