
Playing the Part by Robin Covington

eslismyjam's review against another edition

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Probably a 3.5 star. Solid writing and great characters from Ms. Covington. This is one of those romances you can just read and straight up enjoy. There's nothing too tricky or traumatic going on here. It's a straight-up, good clean romance. It's a great beach read actually. As a hero, Mick is a total hottie. Mick goes from the typical hot-player to a one woman guy by the end of the book, which is probably my favorite romance convention. (Who doesn't love a reformed player?) Covington writes a very believable Hollywood star. All the details about filming a movie and the life or the rich and famous were portrayed in a genuine way. It seems like this was probably a fun book to research. Really these characters were just people that I liked to spend time with. This is a great, easy read.

schin's review against another edition

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1.5 stars

An additional 0.5 stars for the author's effort to be realistic.

Girls have a few fantasies that never really get old and being a superstar's girlfriend is one of them. Although they are never entirely realistic, it is a good getaway when you want a happy ending. I should know, since I always tend to lean towards these books when I am feeling low.

So having said that this book falls under the feel-good group, I don't have much expectations of it. But even with that on mind, Piper still manages to get on my nerves. I supposed Ms. Covington is lucky since I don't feel like ranting today. Sufficient to say that if you want someone to take you seriously then act responsibly. Piper's many reckless ways and her expectations of being treated seriously despite of it is just Exhibit A of yet another women's unreasonable demands. And yes, if you're wondering, I'm a girl.

*Sigh* I'll just stick to fantasy and traditional heroines for now. These heroines the romance authors cook up just make me even more depressed towards the female gender.

*Whip out my [b:Divergent|13335037|Divergent (Divergent, #1)|Veronica Roth||13155899]*


*Shuts the door*

Thank you. For a similar story, feel free to check out [b:Just the Sexiest Man Alive|3863861|Just the Sexiest Man Alive|Julie James||3909033]. It is way better.

hollyberry_1980's review against another edition

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Playing the part follows novelist Piper James as she travels from her home in New York to Los Angeles to assist hollywood playboy Mick Blackwell connect better with the character that he is playing based on her book. This is the first dramatic role that he has played, he usually plays in a series of action films that has propelled him to the top of the "celebrity" line.

As soon as they meet they each feel an instant attraction to one another, and together they try to decide what to do about it. Based on a situation in Piper's past, she is very reluctant to be seen dating anyone from hollywood, so she decides that what she can offer Mick is a friends with benefits relationship while she is there for a few weeks, and nothing more.

It turns out that there is someone behind the scenes that thinks that it is a better idea to put the two of them in the lime light and have photos taken of them during very private occasions. While Mick is investigating to see who is behind this, Piper closes up and forces herself away from him, but will this be the end of them?

I enjoyed this book, it was enjoyable to read all about the fun times that Piper and Mick were having, and also trying to piece it all together along with the characters to see who was trying to sabotage the relationship from the beginning, and throw Piper under the bus, and I have to say, after learning the truth, it was not a great surprise, there were a couple of characters that I had it down to.

There was good character building with Piper and Mick, with each of them opening up to what their insecurities were, and learning to grow with each other along the way. I think the character that I related to the most was Chris (Piper's assistant) as he is very protective of her, and makes that well known, and that is how I am with my friends.

I enjoyed this book, it was a nice Saturday read for me, I would give it a 4/5 because there was a lot of little twists and turns in the plot to go along with the romance that was building between Mick and Piper.

sarahlr802's review against another edition

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First of all I want to express my love of Robin Covington. I am in love with this book. I can always get a good picture in my head of your characters. Your characters are so realistic and jump off the page. It's like I am reading a movie. Mick and Piper are a great couple that I would love to see more of. Maybe a story of Linc and/or Jack too..
Your dialogue is one of the best. The banter between the main and secondary characters were fantastic. I would say more but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

I tore through this book. Excited to get into and sad that it had to end. I HIGHLY recommend you read this book.

coraotf's review against another edition

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It was solid, but I thought she'd be a little more devastated about someone taking pictures of her having anal sex.

Kiddos for a bi-racial male lead. That was cool. I wish we could have met his family.

fictioncourt's review against another edition

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Oh my...

First of all just because Jesse Williams was the only thing that came to mind while reading this, I freaking loved it!

Look at that cutie!

I've had enough of the usual hot guys that seem to be in favor when it comes to book characters, but not Jesse, not him....

Seriously look at him.... *_*


Moving on!

Now, the story was actually pretty good, he's an actor that can't act like he's in love and lovely Piper gets to teach him, and well, if he teaches her a few things in the process... win win!

Piper on the other hand she's a no-bullshit kinda girl. She knows what she wants and she acts like an adult and not a whiny little girl which was freaking awesome. Even though this story has the 'typical' characteristics (hot hollywood actor and bla bla bla) it's not predictable and it fun to read cause it kinda has a no-bullshit policy overall. They're adults, they act like it and that's it.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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I literally didn't want to put this one down. Even though the ordinary-girl-meets-and-dazzles-a-famous-celebrity troupe is definitely one from the fairy tale realm, this version had more than a touch of believability. For one, Piper isn't exactly an ordinary girl--she's an author who's had more than one of her novels adapted for the big screen, so she's not a complete stranger to the Hollywood scene and has had her own share of fame in her own right. Plus, she had dated an actor before (which ended up in disaster, and of course sets her up for her main hangups in this novel) and had been friends with yet another one in the past. The reason given for throwing Piper and Mick together is, admittedly, one of the weakest parts of the novel, but the story that followed was so entertaining I was more than willing to put my skepticism aside. Plus, even the characters mock her attempts to "help" him with his acting (Example #1: Ask your [male, best friend since middle school] roommate what being in love feels like. Example #2: Think of the feeling you have for your car when playing that [love] scene.), which made the whole even more entertaining. Sure, there's a touch of insta-love, but really it's more insta-lust, which I am totally behind. The love part develops a bit more gradually. This was a fun, steamy read, and I can't wait to see what the next one in the series brings!

