
Blue Notes: A Book Club Recommendation! by Carrie Lofty

carmdawg's review against another edition

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I liked this book. I’ve been in a reading slump, so went to the library to get an actual book rather than an e book. It has a good story, not the usual story romance. It also was a nice quick read. I feel like the drama built up lead nowhere. With that said i still wanted to finish it!

mandy_pandy's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book. The story was interesting and I liked most of the characters. I struggled a little bit with how the story flowed and a little bit with the relationship development between the characters. Also, I would've really liked an epilogue - it felt like some of the story was left unfinished when the book ended. I enjoyed this book and would read more if the author turned this into a series (to tell Adeline's story.)

menrk's review against another edition

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The cover was what first attracted me. The blurb also sounded interesting enough. Sadly, the insta-lust didn't do it for me. It was too intense, too serious, that it just got boring fast. Maybe I would have believed the romance more if there was some lightness in their relationship, or they connected on a more friendly level instead of just wanting to bone each other.

heatheray's review against another edition

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I loved loved loved Blue Notes!

The title caught my eye first – or my music major’s eye. I have a thing for music books. Rock stars, classical musicians, even dance because dancers get music, I love music. I love how much Keeley feels the music when she is playing it. I could feel it through the words on the page.

And I jump ahead of myself.

The book starts with a young Keeley, with what puts her in the care of her foster family, that part of the book is heart breaking. It’s not overly dark, it’s sad, one of those things that no child should have to go through.

Then we jump ahead to Keeley off to college. She has just transferred to Tulane. She runs into Jude after a hurricane like composing session/rehearsal. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Jude at first. He was kind of a cocky SOB, the type who literally says you don’t know who I am?

There’s a reason behind that exterior that he projects though. He has had his own tragedies happen in his past.

They run into each again when Keeley goes to meet her mentor. The chemistry starts to build and we are off.

I don’t feel like my words are doing justice while I am writing this right now. This was a beautiful sexy, but not overbearing, romance where our leading man and woman have both been through horrible things, yet the book doesn’t feel dark at all. It’s sweet. I love the chemistry between them. I love Jude’s attitude once we get to really know him. I loved watching Keeley grow.

I finished this in one sigh inducing late night sitting, it (352 pages) went by so quickly because of how into it I was. I wanted this to work for Keeley and Jude. I wanted them to have a HEA. Did they? You’ll have to read it yourself to find out.

Thank you so much for my copy of Blue Notes that I was gifted to facilitate this review.

kirstenleigh's review against another edition

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I really liked this story and the characters! My biggest complaint though is that towards the end it felt so rushed, like she was just trying to get through it. I definitely could have used more time with the second half of this book.

ellajing's review against another edition

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It was foolish of me to think that the story, the characters, and the romance will get better.

Read full review at The Filipina Booknote

regencyfan93's review against another edition

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Long, m/f, I am usually put off by wealthy people and their belongings. Blue Notes was different.

I liked that Keeley was composing her sonata for the duration of the book. It was just thrown in at the begining "look how talented she is!" and never mentioned again.

lifeandliterature's review against another edition

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"Turn me on, sugar," he says, smoldering and daring. "Just you and that piano."

As soon as I saw this book on Goodreads, I had to have it. Did you read that synopsis? How perfect does it sound? It was on my mind all the time. Not always at the forefront, but tucked away in there somewhere desperately waiting for it to be released. I had built it up so much in my head, that I was almost scared to read it and have it disappoint me in any way. But when I finally had it in my hands, I jumped in feet first ready to fall in love. And boy, did I fall in love.

My music is ...private. It's a hole in me where anyone can look inside. It's a damn bathroom door that won't lock. The keys aren't my friends when I'm so pent up. It's only afterward, when I write down what's flowed through me, that I feel in control again. The music doesn't own me then. I own it.

Keeley is an exceptionally gifted pianist, although she can't stand the spotlight. But she wants nothing more than to make music her career. So she enrols as a junior at Tulane. After a run in with the wealthy Jude Villars, she has to admit that he rattles her. Even more so when he comes up with a proposition for her that sounds just too good to pass up.

