
MJ-12: Endgame by Michael J. Martinez

thoroughlymodernreviewer's review

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All in all, MJ-12: Endgame is a super satisfying conclusion to the Majestic 12 series. It ties up all the loose elements left scattered throughout the series in a way that feels both satisfying and dramatically earned. It continues to develop the characters in ways that feel true to who they are but that also challenge their beliefs. All the main questions left hanging from previous novels are answered and, even if I would've liked a bit more explanation to those answers, they're satisfying answers that feel dramatically earned and make sense within the context of the story. MJ-12: Endgame is a great novel that maintains all the great aspects of the previous books in the series while continuing to improve upon them. It's engaging, surprising, suspenseful, action-packed, and genuinely emotional. The alternate history is handled with such care, research, and interest from Martinez that it's easy to find yourself lost in it and start to believe it's not fiction at all. The social commentary is a bit less strong in this book than in previous ones, but it's still there and (unfortunately) still timely as ever. Martinez has a gift for these kinds of stories. He has a gift for creating diverse, fully formed characters with captivating backstories. He has a gift for building compelling universes that readers want to spend time in. And he has a gift for crafting interesting, well-paced narratives. His stories are able to appeal to a number of people. This is a spy novel, a superhero novel, an action/adventure novel, and a political drama. He writes for such a broad audience and the characters are so varied and diverse that it's easy for a reader to find someone in the story they can identify with. MJ-12: Endgame is just a really good time and a really good way to end this series.

Full review can be found on my blog

infinitefreetime's review

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