
The Parasol Protectorate: Soulless, Blameless, and Changeless by Gail Carriger

smmoore84's review

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Instead of rating each book, the series will be enough. Fast, funny reads.

sewcialist_librarian's review

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Soulless: Funny. Fast-paced and not my cup of tea. Still, it was worth the read...even if I did continually call Alexia "teletubby." 3 stars

Blameless: TBR

Changeless: TBR

zouinthewild's review

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A brilliantly funny addition to the steampunk category. The characters are my friends now, and I could only wish that I could also live in Akeldama's closet... although that might have been from the later books. :)

Happy reading.

si0bhan's review

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The Parasol Protectorate series is a positively wonderful steampunk read. It has everything you could hope for from a book in this genre – action, mystery, humour, romance, and more. It keeps you addicted throughout, each book leaving you curious as to what will come next.

It’s one of those easy read series. None of the books can be considered heavy, each being a light read. They’re great for when you want a break from books requiring lots of attention.

Without a doubt, one of the most addictive series I’ve read in a long time. Well worth the read for fans of steampunk.

jescatling's review

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I just finished the third book of this series, and it's pretty fun. It's an alternate universe with werewolves and vampires and steampunk all wrapped up into a Victorian comedy of manners. Alexia Tarabotti is a "preternatural", which means she was born without a soul. This doesn't mean that she's evil, it means that she's extremely pragmatic and scientific-minded, but not very imaginative or creative. In this world, having "excess soul" causes you to become a werewolf or a vampire or a ghost, and if Alexia touches one of these, she sucks the soul right out, turning them back into a regular human. I'd love to watch Alexia's adventures as a tv series...she can easily kick Sookie Stackhouse's ass.

weremallard's review

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I remember reading the first book in this series, and liking it but not being particularly blown away. This one, though, I loved. I thought it was well done, and I was very into the story, even if the ending broke my heart. Was it obvious that Angelique was the spy and Alexia was pregnant? Yes, of course it was. That being said, I don't know who tried to poison Alexia or stole her journal, or how she's going to work things out with Conall. Looking forward to the next book!

hazelgold's review

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Unsatisfying resolution, but I saw it coming so I wasn't exactly crushed.

glkrose's review

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I really adore this series. The first one I described as Jane Austen meets Buffy and it's still very true. I was a little confused by the storyline at first and I didn't particularly care for the abrupt ending but Alexia is such a fun character and I can't wait to see what happens next.

caffeinatedbibliophile's review

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Just like the first two, this one was loads of fun and read super fast. My only real issue was
Spoilerhow easily Alexia forgave Lord Asshole for the way he treated her in the second book. I think he should have done a lot more grovelling for her forgiveness because he was absolutely horrible to her in Changeless.

A lot happened in this one that will--presumably--have consequences that unfold throughout the remaining two books in the series. I'm really excited about some
Spoilerthe old potentate...I'm blanking on his name...being dead and replaced by Lord Akeldama, for one, and hopefully learning more about the infant inconvenience's nature, for another
, and a little sad/nervous about others
Spoilerlike Biffy being turned into a werewolf omg. My heart broke for him and Lord Akeldama