
Midnight Sky by Amy Braun

novelbloglover's review

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Book Review

Title: Midnight Sky

Author: Amy Braun

Genre: Sci-Fi/Steam Punk/Dystopian

Rating: *****

Review: Midnight Sky is the second book in the Dark Sky Series and I was so excited when Amy Braun sent me this as I absolutely loved Crimson Sky the review of which you can find here (Add hyperlink). The short excerpt was amazing, great to whet the appetite of the reader. And it’s a battle scene added bonus with Claire being caught by the evil Davin, but it cuts off before we find out if he hurts her, so I am racing 8 pages forward to the beginning of the first chapter.

Again this book if a quick, fast paced read at only 161 pages. This story follows Claire and the band of marauders including Sawyer, Nash, Gemma and the new addition Riley as well as Claire’s sister abbey as they try and uncover the secrets of the key Claire’s mother gave her before she died and how they can seal off the Breach and stop the Hellions once and for all.

Most of the characters are still suffering from the events of the first book especially Abbey who was severely mentally and emotionally damaged by the Hellions. Moira (also a new addition to the crew) has taken on the role of nurse and mother to Abbey. Moira believes Abbey is her child and even calls he Molly after her own dead daughter.

Abbey is stricken with illness after being rescued that turns out to be a possession of sorts but I’m not going to give away some spoilers here as this is one of the major plot points in the story. Piece by Piece the excerpt at the beginning of the novel makes sense.

I loved how this book has just as much action as the first book but it has far more backstory allowing us to better understand the characters, what drives them, who they are and how their world came to be what it is in this present time.

Claire seems to be holding all the answers but because her parents avoided telling her the truth and she was so young when they died she is having a very hard time putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

The only thing I didn’t like about this book was the love triangle between Claire, Sawyer and Riley. I loved the budding romance between Claire and Sawyer in the first book and think their “relationship” would have had enough trails in this book without adding Riley to the mix. Not that I dislike Riley as a character, I do because he had a new dynamic to the pirate gang but he just wasn’t the right personality to fit with Claire’s relationship wise.

In my opinion this book wasn’t as fast paced as the first one but was just as beautifully written and completely action-packed. This series will appeal to action, dystopian, sci-fi and romance reader, male and female, so virtually everyone and it is a highly recommended read.

I also liked the female bonding in this novel between Claire and Gemma despite their dubious beginnings, and we also get to see more of Gemma and Nash’s relationship whereas in the first books this was very minimal focusing more on Sawyer and Clarie’s budding relationship. All the characters in this novel seems more rounded and whole which makes them more relatable and likeable in the long term.

I also liked the power change dynamic. In the first book Sawyer saves Claire on several occasions and in this novel she returns the favour. In the last 30 pages we are racing towards the conclusion and we are routing for anything and everyone because we want the story to have a happy ending.

I loved that Claire unlike most female heroines – not all but most – she isn’t a damsel in distress. She faces many different kinds of trails throughout both books but her one weaknesses is she cares too much she can’t sacrifice anyone except herself.

The ending of this novel does leave an opening for another book, but if Amy Braun was intending for her novel to not have a happy ending then this is a great place to leave the novel, as it would show not all stories especially the real ones don’t have happy endings.

I felt this was the perfect sequel to Crimson Sky and it didn’t fall into the filler novel category, and it also the perfect cliffhanger with Claire making the ultimate sacrifice for the lives and safety of her family, friends and the one she loves. I will definitely be recommending Amy Braun’s work to all my blogger friends and I can’t wait to read more by this amazing author.