

frank42's review against another edition

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A rather dull and incoherent collection of anecdotal studies culminating in the rather obvious though just desire for more attention to social and emotional skills in children in school curricula. It might have presented cutting edge science in 1995 when it was written, but in 2011 it is outdated.

slushhhhy's review against another edition

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Long and dry AF. Anecdote after anecdote. I just wanted a basic how to be more emotionally intelligent book with some science to back it up perhaps, a few anecdotes sure, but reading this reminded me of being in a 'conversation' with someone and you have no idea when to interject or excuse yourself because they never stop talking and you say you'll wait until they've finished the topic they're on, but they somehow transition to talking about something else and then suddenly they're in the middle of talking about another topic. 

Tbf the paragraphs/chapters are broken up, but I found myself pausing at each break, and then eventually flicking through to find something of interest. That took me to the end of the book.

rest15resistance's review against another edition

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Understanding the basis of emotional intelligence and it's importance is crucial for those who may be living a lower quality of life because they lack those crucial important skills, and also for those who may not be lacking in this critical area, but are still subject to be affected by those who are in this day and age of the mass shooting.

There's a lot to be learned here-a long, and at times, heavy read, It's a very substantial text beginning with the biological aspects of emotion, and how our bodies have yet to evolve to keep up with situations that make up modern day life. Our emotions are still essentially equipped for when humans had to survive in the wild. Yet, modern day living presents its own challenges for which we have to respond much more differently. Goleman provides a basis and reasoning to help explain the many knee-jerk reactions that we can see take place in school, work, and in traffic for examples.

He thens goes into how emotional intelligence and academic intelligence are not one in the same and those with very high IQ can still lead very poor private lives, and vice versa. An individual's low IQ has no bearing on how well equipped they are emotionally. Yet emotional health has so much bearing on other aspects of life, such as relationships with others, our social connectedness, and even our physical health and will to live. The book showcases scientific studies that show that people not as socially connected or who don't have a strong support system of people to talk to tend to succumb to illness more quickly and have less will to live than those who do have more supportive social ties.

Most importantly, besides bringing understanding to the abstract, the book offers some practical tools for application as well as hope and encouragement that if one does find him or herself lacking in the emotional or relational areas in life, these weaknesses and not necessarily ingrained in us permanently as humans, but can be improved, albeit which much work and perhaps professional help. There is a lot to unpack here, and it's not a quick read. It ends on a note of preventing these emotional issues in the first place starting with children and addressing any issues where they may be lacking early on through intervention through alternative school programming as well as reinforcement in the home and beyond.

As technology takes over and the world continues to become more industrialized, we seemed to move further away from the things that support us emotionally as humans. Our world seems to be "advancing" in all aspects, except when it comes to ourselves. We are still the same the humans who need the same basic things that humans from hundreds or even thousands of years ago needed. We are social creatures. Even if considered an introvert, one is still apart of a crucial network to their own survival. Modern day living severs these ties that we have had for generations. Goleman brings the crucial aspect of emotional intelligence back to the spotlight and how understanding it can be the key to reversing many of the rising negative trends in depression, suicide, violence, etc. in society today.

ahalsnad's review against another edition

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The book provides insights into emotions and how it helps improve the quality of life if handled properly. It is a long read with a lot of information, worth it.

It starts slowly with an explanation of how emotions and brain works, continuing with how biologically/psychologically people behave and providing several studies to back it up. It describes the importance of family, society, and schooling. The studies conducted on trauma patients enlighten that the brain can relearn and heal with time and the right support. It concludes with the price people pay when they have less EI becoming outcasts in the society and living a not-so-happy life, and how there have been courses conducted in several schools and the improvement one sees in children making friendship, resolving conflicts and negotiating compromises. The school, community, and family has to put in efforts to achieve this.

The positive take away from this book is that unlike IQ, one can improve their Emotional Intelligence and be a better, successful version of ourselves.

ferlosofo's review against another edition

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Un libro que sin duda aporta los elementos iniciales de lo que constituyó la categoría de "inteligencia emocional", aunque el texto tiene más de 20 años, es posible rescatar ideas y conceptos, que por supuesto, debe ser contrastado con planteamientos posteriores. La narrativa entretenida y los elementos anecdóticos hacen una lectura fluida.

oihanesaez's review against another edition

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I liked that the book is scientific and gives you an extensive approach to how he has reached to his conclusions. It was a very interesting book and I found many points that interested me such as how emotions affect your health and how people with similar CI but different CE differ in school and in life.

Also very interesting approach to how our education during our childhood affects our behaviour and our approach to life when we are older.

Furthermore, I found very interesting and instructive to know about the amigdala and how some signals go straight there before the conscious brain can process the message and how the amigdala gives you an instant response.

All in all, very interesting though some parts more than others and I learnt a lot.

haraop's review against another edition

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Daniel Goleman sintetiza cientos de libros, estudios, y artículos para tratar de demostrar, como dice su subtítulo, "por qué es más importante que el cociente intelectual". En gran parte del libro, habla sobre cómo afecta esto más en nuestra vida diaria, para nuestro futuro, para nuestra salud tanto física como mental, en las relaciones, en el trabajo, etc.

En mi opinión, se enfatiza mucho en todo el libro para querer demostrar las consecuencias de no desarrollar más la inteligencia emocional con anécdotas de personas, hasta con estudios de miles de personas; lo que buscaba más es cómo desarrollar este tipo de inteligencia, pero solo toma, como 1/4 de la descripción trasera para hablar sobre cómo mejorarlo, también toma solo 1/4 del libro para esto, lo cual también sigue incluyendo anécdotas y estudios en el paso.

Está correctamente descrito el título, subtitulo y parte trasera en cuanto a lo que encontrarán adentro del libro, pero al final se va desarrollando en una buena explicación, aún un tanto pesada sobre una excelente teoría del mejoramiento general de la inteligencia emocional desde que uno es niño y hasta para adultos, pero lo cual requiere un gran trabajo global de muchas instituciones, más que todo escolares, con un final que lo deja uno pensando. A pesar de la gran descripción de la importancia de la inteligencia emocional, es buena para enfatizar y hacer pensar hasta a las personas más detallistas.

iffah's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


irinap's review against another edition

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informative reflective slow-paced


flz's review against another edition

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I'm not the biggest non-fiction reader, as I'm more interested in light stories that I can actually imagine how the sequence of the events is happening. That being said, reading "Emotional Intelligence" wasn't an easy thing for me to do. It took me more than a year to finish reading this book since I kind of tapped out after reading a chapter or so. Not gonna lie, it also kinda put me in a reading slump, to the point that I had to start a few other books because I thought I needed to read something else in between reading this book to keep myself interested.

After a while, I realized that I had more interest in the later chapters. I zoned out when reading passages about how the brain works, but my eyes were glued to the pages that discussed anger, empathy, emotion regulation, and especially how to teach emotional intelligence to little kids. I highlighted so many parts from the later chapters because I deemed them as more interesting than talking about... the brain and all its contents.

The book was very insightful to me and it was quite an interesting read regardless of the long time I had to spend to finish reading it. With this being said, I'm planning to reread the book sometime later, to actually comprehend all the passages (and especially those from the first few chapters) instead of just letting them pass by, with the hope of getting more insights.