He's a vortex, or a planet with it's own powerful orbit. He's gravity and the tide. There's no denying any force of nature that powerful. Jude is one of them.

Jude was imperfectly perfect. He was brash and he had a touch of arrogance about him. But there was something about him right from the very start that I loved. Even when he was being cocky and a little bit of an arse. There were times he was infuriating Keeley with his words and even then, I loved him. And didn't I swoon every time that he called her sugar!! But under all of that, he is carrying a whole load of pain and responsibility. He was flawed perfection.

My gasps make his smile even wider. Yes. Just like he said. He's learning me. I'm a gasping, writhing road map, and the man does love to explore.

The chemistry and heat between Jude and Keeley was amazing. Somewhere along the way the lines become blurred. Jude begins opening up to Keeley and letting her into his past. Sadly, she doesn't do the same. She keeps her secrets very closely guarded. Secrets have a way of coming out. Will Jude be able to overlook everything that Keeley has kept from him, and will the feelings that they've developed be enough to overcome it all?

I really loved the growth of the characters and the development of the beautiful friendships throughout the story. Keeley and Jude both have such amazing strength which is such a stand out by the end of the book.

Carrie Lofty needs to write more New Adult, because she does it so awesomely well. I loved Blue Notes from the first page to the last. Her writing is beautifully descriptive and her characters were likeable as well as being relatable. The pacing of the story was fantastic. So much so that I was so engrossed, I was at the end of the book before I knew it.

"Touch me there. At my nape."
I'm a melty puddle of guh before I take my next breath.

Yep, a complete puddle.

5/5 Amazing Jude Stars

rosepetals1984's review against another edition

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Initial reaction: "Blue Notes" actually surprised me in a few ways for the strength of the narrative, but I'll admit that it fell into a number of cliches and the pacing felt uneven through certain turns of the work. But I have to say that the overarching story did draw me in and felt realistic for the genre, probably even more than the narratives its cited in comparison to. I'll explain more in the full review.

Full review:

Yeah, color me surprised, because I don't often rate New Adult books above 2.5 stars often, but this read clicked more with me than I was expecting it to for the subject matter.

I'm going to start this review by naming the caveats right off the bat, because I think these made it difficult in the overarching read for me to rate this higher. This book, for the New Adult genre, is quite formulaic and it never really sheds its stereotypical coats. You have a virgin heroine with a tragic past who instalusts over a bad boy billionaire hero who seems to be rude and self-absorbed. There is some slut shaming, some bravado on the part of the hero that makes him a jerk, and times when the narrative pacing is far more slow than it should've been.

However, I really liked the environment and character insight/motivations established by this book. Those two aspects are things I'm really big on when it comes to contemporary college focused fiction. It felt quite realistic and I was able to follow the tough subject matter in this book far more easily (and actually believe it!) than many other reads in this respective genre. I feel it's a bit of a false comparison when the blurb depicts this as being similar to Jamie McGuire and S.C. Stephens. Having read both of the authors aforementioned - the comparison is false because "Blue Notes" lacks the constant melodrama and silly character actions/reaction being flung at you every which way but loose in McGuire and Stephens' narratives. Lofty's narrative really isn't like that at all, and I was glad to see that it wasn't. It's more realistic and grounded for the situations it sets forward (though I would say there are some points where I think taking out the obvious cliches and improving the pacing could've helped it be much stronger than what it comes across).

Keeley is a junior in college with an identity she's trying to forge after a childhood with rough considerations. Her father killed her mother, she had to testify at her father's trial at 15, ended up with a foster family who adopted her permanently, with a new identity in tow. She seeks to move on with her life from that. Attending college at Tulane in New Orleans, she engages with her music and mentors another younger student in the process.

But in the meantime, she happens to meet the mysterious Jude - a guy who radiates sexual tension with her at almost every encounter that they have. He's a jerk from point one, probably not so much in their first meeting as much as their second (he rudely makes another couple move from their seats during a performance). But Keeley can't stop lusting after this dude. He's not completely over the top or unrealistic for reaction though, which is probably why I tolerated him far more than some other NA heroes (unfortunately, I couldn't really see myself swooning over Jude's character, for reasons I'll get into in a minute.)

