
The Billionaire's Secret by Nana Malone

joskypay's review

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Such a great conclusion! This story has everything, surprise sibling, mystery, danger, espionage, intrigue, and a piping hot couple (Zia and Theo) on an unforgettable adventure to see it through. I love this author's style, there is a whole series of books now with the main characters prominent in other stories as well. You don't have to read about the other couples to understand this one, but you do need to read the first book of this duet. I promise you though after reading Theo and Zia's story you will want to know the rest of the royal family and the security team. A great couple and a hot fun story to get caught up in!

fsmeurinne's review

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Great ending for this duet. Theo and Zia keep their story but now we get inside Derrick. I love the humor and suspense done in this books. Great twist to the story and so that makes it a great read as you will not expect it. I totally recommend this books, read book one first so you understand more about it. Nana Malone has become one of my favorite authors this year, can't wait to read more.

maureensbooks89's review

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After reading the first book, which ended in a major cliffhanger, I was excited to start reading this second book as soon as possible. Just as with the first book, the cover doesn’t really work for me, but I’m all about not judging a book by its cover.

In ‘The Billionaire’s Secret’ the story of Theo and Zia continues right where the first book ended. Theo’s secret is out, and Zia is devastated to find out about Theo’s lies. And now Derrick, the one Theo pretended to be, is back with some confusing news.

I definitely enjoyed reading what happened next with Theo and Zia. I’m not a big fan of major cliffhangers, but since I was able to continue reading fast after finishing the first book.. I could definitely see the charm of the cliffhanger. And this second book is definitely more thrilling than the first one. It kept me on the edge of my seat.

What I enjoyed most about this book was reading about the other side characters. It was fun getting to know some of the other characters more. But I didn’t really get why we read through some of the other characters point of views. It was fun, but was it necessary? I don’t know.

The romance between Theo and Zia was definitely fun to read about, just as the first book. But I did think there was way to much sex in this book. I mean, I could have loved this book just as much without it.

In the end I definitely enjoyed this book. And I enjoyed finding out who was behind getting Derrick and Theo in trouble. But I do think this series would have worked even better as just one book instead of two.

lowkeyreader's review

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The Billionaire’s Secret is the perfect conclusion to the Billionaire’s Duet. I loved Theo and Zia in book one and this is a continuation of their story. Derrick, however, is the character in book two that we have the chance to find more about. But, no, its not a love triangle.

Just like book one, this book is also intriguing that will keep you sitting on the edge of your seat and action-packed storyline where the characters are constantly trying to solve the mystery. After book one, we knew there were secrets being kept. But now as all those secrets unravel, we finally find out who was the culprit creating havoc over this family for so many years.

Totally unexpected plot twist! So if you love romance with a little bit of suspense and action, but also great banter and witty humor, you'll want to read this!

allenfarm's review

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The Billionaire’s Secret is the perfect conclusion to the Billionaire’s Duet. This is a continuation of the lovely Theo and Zia from book one, however, it is Derrick that takes center stage in book two. Just like book one, this book is full of intrigue that will keep you hanging onto the edge of your seat. After book one we knew there were secrets being kept, but now as all those secrets unravel we finally find out who is the culprit creating havoc over this family for so many years. Loved these two books, and this was a great continuation from book 1.

elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

This story is a great reminder to those that have been following this author that the Royal Elite is a great series to read and all the series that have been interconnected with it. This is also a great way to catch up with some of the characters that you may not have seen for a while. If you haven’t read the first book in this duet, Bodyguard To The Billionaire, than stop and turn around before you get too far. Otherwise it would be like starting a book in the middle. Plus you will be lost.

Zia Barnes is one pissed off woman. Theo Coleman has received the shock of his life. Their story seems more complicated as we see this pick up where book one left off. The twists and turns just get more interesting. It also becomes a little more complicated with the addition to someone that knows Theo very well. Once the mystery starts up again than my near future is set – at least until the last word is read.

It was great to watch our characters solve the current mystery but I felt as if I was being set up for something else. The last word came and that just left me wondering what this author is doing. It seems that our duet is just setting us, and the characters, up for something. I can’t wait to find out what that something is.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

dianed's review

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A secret twin, a kidnapping threat and danger to loved ones - these are the things you will find in Nana Malone's completion of the Billionaire's Duet. When book 1 ended, the bodyguards watching Derrick Arlington find that there are 2 of them. Derrick has been in hiding (he was actaully kidnapped) and his twin brother Theo has been impersonating him.
Now both twins seem to be in danger and no one can decide who is behind the dangerous plot.
As usal, Nana Malone's beautiful bodyguards manage to mix business and pleasure and find true love while on the job.
I received an adanced copy of this book.

animation's review

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Yep, there’s two of them, and now everything makes sense. Or does it?

One of the things I love about these Royals is that no matter what is thrown their way, they keep it moving. Regardless of their personal feelings, the job comes first. They are able, for a time, to compartmentalize their confusion, turmoil, and fear and get the job done.

If you’ve read this series and even the Blake Security series, you know that these are not just co-workers. This is a family. Brother, sister, uncle, half-cousin, adopted niece, whatever, If you are family, you are family This is what I love about these books. Yes, the story is great, yest it kept me on my toes, yep I was duped as to who was really the bad guy until the end. All those things are true. But the way the author brings these characters together as family is really what has me coming back again and again.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.