
The Leak of Madness by Alice J. Black

zombiiex's review

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Well, this story was a hit in the face and i'm saying this in the best possible way. This may be a short book, but it was a glorious introduction to this horror series. Which i am extremely curious to see more of it. This was really well done, the way she writes the POV of an alcoholic is fascinating. And even if you just want Peyton to
not drink and be better, it's also very easy to see why she does. That's an other thing i'm super excited to see, Peyton's character development. There's so much that can be done with her character, that will be interesting to see. Also, i'm curious about Jake. I really hope we get to see more of him in the future, he seems like a entertaining love interest. The writing was great too.
I loved that prequel, bring on the rest of the series. i'm so ready.

The Leak of Madness : 4.5/5

alyram4's review

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3.5/5 stars

This is a prequel for the Soul Seekers series, so this is a pretty good introduction for what you may expect. I haven't read any of the books in the series, so I went in with a fresh mind. I thought the concept of Peyton having alcoholism and being able to see ghosts was interesting. It was a bit of a darker tone than expected, but I still really liked that. Peyton herself was a character that took a bit for me to grasp, thus the lost stars. It took a good chunk of this novella for me to really get on board with her, but towards the middle-end I had warmed up to her. We als get some introductions to characters I assume will be returning in the series, so it's nice to have a warm-up for them as well.

Overall, this was a short, quick read that does a pretty good job at introducing you to the series. Coming from someone who is new to the books, this novella did a decent job of giving me a feel for the characters and plots.

I was provided a backlogged ARC of this novella for review by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

the_fenharel's review

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"The fact that I had woken up on a slab where hundreds of dead bodies had said their final farewell made me sick. The fucking morgue. Like a premonition of my death."

This short story was surprisingly complex in such a short amount of space. Peyton, our protagonist, leads the reader into her world where she sees ghosts. However, taking it from a psychological view, who is to say it's not her alcoholic tendencies that make her believe she's hearing them? It was a challenging book in that aspect, not knowing what was real and what was not.

"The first drink of the day was always the best. I leaned against the counter as I felt my whole body relax. The headache was beginning to subside and I no longer felt like every jostling movement would bring me to vomit."

Reading from the point of view of an alcoholic was really fascinating! I don't believe I've read many characters that are this realistic. Peyton had a huge focus on the liquid, and she could barely peel her mind off the idea of when she was going to get her next fix.
The focus on the after effects of it as well was great. Although she wakes up with hangovers and feelings like crap all the time (from hangovers as well as her life being out of control) she continues to go back to alcohol and drink deeply so that she doesn't need to hear the voices in her head of the dead.
Enter evil ghost at a wedding that wants her out of his mansion. I wish there was a greater explanation for why none of the other ghosts in her life could penetrate her alcohol barrier but this guy could - as well as physically harming her and others around her! Was he strengthened by her appearance or was he always hovering around waiting to attack?
I also wish there was less of a victim complex around the protagonist. While it must be horrible having to hear the dead as well as living without your parents from such a young age, the whole "no one understands me" trope died in my heart very quickly. She has friends that would listen to her if only she tried to communicate with them instead of making them out to be some sorts of villains in her mind. I think a toning down of the victim mentality would really round this character and future short stories out!

"He thrust his head back. “Oh God.”
“Just Peyton.” I grinned wickedly."

Altogether, I highly enjoyed this story! I believe when the future short stories enhance the character and expand the world more, then these will really shine! I anticipate the next stories to see what becomes of Peyton, her friends and love interest, and of course, her mental health!

emilykatereads's review

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I've gotta say, I wasn't sure what to expect with a book so short, but I'm impressed. This short novella packed a punch in under 100 pages.

The entirety of this story takes place over less than 24 hours. Peyton, who relies on alcohol to suppress the ghost voices she hears, attends a wedding with her friend who asks her to refrain from alcohol for this event. Of course the friend doesn't know why she drinks, so here is the issue of the night: without alcohol, she's forced to face these voices.

Peyton is a flawed, but likeable, character. It only takes a few pages to get to understand her and sympathize for her. There were some things that felt pretty rushed and could've been drawn out more, but hey, it was paced pretty good for the amount of pages it used.

The story gives us enough detail but keeps the plot from getting too convuluted for a novella; it's the perfect amount of detail to intrigue readers and keep them wanting more.

