
Circle Spinner and Other Tales by Elizabeth Baxter

echotechne's review

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Normally, I'm not one for short stories. All too often I get to the end of the anthology and have forgotten it almost as soon as I've put the book down. Not all short story collections, but enough that I generally don't expect too much from them. However, this little selection of stories is exactly what I look for in such a collection.

Each of the five stories is very different from the others, and full of a creativity that's really rare in such shorts. Each one stands out and is memorable in its own way. The author is very good at creating entire worlds in very few words, giving you enough to go on to really get into and pick up a feeling for the universe they're set in. They're catchy and fun and the characters are likeable. Each story really drew me in right from the first paragraph.

In summary I'm just really, really impressed with this author, and very much looking forward to reading some of her forthcoming novels.