
The Helicopter Heist by Alice Menzies, Jonas Bonnier

orlaithma's review against another edition

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I won this book in a competition I didn't mean to enter.

I absolutely hate to post a negative review especially as I knew from the beginning that this book would not be to my taste. I was tempted to ignore it but as I had been kindly sent a copy I decided to pick it up and give it a shot.

Unfortunately, I was correct in my assumptions.

The style and execution if the writing was quite enjoyable but I just could not immerse myself in the storyline. I felt nothing for the characters and the subject matter just did not hold my attention.
I am not a fan of this genre at all but I'm sure that if this is your preferred genre to read you will enjoy this book.

dsesana's review against another edition

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A surreal story, hard to believe it is based on true events just because it feels surreal that a group of people would plan, and execute, a heist that belongs in a Hollywood movie. This book can be divided into two parts, the preparation of the heist and the heist itself. You will have to be patient for some action, but once it is go-time, you will not want to put the book down until the end. There are a couple of characters in the book which feel added by the author to the story, like the old man with the dogs, and I still don’t understand fully what was the reason to have such a character in the book. In short, this book is a “true crime” book with certain deviations from reality, it begins slow but once it goes, it goes with a great mix of pace, intensity, and tension. Would highly recommend it, also because there isn’t much information on internet about this crazy heist.

fl0w's review against another edition

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Wow, så spännande händelse och mycket fångande roman. Kanske inte Nobelpris men oj så svårt att sluta läsa!

leaps's review against another edition

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Den handlar om något intressant men har ingen röd tråd i övergångarna vilket gör att man inte blir fast i boken

A real story, boring at times

Expected more

bokslukaren's review against another edition

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informative tense
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot


An amazingly interesting book based on the biggest bank heist in Swedish history, but with a personal touch. Filled with details of the plans, characters, the robbery and a theory about where the money could've ended up. The only problem I stumbled on while reading it was that I’m not used to reading Swedish books and therefore it was a little off-putting.

henrik_w's review against another edition

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A little boring in the beginning, but quite fascinating throughout. I liked reading about all the different characters. The final third, where the actual robbery takes place, is quite exciting. There seem to be a lot of fiction mixed in with the facts, but I assume the basic story is close to the truth.

chrstnpet2's review against another edition

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I actually kinda dropped this, because it tired me, but I still finished it for the sake of it.
It was nice up until page 150, maybe even before that, that I started losing interest. My mom and I bought this book because we thought it was interesting and actually the fact that it's based on a real story intrigued me. We bought like 18 books that day and this was the first I picked up. Honestly, it wasn't even the writing that made me bored and want to drop it, rather than the fact that there's little to no dialogue in it. Like there's too much description that, in my opinion, is unnecessary, but at the same time half of the dialogue that is actually there is Michel Maloof (idk how to spell his name) saying "Yeah, yeah." and that just- ugh annoyed me so much.
I read this book in greek, my native tongue, so I'm guessing that kind of played a role, since I prefer reading in English. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't have been bored had I read it in English. Also, I know it was for the sake of showing that Alexandra or whatever her name was talks a lot and that's how she gave most info away, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't tire the reader as much as it does Michel! And on top of that I had Michel say "Yeah yeah" every now and then HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO NOT GET BORED AND TIRED OF SUCH REPETITION. I get that repetition helps but not to that extent.
I was surprised to read that the author was a screenwriter, because I was expecting dialogues would be something he would focus on more. I did see the way he kind of started introducing the characters like a movie script would have it done, but that's for movies. I want to actually remember who the characters are and what their roles in the heist were rather than whether "the sky was gloomy hinting the chances of the heist being successful were high" or something of the sort.
I usually read a 600 page book in at most 5-6 days depending on my schedule (even during school) but it took me 7 DAYS to read up to page 400! And it's summer which meant I took the book everywhere with me and had time to read at the beach! But instead I ended up reading about 20 pages, getting tired and then sleeping! I barely had the energy to go swim after getting so tired of reading.
I didn't want to leave a bad review for this book, but I really tried to love it and was disappointed. I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone who reads slow, or doesn't like books that drag their plot without there being the need to do so, or anyone who gets tired easily, because I'm known for being patient with my books. I'm sad to finish this review on such a note.

nightresplendent's review against another edition

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I won this book in a competition I didn't mean to enter.

I absolutely hate to post a negative review especially as I knew from the beginning that this book would not be to my taste. I was tempted to ignore it but as I had been kindly sent a copy I decided to pick it up and give it a shot.

Unfortunately, I was correct in my assumptions.

The style and execution if the writing was quite enjoyable but I just could not immerse myself in the storyline. I felt nothing for the characters and the subject matter just did not hold my attention.
I am not a fan of this genre at all but I'm sure that if this is your preferred genre to read you will enjoy this book.

irma_sincera's review against another edition

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Na ir įtraukiantis skaitinys! Paskutiniuose šimtame puslapių net širdis kalatojosi nuo įtampos.
Knyga apie tikrais įvykiais paremtą apiplėšimą Stokholme ir aš niekad nebūčiau pagalvojus, kad apie tai gali būti įdomu skaityti. Iš atsiliepimų supratau, kad knyga greito tempo ir prikaustanti, o man būtent to ir norėjosi po paskutiniųjų "meh" skaitinių. Žinojimas, kad viskas vyko realybėje davė labai daug šiai knygai, visą laiką sunku buvo patikėti įvykiais.
Personažai! Autorius taip gerai su jais susitvarkė, kaip skaitytoja buvau "investavus" į jų gyvenimus, motyvus. Knygos eigoje kiekvienas personažas vis labiau atsiskleisdavo, tiek jų pačių charakteriai, tiek santykiai tarpusavyje. Kadangi autorius pats asmeniškai bendravo su įkalintais nusikaltimo kaltininkais, personažų charakteriai buvo gilūs, daugiasluoksniai, jie pavaizduoti kaip žmonės, kurie turi jausmus, išgyvena savas problemas, o ne kaip monstrai, "blogiečiai" nusikalteliai.
Net ir be to netikėto posūkio pabaigoje, knyga jau buvo labai gera, bet tas siužeto vingis buvo wow, o tada sekė whaaaat??? Kitą dieną jau skaičiau viską, ką pavyko rasti internete apie šią vagystę. Gal ir norėjosi, kad autorius būtų pabaigoje apibendrinęs įvykius ir visą matematiką po jų, bet suprantu, kodėl to atsisakyta. Visgi tai yra fiction knyga paremta tikrais įvykiais, o ne žurnalistinis tyrimas.

nightresplendent's review against another edition

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I won this book in a competition I didn't mean to enter.

I absolutely hate to post a negative review especially as I knew from the beginning that this book would not be to my taste. I was tempted to ignore it but as I had been kindly sent a copy I decided to pick it up and give it a shot.

Unfortunately, I was correct in my assumptions.

The style and execution if the writing was quite enjoyable but I just could not immerse myself in the storyline. I felt nothing for the characters and the subject matter just did not hold my attention.
I am not a fan of this genre at all but I'm sure that if this is your preferred genre to read you will enjoy this book.