
Thoughtful by S.C. Stephens

caitlincariseo's review

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DNF @ <1%

Him using the word "nookie" was the final straw.

cavityfila's review against another edition

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I loved the Thoughtless series so much, and Thoughtless in particular, that I just had to read this one. I'm glad I did, as it really gave me insight in the mind of Kellan Kyle in a way you don't get in the other books, in his pov. It was shocking at first to see how little this guy really thought of himself, based on the physical and mental abuse he endured from his parents when he was young. One would never think that a hot guy with so many girls falling at his feet would think so little of himself, that he was unworthy of love, that no one would ever put him first. It was heart breaking. This basic tenet really dictates most of the story, how he was willing to take whatever scraps Keira was willing to give him for most of the story, how he was willing to share her and keep her at any cost. But it got it pretty monotonous at some point and the book became stagnant. And it wasn't till close to the end that it started picking up again.

This book really made me hate Keira. I've read reviews like that throughout the series about readers hating her, for being flakey and selfish and basically stringing both Kellan and Denny along, but in the first 3 books I didn't feel that way. The others being written from her pov made me empathize with her and understand how hard this was for her. In this book I really started to dislike her. I just wanted to shake Kellan and tell him he could do so much better than a girl who doesn't know what she wants and keeps choosing your best friend over you.

As always, this series was an emotional roller coaster for me. Even though I knew what was going to happen at the end, it was years in between my reading of the previous books and this one, so I only had a hazy recollection of what was to come. The writing and the drama kept me on the edge of my seat yet again and I still enjoyed it. Though painful at times, I would recommend this book to a fan of this series.

bookmaniacforever's review

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⭐️ 4.5 STARS ⭐️

I’m not generally a fan of book retold from another point of view, but in this situation I really loved Thoughtful. I mean, it’s Kellan Kyle’s POV we’re talking about. Who wouldn’t love it. Thoughtless being one of my favorite series ever, I thought it was finally time to read Kellan’s side of the story after all these years.

I knew I was going to break with Kellan, but this much? In this book, I really got to witness an other side of him. The insecure one where he's like a little boy who’s afraid to be abandoned again. And it was utterly sad and heartbreaking. Every back and forth in his forbidden romance with Kiera was fragmenting his heart and mine. It was a hard book to read for all these downs he felt and his doubts. But his love for Kiera was more evident and striking than ever. The way he sees her despite all her flaws.

His conflicting feelings about Kiera vs Denny shows how much they both means to him. That’s the thing about this story. I really don’t condone cheating, but the way they feel about each other is so stunning that you can’t help but root for them to end up together. Yes, they start at it the wrong way and could have acted differently, but all these insecurities make it difficult to explore this relationship freely.

I’m really glad to finally have read this story!

Kellan is the perfect hero and will stay one of my favorite ever.

amandawooden's review

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OH MY…. MORE KELLAN KYLE! *happy dance* From the moment I found out there was going to be more KK, I have been very patiently waiting (yeah right) for its release! I LOVE KK! He is one of my top 5 book boyfriends EVER, and the Thoughtless Series is one of the best series EVER! So to say my expectations were high, would be a huge understatement!

I will definitely say that I would HIGHLY recommend that you read Thoughtless first (and PLEASE keep reading the rest of the series…. SO SO good). To get the full experience and know the story, you really need to read Kiera's POV first.

Reading Kellan's POV, I knew was going to break my heart. In Thoughtless there are so many times that I just felt so awful for him, and knew he was hurting. BUT I had no idea, the depth of sorrow and pain that Kellan had gone through as a child. It destroyed me. Seeing the past through his eyes was so painful and broke my heart for him. Learning just exactly what music meant to him, was enlightening and beautiful. Music helped to heal him and make him complete. And his band mates are his family, they are everything to him. I loved seeing his relationship with him, and their bond.

"For the first time in my young life, I'd found something that gave me complete and total peace, something I connected with, something with similar wants and desires. The guitar needed to be played. I needed to play it. It was a mutual, beautiful, symbiotic relationship, and for a long time, it was the only real relationship I had."

We get to know and understand just how much Denny means to Kellan, and why he never wanted to hurt him. He was his brother and there for him, when no one else was. But from the moment he saw Kiera he couldn't deny that he wanted her, and wanted what her and Denny had. Torn between being loyal to his friend and losing the connection he had with Kiera was killing him.

"She was awkward, shy, adorable, and beautiful. A deadly combination."

Kiera was everything he didn't think he could ever have or deserved. But the love between them is timeless. You can feel it in your soul, you just know they were meant to be. I have been 'Team Kellan' from the beginning. There is no denying their connection and just how strong their feelings for one another truly is. What I wasn't AT ALL prepared for was just how much Kiera's refusal broke him. And with that, it actually made me dislike Kiera at times. (and I am not one of those who hated her in the previous books because of the 'cheating') I could feel his pain and that killed me.

"I'd never had anything like this feeling, and I desperately wanted to keep it going. I'm sorry, Denny, but I can't let her go. I kind of never wanted to let her go."

Kiera and Kellan's love will take your breath away and break your heart, but you just know they are meant to be forever. But their journey to get there will not be easy.

“I can’t let her go, Evan. I tried. I tried to stay away, I tried to forget her.”

I was addicted from the beginning just begging for more 'new' Kellan. I don't feel like I got the 'new' but I did get more. What I mean by that is, it is not really new scenes but you do get to experience the emotions from his side. I have re-read the entire Thoughtless Series more times that I should probably admit and still LOVE the book every time. So of course I LOVED Thoughtful I just was hoping for some more 'new', and not so much a rehash of the Thoughtless events. Do I recommend you read this book…. YES! But definitely read Thoughtless first. I have HUGE LOVE for Kellan Kyle and would read ANYTHING he is in! Can't wait for Griffin's book!

kaitiecakes's review

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This book was just as amazing as the first one. I loved being able to fill in the gaps between Kiaras story when Kellan wasn’t with her. It made me fall even more in love with him, made us understand even more why he was the way he was and what he did when she wasn’t around. Such a beautiful story!

kerithesmutslut's review

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This Novella is 3 times longer then most of my regular novels 😂😂

So I am currently half way through with the book (I started reading this immediately after reading Thoughtless). I admit I have skimmed certain parts that frustrated me the first time around, but so far this book is even better than Thoughtless! Reading it from Kellans POV is amazing, and makes me hate Kiera that much more. I have never wanted to reach through a page to slap a bit**h more in my life. I really want to strangle this heroine.

I can't wait to read the next half of this book! Kellan is a guy that girls can only dream (or read) about. The absolute perfect book boyfriend.

** I'm now done with this book, and I have to say that I enjoyed it just as much, if not more so then the first book. I love Kellan so darn much! I can't wait to start the next book! (it's 1 am and I'm immediately starting the next book because I literally can't wait)

allie8973's review

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Oh Kellen. How can I love a book so much and yet hate the FMC Soo badly? Idk. IDC. 

j_the_bookworm's review

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Oh Kellan!! I loved reading Kellan's POV, but this book just pulled at my heart cause we get inside Kellan's head and see how much he was really hurt throughout Thoughtless when Kiera and he were back and forth. This made me dislike Kiera a bit more than I did when I read Thoughtless in her POV. This is a must read for any Kellan Kyle fan!

tamm's review

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Kellan's POV is even more heartwrenching than Thoughtless. Loved it.

karelle14's review

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Currently in a major book hangover because pf this... SO MANY EMOTIONS!! Kellan will always have a special place in my heart and I can't believe that I just got done reading his and Kiera's story... what am I gonna do with my life now??