I was given a coy by the publisher for an honest review.

bookit's review against another edition

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Big meh on this one. Yet another "I don't do relationships, only one night stands" bad boy as the H. The h at least is a little different than standard - she's got a "sexy librarian" look and is very liberated sexually and by that I mean that she has no problem having sex just for sex and doesn't play the "hard to get good girl" trope. So at least there's that. Also having a biracial H scores a point for being different from most mainstream romance Hs.

What was missing here for me is any reason at all why either of these two people fell in love with each other. Sure, they're both good-looking but so were tons of their past partners and there was no love match there. Sure the sex is great but so it was with tons of their past partners. In short, there was just no connection between these two to explain why they fell for each other, other than the author tells us so.

The h is wishy washy - she keeps convincing herself that she should absolutely not have sex with Mick (and what kind of a name is that for a hot biracial California dude?) but then he's just so (sigh) hot that she can't help herself. She's already been wrecked by another good-looking, self-centered bad boy - enough to jeopardize her career, no less - but by all means, jump into the sack with another one, especially one that is the lead actor in the movie based on your book that your publisher has forced you to "coach" to improve the movie in order to salvage your contract with said publisher. She also says she wants to keep a low profile and stay out of the news/tabloids after her last debacle (repeatedly referred to as her "public freak-out") but then what does she do? She of course has an affair with the hottest actor in Hollywood. Great idea to stay out of the press . I was like, how stupid can this woman get? Piper quickly became irritating to me.

I have nothing against sex scenes (and in fact often enjoy them) but in this book, it felt like the sex scenes were a replacement for any meaningful character or relationship development. That made them boring for me.

hdbblog's review against another edition

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Perfection. That's the first thought that entered my mind after finishing Playing the Part. Those of you who have followed me for any length of time know that I'm a greenhorn in the world of romance. However books like this, gorgeous books with strong characters and sizzling chemistry, make me want to dive even deeper.

First off I completely loved Piper. Witty, intelligent, and honest to a fault, she's the perfect female lead for this story. I couldn't get over how real Piper's character was. Here is a woman who has just been through a terrible breakup, and worse yet she had to do it complete with glaring Hollywood headlines. Yet Piper is still strong. She second guesses herself, sure, but she's a fighter and I totally adored that about her.

Then of course there's Mick and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love him. What's not to love? Total playboy on the outside (and oh does he know it) and yet he has a heart too. Everything about Mick screams "Perfect Man!" even when he manages to screw things up. Okay I'm sugarcoating things. Let's leave it at this: Mick isn't just hot, he's MOLTEN LAVA hot. He's sinfully delicious, and I couldn't get enough of him.

Which of course means that these two very sexy, very stubborn characters have massive heat between them! I'm going to be very tame and say that the sex scenes in this story were perfection. However if had witnessed my reading this book you likely would have noticed me fanning myself quite a few times. Does that perhaps give you a better insight into how spicy things get between these two?

Loved it! That's the long and short of it. I could go on and on, but it boils down to the fact that I utterly loved Playing the Part. Thank you to Robin Covington for further proving to me that romance is my kind of genre! I'm eager for so much more.

jaimearkin's review against another edition

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Piper James is a bestselling romance writer who can't seem to get her next story written... almost a year ago she had a very ugly breakup with an up and coming star in hollywood, and she self-destructed causing bad publicity not only for her, but her publisher. In order to mend some of the hard feelings, she has agreed to mentor current hollywood playboy Mick Blackwell. Mick is playing the leading character in the movie version of her book, but he doesn't know what love looks or feels like and it's showing in his performance.

Mick has been typecast in the action hero role, and he's determined to show Hollywood what he has. But he definitely need's Piper's help to do it.

From the second they meet, the chemistry is off the charts...but Piper is worried about publicity... and her heart, because Mick is just the kind of guy she seems to fall for.

Covington wrote a wonderful story, and while it may have your typical romance tropes ... badboy who changes for the heroine, heroine who was burned in the past by a horrible cheater... it's done in a refreshing way. I was pleasantly surprised that I liked both Mick and Piper in this story. Even the secondary characters, when they showed up, were well done. (I'm thinking of Chris here)

The sexy times... well.. they were definitely sexy, and not over done, and very few bad words (there was one instance of ate at her/his face) but I'm willing to overlook that because the rest was so well done. Mick and Piper were combustible and I totally believed it. I was also incredibly happy that once there was the disagreement/misunderstanding we didn't have to read about months of the couple apart moping around with a broken heart. I really like that they were both adults and acted that way. And can I say that I loved Piper's forcefulness (I think that's the word I'm looking for) She knew what she wanted and she didn't get shy about it. I love that in a heroine.

One thing that I will point out that I liked was that Mick was bi-racial... we don't see a lot of that in romance and I hate that I have to point it out. But I will say that the times it was mentioned outside of the first time, it seemed a bit shoved in to make a point. Kind of like my statement here. LOL

Playing the Part is another in the Entangled Brazen line and I was really impressed with the story and writing from Ms. Covington. I'll definitely be watching out for more from her in the future! If you haven't picked this one up, I highly recommend it!

Thank you to Entangled & Netgalley for the advance copy for an honest review.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare: