
Do You Believe in Magic? by Susan Squires

lisajo85's review

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Susan Squires is still making magic with her first novel in the Children of Merlin series. DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? is a fun, suspenseful and all around fabulous story.

Maggie O'Brian lives a life that involves riding bulls in rodeos and rescuing wild mustangs. But what she wants is a long lasting love in her life...wants it, but knows she'll never have it. So when she finds herself attracted to a tall, dark, mysterious man at Jake's diner, she knows she's completely lost her mind. He is not the marriage material Maggie needs in her life, yet she can't seem to pull herself away.

Tristan Tremaine is on the run from his family, of all things. He's looking for solace in all the wrong places, drifting aimlessly, until he meets Maggie. Instantly, he feels a connection with her that he's never felt with anyone else. One that is so strong, he can't seem to let her walk out of his life. Tris would never blame this attraction on his family's history, because he doesn't believe it. The story claims Tris' family are descendants of Merlin's magic, waiting for their other half to find them in order to come into their magical powers.

When Tris is hurt in a tragic accident, Maggie is the one that saves him. Now she's taking him to the last place he ever wants to be...his family's home. Danger is following them around every corner as their attraction grows into a deeper bond with every passing minute. Tris may not believe in magic, but he's about to get all the proof he'll ever need.

DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? is a great novel with plenty of thrills. Susan Squires has many talents when it comes to writing a great wounded hero and Tristan was an absolute success. His character is a sexy, strong guy that was a little rough around the edges. Still, there is a lot more to this hero than you would expect. He was a very honest and down-to-earth type of guy that had an endearing compassionate side.

I can't say there was anything truly unique about Maggie, but her character is still interesting and entertaining. Mixed in with Tristan's family, she stood out in the best way possible. She certainly shook things up a bit and took Tris on an exciting adventure. Like Tris, her emotions were more on the sensible side, refusing to believe in the ‘happily ever afters,' but they both eventually found the courage to take a chance. One of the elements I love best about their romance was how they brought the best out in each other. Alone, they had various flaws, but together they seemed perfect.

I would also think it would be important to explain this isn't about a family of witches that can use magic and cast spells. Rather, it's about a family of unique talents and abilities, which I have to admit, I enjoyed much more. It took a fascinating and fresh turn on a new paranormal series. A series that has a large cast of characters, too. Susan Squires not only sets up various story lines, but she crafts realistic and relatable characters that you connect with easily. Whether they were fighting, joking around, or falling in take a piece of each character with you after the novel is over.

If I'm being honest, the one downfall was the slightly slow pace of the first one hundred pages. The plot development was solid, but it was the development of the characters and their attraction to one another that held up the story. Their inner dialogue was beginning to play like a broken record after a while. Thankfully, it was brief. In the second half of the novel, their attraction was still a dilemma, but the author changed the tone to make it a thrilling romance with that unique paranormal touch. You started to understand why they felt they were an impossible relationship, yet understood why it was impossible to stay apart.

To say I enjoyed this novel would be putting it mildly. DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? is an entertaining and exciting paranormal romance that will leave fans desperate for more. This novel features a great couple, introduces a charismatic family and sets up what should be a very fascinating series. I'm anxiously eager to find out what new adventures are in store for the other siblings! Paranormal fans should be anxious to pick up DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? It's all too easy to become lost in this crazy, exciting world where you can let Susan Squires' story work its magic on you.

Lisa Jo @ The Romance Reviews

taisie22's review

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I got this book as a freebie from Amazon and have been devouring the rest of the series ever since I read this one.
Tristram Tremaine has been riding his motorcycle around the country for the last year. He has never felt that he is a real part of his family who are descended from Merlin and have a 'magic' gene. He's the bad boy of the family.
He meets rodeo bull-riding Maggie O'Brian in a diner and has an instant attraction to the feisty woman. She wants nothing to do with the 'tomcatting' Tris even though she feels the attraction also. When a mysterious accident throws them together again, sparks fly and the two have to fight their natures to find a future together.
The Tremaine family is intriguing and the premise of their magic and how it works is genuinely engaging and interesting. The writing here is terrific and the characters, especially Maggie and Tris, make you root for their happy ending.

shadowmaster13's review

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Refreshing to see a hero who really did have call to say that he didn't fit in with his family.

Ok true, some of the issues they had could have been solved by a conversation, but family is family. Small things snowball and then you resent your sister because she stole your best barbie when you were six.

Maggie and Tristram have a beautiful little circling relationship. With great tension and does he/she like me thoughts? And yet they have distinct voices and Tris comes across a male.
Also surprisingly, despite the paranormal element the romance is the real focus and I as a die-hard PNR fan am totally okay with it. Well not totally as it's part of the reason I read the book but you get the idea.

And despite some of his asshattery, I would like to see Kemble get his girl. But the next book will be Drew's He's a Magic Man coming whenever Squires finishes it, this series is self-published.