susanthebookbag's review against another edition

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I read Christmas in Snow Valley when it came out and just loved the stories. I loved the location of Snow Valley and loved meeting all the characters who lived or visited there. When I heard a new boxed set, Summer in Snow Valley, was coming out, I just knew I had to read it so I could take a trip back to that great place.

These stories all take place over the summer and focus on the events around the Fourth of July/Founders Day celebration. But the six stories, written by the six different authors, each focus on different storylines, centered around seperate sets of characters. What I really loved about these stories is that they take place during the same time period, but we get to see what is happening through different sets of eyes. We get to see what everyone's lives were like as the events of that summer unfold.

It was so wonderful to revisit Snow Valley and to catch up with what was going on with everyone. Most of the stories are about the characters we met in the previous set of stories. Their lives have moved on and we find out what is happening to them now. It was like reuniting with old friends.

codewoo10's review against another edition

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Good collection of stories

Just finished the Summer in Snow Valley collection. Pretty good collection of sweet romances. I enjoyed all the novellas. The only one that was a challenge was Romancing Rebecca. The story really didn't make sense to me. I recommend this book.

hugbandit7's review

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What fun stories! There are six in all and they tie together to a celebration in the town of Snow Valley Montana. Each story is a stand alone but I like how some of them tied in characters from earlier stories in the collection. I do wish all of the authors had brought in characters or elements of the previous books.

Of the six, I think my favorites were Catching Caytie, Romancing Rebecca and Love in Light and Shadow. I think I liked these the best because they had familiar characters from other books. Catching Caytie had a little mix of romance and suspense (very light on the suspense). Romancing Rebecca wasn’t just about Rebecca finding love but that love knows no age boundries. Love in Light and Shadow had quirky characters in Chet and Mercedes, they made me laugh.

The other stories were good too, but some seemed to move the plot along rather quickly. I realize that these are shorter stories, but they did move faster than I would have thought. I still enjoyed seeing other sides to the festival happening in Snow Valley.

Overall we give this series 4 paws up.

k_lee_reads_it's review

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I really enjoyed some of these novellas. Some not so much...

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this anthology from the authors in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Note: I will update review as I read through the anthology

Review of First Love: Love First by Taylor Hart

First Love: Love First by Taylor Hart is the fourth novella in the Summer in Snow Valley Romance Anthology and focuses on a character that was introduced in the Christmas anthology. Janet Snow has beaten all odds, she's survived terminal cancer, and now she's raising her daughter alone in Snow Valley. Then at her brother's wedding, who should appear but the man she's never stopped loving...Michael Hamilton. Can they find their way back to love?

Old Flames

I adore Janet! You first meet Janet in Taylor Hart's The Christmas Eve Kiss and she is dying of cancer. Then as the book starts you realize she beat the odds and is restarting her life. My heart broke for her during the first few pages as you see the character struggle with the reality of her life. She's divorced, a single mom, everyone walks on egg shells around her. But Janet, she just wants to be normal, to live her life. Is she angry? Not really. Is she scared? Nope. But she's a great runner ;)

Michael Hamilton.....let's all take a moment to swoon. Michael was Janet's high school sweetheart and first love. We all remember those, right? Well, for Janet Michael wasn't just a first love, he was her only love. Though she did marry, I don't think she ever loved the guy like she did Michael. He's handsome, single, never forgot Janet, and he's in town for Kevin's wedding which causes a whole heck of a lot of trouble.

Clean Reading

One of the things I love about not just this novella but the whole anthology is that it is clean romance! You don't get that a lot in the adult world and when you do it's usually really corny. However, this author and the rest do a great job of conveying the romance, infusing it with Christian values and all the while still making it swoon-worthy.

The sweet relationship between Michael and Janet left me rooting for them and my heart aching for them all at the same time. Michael knows what he wants and he's willing to give up anything to get it. Janet knows she loves Michael but in her mind she can't. The story focuses on what a lot of recovered cancer patients feel like: fear of the cancer returning and what it does to those she loves. She wants to save Michael from that, but also she's a bit scared for herself. She's been married and left before. She now has a daughter to think of. The story looks at Janet and if she's willing to risk her heart again.

My Conclusions

Overall this story is super sweet. It will tug at your heart-strings, may make you cry, but ultimately leaves you happy. Honestly it's a Hallmark movie in a book :D That's the best way I can describe it. If you enjoy clean, Christian romance, I highly recommend the anthology. It's worth every penny!

caligirlrae's review

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This anthology is the follow-up to the wonderful Christmas in Snow Valley as we return to Snow Valley, Montana. I really loved the first antho and was excited to see the authors return with new stories featuring some very yummy cowboys. I'm still reading it as of this review but I'm definitely enjoying the stories and am currently on Cami Checkett's (a fave of mine) A Touch of Love after reading Catching Caytie.

When I started, I had planned to read a little of Cindy Roland Anderson's Catching Caytie before bed, but the story caught my attention and never let go until the very end. Caytie was likable and sweet but I couldn't help siding with Jake during their first encounter. Although he was a bit of a grump, I still couldn't help rooting for them to get together and find solace from their broken families and pasts. I also love that although there were clear villains with believable motivations, one of the characters I didn't like (because she was moving in on the hero) was still sympathetic because of the lengths she would go through for love of her son. Later on when she practically dimed out the heroine from the very people she was hiding from, she showed remorse and made things right. Ms. Anderson is definitely on my to-read list as her writing and storytelling moved this story right up to my fave reads.


I'll update as I finish and I can't wait to dive more into these stories if they are as awesome as the last antho. I hope the authors return for a Fall in Snow Valley antho collection. It'll be a great addition to the set and the perfect reading with my pumpkin spiced lattes and tea!

ghumpherys's review

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I love these anthologies of short & sweet romance stories. They are perfect for a quick, happy read! Yes, they can be predictable and due to their short length, the relationships often develop fairly quickly. But they still make me happy. :-) Loved seeing some of the characters from the Christmas in Snow Valley stories!

jeanz's review

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debrasbookcafe's review

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For a more detailed review, please check out my review below:

Debra's Book Cafe

Debs :-)