I enjoyed Black's writing and I'll definitely keep an eye out for what other ghostly stories she comes out with.

zombiieex's review

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Well, this story was a hit in the face and i'm saying this in the best possible way. This may be a short book, but it was a glorious introduction to this horror series. Which i am extremely curious to see more of it. This was really well done, the way she writes the POV of an alcoholic is fascinating. And even if you just want Peyton to
not drink and be better, it's also very easy to see why she does. That's an other thing i'm super excited to see, Peyton's character development. There's so much that can be done with her character, that will be interesting to see. Also, i'm curious about Jake. I really hope we get to see more of him in the future, he seems like a entertaining love interest. The writing was great too.
I loved that prequel, bring on the rest of the series. i'm so ready.

The Leak of Madness : 4.5/5

energyrae's review

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Peyton can see and hear ghosts and because of that, she drinks, to excess. When her best friend makes her go to her brother's wedding, she orders Peyton not to drink, because her drinking is problematic. A lot easier said than done to an alcoholic. Especially one who is being told to "get out" at the wedding from a man named Patrick Smith who was murdered at the venue.

This was a quick read as an introduction to the series. I didn't feel that Peyton's character was overly developed other than to consistently talk about how much she was drinking. It felt like that's all she was doing, and I think if someone refilled a flask and took as many shots as she did, she would be on the floor, not fully functional. I felt that too much time was devoted to her desire for alcohol rather than moving the story forward. There is promise in the series and what she does with her talents.

chloelouisejones's review

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Good little novella

A good little novella and an interesting introduction to Peyton. I would like to read the rest in this series to see what pans out for her. There were quite a few editing errors in this edition though, with quite a few sentences repeating themselves, or words missing etc. A good read otherwise.

booksavvyreviews's review

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As a whole this novella was interesting, the characters were likable enough and the idea of the story was also interesting... what kept me from truly engaging with what was happening was the mention of alcohol every few sentences.

Yes, the main character is, in fact, an alcoholic, but I found it redundant to continuously mention it. There are other ways to depict her need for it. I feel as though it pulled away from the actual story...and that the alcohol took the front seat rather than the supernatural aspect.

It was enjoyable, the dark quality of the writing and story.

Overall, it's a 3 crown rating.

bookbunny00's review

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"The leak of madness" by Alice J. Black is the prequel to a book series,
which focuses on Peyton, an young adult, dealing with alcoholism because it's the only way she knows how to keep the voices of the dead she hears, at bay.

Peyton is a pretty solitary character, her family died in a fire and she doesn't have many friends because of her excessive consummation of alcohol, which helps her to "black out"which means she doesn't hear the voices of the dead who constantly try to communicate with her once she is drunk.
Her only real friend is Olivia, a childhood friend with whom she grew up with. Olivias brother is marrying and she forces her to come along, but at the place where the wedding is held the voice of a dead tries to chase her away.
Now Peyton tries to cope with her alcohol problem, her friend and an angry ghost, who is trying to kill her.

The reader is thrown right into the plot, and you get to know the main character, Peyton, pretty fast, because it written in the first-person perspective. Which was good, because e.g. for me alcoholism is something I never had to deal with before, so it helps the reader to understand her motives and feelings better.
You understand Peyton, because she knows she has a problem, but she can't bring herself to stop, because then she would be tormented by ghosts 24/7, so I get why she wants some peace and silence, even when it comes at such a high price.
I also liked it that she had a female best friend, even though she is a bit bossy sometimes, but in my opinion it only showed how much Olivia cares for Peyton.
The author described the scenes and places very well and compact, while still managing to draw a sad and compelling atmosphere.

I give this story 3,8 Stars, because I'm not sure yet, in which direction the author will go with the story, but it has a lot of potential and I will be following the next books for sure.
I would recommend this for readers who like fantasy, mystery and fans of "The darkest powers" by Kelley Armstrong, also a series I can only recommend.

Annotation: I noticed how sometimes a sentence repeated itself, like on page seven the sentence „A table that had seen thousands of bodies passing over it. How fucked up was this?“ appears also on page 9. I only occurred around 3 times though, maybe it was only on my edition ?

I received this book from the publisher for an honest review.

In addition, please excuse any grammatical mistakes, english is not my native language.

bookwyrmbella's review

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This was an interesting story. Peyton’s ability reminded me of the tv show Medium except that she was trying to bury her gifts in alcohol. I wasn’t a huge fan of the alcoholism aspect of this story but liked learning about her gift and how it affects her. I would have liked to learn more about why she ends up back at her parents funeral home sometimes. Her friend Olivia was interesting but a bit overbearing. I also enjoyed the connection she had with Jake. I hope he shows up in future books as well. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoyed Medium or other similar paranormal ghost stories.

I received an eARC via the publisher. All opinions are my own.