Part of me thought this was very annoying at how *long* Keeley seemed to lust after him without really knowing who he was. And while there may be some relationships that start with an intense physical attraction/gravitational pull to a respective admirer, I had a hard time for how long this was focused upon until the narrative got to a point where it started revealing some of Jude's backstory and associations. It was too drawn out and could've been pared down a little quicker to establish the grounding of the characters more, not to mention really help understand the attraction between the characters for more than just the physical.

Turns out that not only is Jude from a wealthy family, but he's also an orphan who takes care of his little sister and had to take over his family company at a young age after graduating from business school.

There is an age gap between hero and heroine (Keeley's 21, while Jude's 26, his younger sister is 18). The two had some very nice moments of exploring their intimacy with each other, though it does play into some stereotypes associated with virginity. But at least the two seem to talk to each other and their conflicts are palpable. There are multiple conflicts within the novel occurring in the interludes, and I have to admit that Lofty did a nice job with providing character insight into each of these measures. I was even convinced by Keeley's uneasiness to reveal her respective past and how that provided some conflict points within the novel, though there was still a part of me that thought the pacing could've been improved to delve into these even more, rather than spending so much time in Keeley's eye to her attractions. (In other words, I'm fine with the narrative highlighting what draws her to the guys in here in rationale, but it should've taken way less time in the overarching narrative).

I did like this work more as it went on and as the character relationships and interactions built upon themselves. Keeley's foster parents were cool and I liked that the narrative called out specific incidents that seemed like B.S. for the treatment of the MC. The college environment and interactions were authentic to me on the whole and well done for Keeley's experience, as well as how she eventually steps up to the plate to deal with parts of her past and present. So taking it into consideration on the whole, I liked the novel, but I do wish that it'd not fallen so heavily in reliance on its cliches and improved its respective pacing. I think those who liked Leah Raeder's "Unteachable" would probably find something to like in this, give or take its caveats.

Overall score: 2.5/5 stars

Note: I received this as an ARC from NetGalley, from the publisher Gallery Books.

bookishzelda's review against another edition

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There are some books that I look at and think, this looks interesting. I’ll probably like it but don’t expect to be immediately sucked in and then am pleasantly surprised when I do. Blue Notes is one of those books for me. I felt invested in Keeley’s story right from the beginning.

I like Keeley. She’s had a hard life and has wisdom beyond her years for it but she also has a innocence to her. She has insecurities and sometimes a hard time blending in because she has had the hard younger years she had. She is also grateful to her foster parents who helped turn her life around. Which is nice to see and she builds a strong bond with her friends Janey and Addie.

At first I felt like her relationship with Jude was kind of toxic. Yay there was tons of chemistry and he did get her to come out of her shell a lot of times. I thought he was a little too controlling and dominant. There is a point where Keeley steps back says wait hold up is this what I really want and it changes the course of things. I really liked that she was able to do that. The other interesting thing is that I think it’s been a long time since I’ve read an NA or Adult that only shows on pov. So we only get Keeley’s side of things which makes Jude more mysterious. You want to know what he’s thinking. I forget how much fun that element can be.

I liked the plot. I thought there was a lot of different avenues that it could possibly take which made it so you were not 100% sure where it was going. I kept thinking up scenarios like uh oh what if this happens and then it didn’t and I was happy with the route it took. It was a lot about Keeley figuring out who she was now after shedding the alias and settling on persona finally. Being able to be open finally. I loved seeing her develop through the story.

I like the writing and the setting of New Orleans area was a lot of fun. I loved hearing about different food in areas as weird as that sound. I also love that there was a Chicago connection. Yay Chicago. I also really enjoyed the side characters of Addie and Janey. There was also Brandon who was definitely interesting. He added that little side drama.

So I enjoyed this read and I don’t think you can go wrong with a likeable MC that holds herself accountable for the things she does.