
Dark Forest by Ni Cang Tian

donsmilo's review

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Got to chapter 5.
I disliked the bumbling, illogical, and incompetent protagonist, so I stopped reading.

Grammar: 2/5 okay
Seemed fine

Style: 1/5 I disliked it
The writing style, at least from the English translation, was exceedingly basic and lacking any semblance of art or flow. I often found myself pulled out of the reading experience by strange phrasings or the need to look back to prior sentences to understand what was happening. I know my English, or at least the American CollegeBoard that runs AP and SAT tests thinks so.

Story + characters: 1/5 I disliked it
The mc is written to be a reincarnated jobless 20 year old male who reads comics and watches TV for much of the day. After he is reincarnated, he is magically predisposed to act according to his evil desires. He is reincarnated as a scrawny janitor. The first thing he does is try to scare a necromancer who can kill him with a flick by dressing up as a zombie, and the second thing he does is slander another necromancer who can kill him with a flick in front of the first one, and then go and watch the two fighting after the slander incited the first to fight the second. This should tell you all you need to know about the story and the characters.