
Small Town, Big Secrets by Elsie Davis

books_and_more_books_byt's review against another edition

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Small Town, Big Secrets is the second book in the Trinity River series, but it was perfectly fine as a stand-alone. I’ve never read any books by this author, but I fell in love with the small town of Trinity Rivers. If you enjoy reading series of small towns this is a must-read series. I loved the characters and the heartwarming feel of the town.
Becky McAllister had given up her dreams when she discovered she was pregnant. Her son, Byron became her world and when he needed an operation, she is willing to do anything to get it done. Even contacting Jack Parker, Byron’s dad for the money for the operation. Jack had blackmailed her into not telling anyone he was Bryon’s dad and she had kept that promise but she needed help. When Steve offers her a deal that will pay for his surgery, she thought her heart was safe and they could make a short marriage work.
Steve Parker was hoping to win the election for the local DA position. He dreamed of becoming an advocate for those in need. To win the election he needs a wife to help raise his poll ratings. He returns to his hometown of Trinity River to investigate some of his father, Judge Parker dealings. Meeting Becky and learning she is trying to contact his brother intrigues Steve. He offers her a deal when he hears she needs money for her son’s operation. He needs a wife and she needs better insurance so them getting married seemed like a good decision. He never planned on developing feelings for Becky and Byron or wanting to be part of their lives.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

mags_louise's review

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Small Town, Big Secrets is a cosy, uncomplicated, and sweet romance between rich attorney Steve and struggling single mum Becky. And whilst the plot is a little predictable, the characters themselves are likable and the romance engaging. Not to mention the struggles Becky faces are very real. And it's a really nice book to escape into for a couple of hours, especially if you like your romance on the clean side.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC via Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review**

aliciasplendeur's review

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This book was short and sweet..
Single mother Becky has to raise money to pay for her son's surgery. She's willing to do anything to help her son but accept help from the brother of the man who broke her heart?

Steve Parker wants to win his local DA election, One way to do that would be to get married. And he has his eye on Becky McAllister.

I really enjoyed reading this book, it was well written and liked all the characters.
But I had a hard time connecting with these two.

ARC provided by Entangled Publishing via NetGalley

alisonsoverbooked's review

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Small Town, Big Secrets is the second in the Trinity River series, though I didn’t realize it when I read it and don’t think I missed anything. I will be going back to read the first one though, especially if it’s as sweet as this one!

Steve and Becky, while an unlikely pair who had an accidental first meeting, had great chemistry! More of a stand out character for me though was Byron, her son. What a cutie!! He was definitely a scene stealer for me!

The story was sweet and very small town, hence the name, and left me feeling like I was wrapped in a warm hug! All while wanting to punch one character in particular in the face...hello, Jack. Definitely check this one out when it releases on June 8th!

Thank you NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

heyanci's review

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This book get me warm on this cold winter May day loves. I loved the chemistry Steve and Becky had. I was mostly drawn to Becky's strength as she was willing to do anything for he son *sigh* but her baby daddy was just immature. Loved this book as everyone has a happy ever after eventually, also bryson(the son) is so lovable

robinlovesreading's review

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Becky McAllister and Steve Parker have needs - no, not the carnal sort - and they strike a deal that will help them both. Becky's young son needs a critical surgery and she needs help providing for his care. Steve is running for DA and his campaign manager insists that he is slipping in the polls due to the fact that he is unmarried. They could marry - if only for a year. Her son could get his surgery paid for and he can present a wholesome image to his constituents.

However, Becky is holding a secret from Steve. Will this very secret be their undoing before they reach their goals? Especially when the health and life of a young child is at stake? There is a lot of give and take in this story and, as a reader, I needed to find validity to Becky's secret. As I become utterly invested in each book I read, her secret had to feel very real to me. Well, the conflict pretty much lasted throughout the story and that sense of realness came through for me. The story brought in a lot of emotion, especially for a couple who agreed to an arranged marriage, one free of romance and the expectation of sex.

So, the way the conflicts were tied in with the romance was done very well. I love how what happened affected more than Becky and Steve. Watching all of that play out was more than rewarding. Small Town. Big Secrets is the second book in the Trinity River series. So, before reading this I was able to borrow the first book in this series from my library, Back in the Rancher's Arms. Both stories were very good books and I do look forward to continuing the series.

Many thanks to Entangled: Bliss and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

bookish_heidi's review against another edition

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This book is nothing short of adorable! The characters are super easy to love and connect with. It was exactly what I needed to read right now.

Becky has been raising her son, Byron, alone for the last 4 years. His father blackmailed her into keeping quiet about his identity and wants nothing to with Byron. Then Byron has a medical issue come up that Becky can't afford and she turns to the deadbeat dad for help. No dice.

Steve shows up in town just in time to run smack dab into Becky when she finds out she can't afford to help her son. He isn't here for love. He's here to win the election and become the youngest DA in the state of Texas. But something about Becky just keeps poking around in his brain and he's determined to help her with Byron.

Low and behold, he offers to marry her. Wait what

annarella's review against another edition

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A sweet and entertaining story that made me smile and root for the characters.
I appreciated the plot, the characters and the setting.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

alisonsoverbooked's review against another edition

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Small Town, Big Secrets is the second in the Trinity River series, though I didn’t realize it when I read it and don’t think I missed anything. I will be going back to read the first one though, especially if it’s as sweet as this one!

Steve and Becky, while an unlikely pair who had an accidental first meeting, had great chemistry! More of a stand out character for me though was Byron, her son. What a cutie!! He was definitely a scene stealer for me!

The story was sweet and very small town, hence the name, and left me feeling like I was wrapped in a warm hug! All while wanting to punch one character in particular in the face...hello, Jack. Definitely check this one out when it releases on June 8th!

Thank you NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

heyanci's review against another edition

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This book get me warm on this cold winter May day loves. I loved the chemistry Steve and Becky had. I was mostly drawn to Becky's strength as she was willing to do anything for he son *sigh* but her baby daddy was just immature. Loved this book as everyone has a happy ever after eventually, also bryson(the son) is so lovable