
I Hate You by Ilsa Madden-Mills

kippins's review against another edition

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Thoroughly enjoyed it!

Loved both characters, the drama wasn't overly done and I was completely rooting for them. Neither did anything that I would consider to be over the top or unforgiveable.
Delighted to have found this author and seem to be tearing through her back catalogue. Next!

lmrivas54's review against another edition

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I love young adult romances, I love sports romances and this has both. I was in book heaven while I read this book. This author has the incredible talent of hooking you into her story and not letting you go until you finish reading at 3 am, as was my case. Then in the morning, a quick re-reading of the end to enjoy it again and now to write my review.

All I can say is: I loved it! Blaze came from a broken home, from two meth addicted parents who took minimal care of their son and were mostly negligent. He was abandoned without being orphaned. Then when his parents die in an accident caused by their addictions, and a young girl is killed as a result, he went further down because he was vilified by the town for his parents’ sins. His uncle and aunt took him in, gave him the essentials but never love. So now, he’s a respected and admired athlete in Waylon University, gorgeous and charming, but inside there’s a little boy that craves love and being important in someone’s life. For the moment, football is what makes him feel good so he’s dedicated to it.

Charisma came from a good household and a loving family. The only wrinkle in her life is that her father is a very handsome and charming man and she saw him being unfaithful to her mother. This created mistrust in love and fidelity in her. Coupled with her self-image problem (she’s curvy, not model stick-thin), she shies away from intimacy and commitment.

So two commitment phobes with deep needy souls meet, burn up the place with their chemistry, and have a back and forth play because they want but don’t dare. I never lost patience and never lost faith because I knew their love was so big they were eventually going to get there. I was just there along for the ride, rooting for them, and enjoying their banter, their angsty moment, and mourning their deep need for connection and trust and fidelity.

These characters were fantastic and I loved them too. Charisma is smart and witty when she’s not down and heartbroken. I loved her acronyms! But the character that stole my heart was Blaze. He was so complex, driven to succeed in football and get into the NFL, worried about his grades because of his concentration problems, sure of his popularity in campus but underneath it all, feeling unworthy and unloved, fueled by his feelings for Charisma but not feeling enough to keep her, afraid of losing everyone he loves, of not being lovable. He’s such a complex mixture of strengths and weaknesses, but you know the person inside and who he’s capable of being when his life is sorted out. It was a lovely book and a definite re-read in the future.

booksrlush_'s review against another edition

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kmkasiner's review against another edition

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it's fun when you download a random book with a bad cover from Kindle Unlimited as a palate cleanser and it turns out to actually be pretty good. This was funny and heartwarming.

literallylauralee_'s review against another edition

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Oh my god I LOVED Blaze and Charisma. The whole book kept my attention. They have such a good dynamic, it’s out of this world. I can’t say enough good things.

taniamg's review against another edition

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These two omg!!! Charisma and Blaze had a fling that ended terribly. She felt like she wasn’t his type or good enough for him but it was the complete opposite for him. He thought she was too smart for him. He hid his pain very well and you would never think the talented wide receiver was lonely. Charisma self esteem was low but no one knew that because she put on a great front. These two couldn’t be together for crazy reasons but then things changed but they were still rocky. Once I read Blaze childhood my heart broke for him and Charisma’s family literally adopted him later on after they got their act together. It was great catching up with Ryker and Penelope but I’m glad these two found themselves back to each other and got their HEA.

booknerd_1107's review against another edition

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I Hate You

**received an ARC in exchange for an honest review***


Charisma and Blaze’s story is one of my favorites. They both are struggling with not being good enough for one another and letting their past dictate their future. I love how they lean on one another and give each other silent support. And if they just show each other that they are better together and that they are good enough for the other they can do anything.

stacey_sassysreadingnook's review against another edition

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Love. Love. Love. So much love.

I devoured this one and it just ended too quickly, I may have to go back and reread just so I can savour those special moments. What a shame. :D

Blaze and Charisma's chemistry was off the charts. Plenty of sexy and sweet moments, laughs, angst and definitely hits the feels.

Loved every minute of this story and highly recommend it.

Ilsa Madden - Mills has done it again!

math_chan's review against another edition

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Blaze a largué Charisma en pleine soirée, devant tout le monde. Pour elle c’est terminé, plus jamais elle ne succombera à ce joueur vénéré de tous. C’est malheureusement plus facile à dire qu’à faire… De son côté Blaze veut renouer avec Charisma et ne supporte pas que d’autres hommes l’approche, même s’il ne veut pas d’elle, il ne souhaite pas non plus la partager. De toute façon, toutes les personnes qui devaient l’aimer l’ont abandonné, donc s’il l’éloigne d’elle c’est uniquement pour se protéger… non ?
Beaucoup de longueurs dans ce 3ème opus. Les personnages principaux ont énormément d'insécurités qui ralentissent le rythme de l'histoire. Ils ont tous les deux des passés lourds mais totalement différents qui les immobilisent. J'avoue que je me suis lassée vers la fin. On revoit le couple du tome précédent mais quasiment pas (en dehors d'une demi phrase) celui du 1er tome qui était mon préféré, celui que je trouve, à date, le plus abouti. En bref, c'est une série sympa à lire même si j'ai l'impression que mon attrait baisse au fur et mesure des tomes. Je lirai le dernier par curiosité et avec espoir qu'il relève Le niveau.

ghada95's review against another edition

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