timhoiland's review

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“The whole point about the resurrection . . . is that the risen Jesus is the beginning of God’s new world order, ‘the firstfruits of those who slept.’ He is the guarantee that love is stronger than death, that the God who made the world, and has grieved over its fall into sin and corruption, has not left it to stew in its own juice but has entered it, taken its pain and shame and death on to himself, and broken through to a new creation the other side. And this means that we are called to look at the world in a whole new way. We are summoned to see everything – from fishing boats to frogspawn, from rainbows to refugee camps – in a new way. We are summoned to let the morning sun rise on our perceptions of God’s world, to stop looking at things the old way, blundering along in the dark, wondering why we aren’t catching any fish to speak of. We are invited to open our eyes and see new life, open our hands and give new life. And we are invited to do this because Jesus is risen, and with him new creation has come into being.”