
The Heir and the Human by Siobhan Davis

casseyt's review

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I have a love/hate relationship with this story.

I really, really, really didn't want to like Ax. Just no, he's all kinds of wrong. And now there's this...*sigh* The rational part of me feels for him, the other part of me figures he brought it all on himself. Really, what was he expecting trying to get in the way of the OTP that's Logan and Sadie?
Spoiler There were so many futures looked at where it was Logan and Sadie - so he was the unfortunate by product of Griselda trying to change things that shouldn't have been messed with.

I loved that we got Izzy's story, I hate that her story is so sad. The two standout moments for me both occurred at the Heirs Summit. Ax and Dali, and Ax and Logan. Although my love for the Ax and Logan scene is clearly driven by me rooting for Logan all the way ;)

All in all this is a great read for someone like me who just can't get enough of the Saven series.

*I'm a lucky fish who received the book from the author for review purposes.*

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this novella from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

The Heir and the Human
by Siobhan Davis is possibly my favorite addition to The Saven Series. This novella brings light to Axton and Sadie, their relationship, and motives behind Axton’s actions in [b:Saven Defiance|25820867|Saven Defiance (Saven #3)|Siobhan Davis||45677918].

Axton breaks my heart. He is the lonely son of Griselda, the leader of Tor. His entire life has been one hard blow after another. An absent father, a mother that doesn’t want him, and now he has Sadie, a prisoner of his mother’s who he has claimed as his mate. It’s a little reminiscent of Stockholm syndrome, where the captured falls for their captor, except it’s not. Axton is just as much a prisoner of his mother’s as Sadie is. Griselda knows what, or rather whom, to threaten where Ax is concerned. He’s kind, a gentle giant and above all he just wants someone to love him.

Sadie is an entirely different character than what the readers have seen in the past. This novella is set on Tor, prior to Sadie’s return/memory wipe on Earth. I like this Sadie. She’s tough, kind, and secure in her love for Ax. She’s fiercely loyal which is a quality that the character we know has as well. She loves Ax and her entire world is devoted to the only friend she’s ever had. It’s sad, she hasn’t had much choice. She’s been trained to fight, kill really, and her mission is to kill Logan. I’m still not really sure how I feel about what she experiences on Tor.

This novella is really to show the readers some background on Axton and his relationship with Saide. Having read the series to date, going into this novella I knew I was in for heartbreak. It’s an emotional read for sure! If you’ve enjoyed the series to date, are curious about Axton, or just can’t wait for more from The Saven Series, I highly recommend you read this novella!

potaytaspages's review

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I received a free book from the author for an honest review.

I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. I skipped over some lovey Dovey parts because I'm not the biggest fan of him but it was enjoyable.

I'm glad we finally find out what happened to blade.

rayne's review

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Wow! Well written and so romantic. In this novella we get an insight into Axton and his POV of the time Sadie was in Torc. Their relationship was intense. We also get a little view of how Ax and Logan interacted. The author has done an amazing job showing how these lives crisscrossed over the years.

bookly68's review

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A great addition to the series!

I was kind of dreading reading this one. I love this series. I love Sadie and Logan. This novella is all about Sadie's time with Ax, when she loved him. I knew it would be heartbreaking. I knew I would fall in love with the idea of Sadie and Axton, because Siobhan Davis knows how to make you do that. But at the same time I'm in love with the idea of Sadie and Logan. Am I making sense?! It's funny because Siobhan did a great job with Sadie's character in this book. Sadie had a little bit of a different way about her, because she had a different life growing up than the life the Sadie Logan loves had. It made a difference in little things about their personality, but in the big things they were the same. You have to read it to understand what I mean. But, I knew this would be heartbreaking and I'm hoping in the last book of the Saven series things work out for Ax, he needs some happiness in his life. I highly recommend this novella though, it adds a lot to the series!! Which is now one of my all time favorite book series ever!!!!

si0bhan's review

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The Heir and the Human is an optional Saven short story, but if you enjoy Axton then I certainly recommend giving it a read. This story was so enlightening, giving much more than I had anticipated.

As we’ve worked through the books, I’ve come to enjoy the Saven series more and more. When Axton was introduced, I feared the worst – my mind screamed ‘love triangle’ and I hate those things. Fortunately, the story revolving around Axton and Sadie was a lot more grown up than I had expected it to be. There were a few moments where I wanted to shake some sense into Axton, moments where I wanted his character to slip out of the story, but over time he played a vital part and I came to enjoy his character. I knew quite quickly that he would never be a favourite character, but by the end of Defiance I did want to know more about him. I was willing to accept the role he has to play, and I’m more than interested to see what that role is and where it leads the story.

With this short story, I came to appreciate Axton a lot more. I came to understand his actions, why he did the things he did. If I’m being brutally honest, a part of me feared this short story. I feared it would be a lot of excuses. I feared it would try to make a love triangle something I should want. I feared it would try to leave me shipping Sadie with Axton instead of Logan. I mean, it took me long enough to start shipping Sadie and Logan, to have a short story try to change my mind so soon was not okay with me.

However, this short story was great.

Rather than giving the entirety of the history between Axton and Sadie, it merely gives the most relevant information. The short story tells us about the events leading up to Griselda sending Sadie back, tearing apart the love between the two. Of course, Axton is going to do something drastic. Of course, it does not work. We knew both of these things before going into the story – it’s all told in Defiance, hence why this should be read after book three – but it was great to have details.

Honestly, I could say so much, but I won’t. It’s short and sweet, giving you an insight into Axton as a character. If you like his character then I’m sure you will love this story. If, like me, you’re unsure of him then it is worth a read anyway. If nothing else, you see more of him and it may work to change your view. If nothing else, you will understand him better.

I would also like to add a small side note. Whilst reading Defiance I came to the conclusion that the Saven series would make a great television show. I’m not one to endorse such a thing – nine times out of ten the show or movie never does it justice – but occasionally there are times when I would like to see how the big screen would do something. Such is the case with the Saven series, and this short story merely works to highlight how much there is to work with. I can just imagine parts of this story working as flashback scenes, or as episodes into the past. Seriously, how cool do you think a Saven television series would be? I know I’d watch it.

As always, a great read. It is certainly worth reading if you’re a fan of the Saven series; whilst optional it does add a lot more than you would think for so few pages.

Finally, once again, I would like to thank the author for allowing me to advance read this. It’s much appreciated and I’m excited for the last book and the remaining short stories that are to come!