
A Gift of Thought by Sarah Wynde

gina_hesketh's review

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I regretted downloading this book as soon as I did it. I am taking a break from some really dense, detailed historical fiction and picked up the first book in this series as a bit of a mental break. The first book was easy enough and a good escape. Whatever held my attention in the first book was missing in this one though. It's passable but definitely not a Must Read.

sonni89's review

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4.5 stars. I LOVED THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I don't know why, but somehow it just happens that I'm reading these books in the opposite order. I loved Time but oh my god, Thought was my everything. The high school lovers reunite later in life trope is a difficult one for me, but I liked it SO much here because it became clear that they were completely different people at the point in their life when they met again, and that they didn't just fall back into old patterns.

That said, I loved Sylvie and Lucas and their tragic but partly amazing story (teenage parents, she takes off after he's born for various [legitimate] reasons, son dies when he's 15, oh and when Sylvie and Lucas are around each other, their powers are shared. Normally he can read minds, which she normally can't- and she reads people's emotions. They meet again after years of not seeing each other because she's working private security and he breaks into her boss' house, which is also amazing.)

But what I loved even more? DILLON. Their ghost son, who communicates with the living via text message. Also, Rachel, a shady arms dealer's teenage daughter, the one Sylvie is tasked to protect, and the weird ghost-human friendship they form.

I really loved this entire story, and I loved seeing Tassamara again at the end. I absolutely have to track down a copy of Ghosts now because of Rose. I love Rose so much.

The only reason I took a half star off is that the start was a little bit slow for me, but by the time I was around 25 percent into the book, I couldn't stop. I finished the book at 5AM, and appropriately bawled my eyes out in the best way. Highly recommend.

aimee70807's review

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I adored the first book in this series, and if I hadn't loved that one so much, this book probably would have gotten five stars. However, in comparison, A Gift of Thought didn't have quite the emotional punch of A Gift of Ghosts, so it gets four stars in relation to its predecessor, even if the book might have been five stars in relation to random other books. (Did you make it through that convoluted sentence? Good job!)

Actually, now that I'm writing this review, I think the main reason I didn't like this one quite as much is because of the multiple points of view, which nearly always bog down a story for my linear mind. So, if you like multiple POV, you might actually enjoy this book better. The heroine is fascinating, with an excellent backstory, and Dillon the ghost plays a prominent role. The series continues to have excellent world-building, the romance is a bit lighter, and suspense joins the mix. If that sounds interesting, you should definitely give A Gift of Thought a try.

(As a final side note, the author gave me a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)