
Please Release Me by Rhoda Baxter

jantine's review

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I find this book quite hard to review.

On the one hand, it is written well and with some nice twists. Peter is lovable if a bit naieve, Grace is the wonderful kind of person I could be friends with, and Sally ... Despite her meanness and the way she used Peter, she had her reasons.

On the other hand, I think there were too many cliché parts in the plot to really hit home. Peter and Grace hardly seem to develop (although Peter does get angry at a point, thank goodness!) from the point when Sally is able to communicate. The background of Sally and her fate give this book a kind of 'heaviness' that seems to clash with the lighter tone of the writing.

Although I cannot really get my finger behind the 'why', this book just isn't it for me. It's not bad either, certainly not, so my rating is in the middle: a three stars for a book I did enjoy, absolutely, but wouldn't read a second time.

I received a free copy through Netglley in return for an honest review.

justmekendra's review

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This is my first book from this author so I had no idea what I was getting into. While I did like it, I just couldn't click with the main character. First time in a long time that that has happened. When that happens, I can't click with the book. I liked the plot and it was well developed, but it just wasn't something I was too happy with. I can appreciate it though. Gave it an extra star because of the way the book ended. I'm a sucker for an HEA.

*I have received this from NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.