
Seven at Two Past Five by Tara Basi

tobygrossman's review

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Some books give you place to judge whether they were worth the read or an exceedingly waste of time. This is a parable. Or it isn't. That dilemma overwhelms the story.

charlisbookbox's review

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Abi is being unjustly judged, at least in her opinion. Others are not so sure that her judgement isn’t well earned. Upon setting out to appeal her unjust judgements, Abi is drawn into a whirlwind of jumping through hoops to get her appeal approved. She receives ever more judgements and meets some interesting and, dare I say it, obnoxious, characters along the way. She has to finish her appeal all in one day and each new requirement is more bizarre and frustrating than the last.

Have you ever read a book that you just had to know what was going to happen next, had to know how it ended, but at the same time wondered what the hell am I reading? Perhaps you’ve read a book all the way through and while you thought it was a great book, you also wondered what on earth you just read. That is what Seven at Two Past Five by Tara Basi is like. I literally couldn’t stop reading this book and when I had to, I kept wondering what I would find when I got back to it.

Abi is an interesting character. I felt so bad for her the entire time I was reading this book. She clearly didn’t deserve this treatment, yet she and Zero seemed to be the only ones who actually felt that way. Her insistence that she is Abi, an elderly button-maker, no more and no less became heartbreaking at times. I just had to know what was going to happen to her. Was she going to face punishment for her judgements? Was she going to be exonerated? I had to keep reading.

Seven at Two Past Five reminds me a lot of dystopian novels like The Handmaid’s Tale but with an even more bizarre twist. Where The Handmaid’s Tale is more of what religion has done to society, Seven at Two Past Five is more about what society can do to religion. When you come down to the end of the book, you start to understand more about Abi and why she would insist on being just Abi the button-maker.

This novel is wonderfully written. The editing was clean and if it wasn’t perfect, it was perfect enough that I never noticed any errors. That’s saying something because I almost always notice spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors when reading books. It’s one of my pet peeves. So when I read a book and I don’t notice any errors, that’s saying something. The character development is wonderful and while you might not see it at first, you definitely figure out what makes each character who they are later. There might be one or two characters who could have been a bit more developed but it isn’t enough to detract from the story.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars because of the weird factor. I will be honest, if you’re religious (especially Christian denominations) or if you take your religion very seriously, I don’t suggest you read this book as you may find that it is offensive to you. If you’re into bizarre, dystopian-type books and aren’t easily offended in religion, I definitely suggest reading this book.

***I received a copy of this book free from in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.***