
Anything for Love by Melissa Foster

ameliamarlatt's review

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emotional lighthearted medium-paced


sandylovesbooks's review

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First I want to say that I was going to not finish this book. I had a lot of problems with things happening at the beginning that I was having a hard time reading. But, I guess, halfway through, things turned around and I found myself liking it more and more. And then before I knew it I was falling in love with the book. I still have problems with the issues in the beginning but I can deal with it.

I received this book as an ARC through Jill Shalvis' bookaholics. Jill Shalvis is in a new group Ladies Who Write and I was given the opportunity to read this book. Anytime someone says "hey, here's a free book" I'm all over that.

One of my pet peeves is does the cover match the people in the book. Well, I do not see Charlotte with dark hair (that may be my mistake) nor do I see her with long nails. She is a flighty silly person who can only find time to write and run after her chickens. I do not see how she would take the time to do her nails. Then, Beau is described as having "tree trunk legs". Which is, to me, a horrible affliction to have and the guy on the cover does not seem to have this problem. But, it is one of my pet peeves so others may like the hero with huge legs.

I think Bandit the klepto dog should have been in the book more. I think it would have added so much to the antics going on.

OK, now on to the notes I wrote down while reading this book:

As you may know e-readers don't have page numbers on a lot of their books. It's either percentage or location. In this book it is done with location.

Loc 129 chapter one - Beau's description. Charlotte writes erotic romance and her fictional characters and Beau rivaled those characters. He is described as darkly handsome with "mile-wide shoulders, tree trunk legs, and arms that could probably crush a man". Yeah, tree trunk legs, not a good visual for me. If it was said that he had muscular legs, I could definitely get behind that.

Loc 135 chapter one - Beau is so much bigger than Charlotte so she sees herself as small and feminine. "Submissive". She would like to write a submissive character. That would be a no for me. I think a lot of women are wanting to read, now, about strong women who take no shit. And don't do shit to others.

Loc 220 chapter two - Charlotte is described as "a pixie". I am a short person and I think big things come in small packages but why does it have to be the big burly man with a pixie?

Loc 231 chapter two - Beau is about to sign a contract to be the host of a reality tv show called Shack to Chic. Is that the thing now? I think this is the 3rd book with that premise.

Loc 314 chapter two - OK here is where my problem comes in. Sexual harassment much? Charlotte is "researching" for her erotic book and is practically setting herself up for a harassment lawsuit. In today's environment this is not a good way for a heroine to act towards a stranger. She is treating Beau as a research prop and thinking nothing will happen because she knows some of his family. And Beau is ok with the treatment and then a short time later they get their sexy time going. I didn't like Charlotte at all at first. She would get Beau all hot and bothered and then run off to write because of the inspiration. Her choice of tools before Beau were blow up dolls who she named after sexy male stars. I was seriously thinking of not finishing the book at this point.

Loc 379 chapter three - Shortcake. Ok I like the nickname.

Loc 661 chapter five - "She was the sexiest woman he'd ever met". She is "a pixie, probably existed on air", and was in "ten directions at once". She went out wearing her underwear and a big sweater chasing chickens. So a starved, skinny, batty, flighty girl is sexy? I guess I now know why I don't have a boyfriend. I'm none of those.

Loc 667 chapter five - Ok this is funny. She calls her chickens chickendales. It took me a while to figure that one out. Chickendales - Chippendales.

Loc 838 chapter six - Charlotte answers Beau's phone while he is in the shower. She then walks into the bathroom continuing to talk on the phone with Beau in the shower. I would have pitched a fit. You don't answer someone's phone and/or walk into the bathroom while they take a shower.

Loc 1711 chapter nine - She's upset because Beau is shutting her out. "I realize we barely know each other, but it still hurts to be shut out." What? And I've seen this before in other books. Someone is supposed to spill their guts as soon as they meet someone else.

Loc 1771 chapter ten - "The scents of cedar and love filled her as they stepped inside." What does love smell like?

Loc 2137 chapter eleven - OMG! IT'S ALL HIS FAULT" This is what he was shutting Charlotte out. His girlfriend died in a car accident ten years ago. He was out drinking and didn't see her texts.

Loc 2146 chapter eleven - Beau thinks Charlotte will blame him for a mistake he made as a young man. What mistake?

Loc 2157 chapter eleven - OMG! IT'S ALL HER FAULT". Now it's her turn. She thinks it's her fault that she wasn't home when her grandfather died. He had told her to go to college and she did and he died.

Loc 2193 chapter eleven - My take on this next scene:

"No. blah blah blah. It's all my fault. blah blah blah. No, it's not. blah blah blah. hey, let's do it. oh ok."

Loc 2196 chapter eleven - "Their closeness was like a drug, and she wanted to overdose." Oh god, noooo.

Loc 2252 chapter twelve - Charlotte begins to think Beau is using her for sex. But, lady, who was using whom for sex research? It seems like this thought of Charlotte's was just thrown in and it was never addressed.

Loc 2287 chapter twelve - Morning sex. Great except morning breath and don't they have to pee?

Loc 2304 chapter thirteen - "pantser". I learned new words! Pantser is someone who "flies by the seat of their pants". And "plantser" is a combination of pantser and planner. So it's a little bit of a planner and pantser.

That last note was around 57% and then things changed and I started to like the book more and more and really couldn't find any other issues. I loved that Beau called her shortcake and his family were some of the best supporting characters I've read. I can't wait to read more of her books in this series. This is book two so I need to read the first one. Plus it's a combination of two separate series. So I have a lot of books to read to catch up. I was surprised; this book turned out to be a really good book.

amgibson2's review

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Beau and Charlotte had quite the love story. They have both loved and lost. Beau moves from project to project to escape his demons. Charlo0tte locks herself in her study to write... erotic romance. Her techniques are quite amusing as she acts out scenes with blow up dolls and has a closet full of toys. At first she seems a little off her rocker, but Beau can't stop but falling for her. As they both open up to one another, we see a beautiful story unfold. Melissa has a way of connecting the reader to the characters and their emotions. I enjoyed this book and can't wait to read more.

chulaisreadingromance's review

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This book was magical and romantic! It was every romance author’s fantasy come true! The perfect combination of angst, passion, intrigue and a whole ton of hilarious moments.

Can’t wait to devour this series in one sit!

xiotisa00's review

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There is nothing Melissa can write that I won’t love and this book solidifies that. Anything for love is about Charlotte, the innkeeper and romance novelist we met in Story of Love, and Beau Braden. Beau is asked to go to Charlottes inn to repair the damages that were made by the Braden women in Story of Love. When he gets there he meets eclectic Charlotte.

Beau has hardened his heart and has distanced himself from his family and friends for 10 years since his girlfriend died. Charlotte is a fairytale loving erotic romance novelist that uses blowup dolls to help her map out a scene. You wouldn’t think they would work well together but Melissa knows what she is doing and can make you a believer in their love.

Loved this amazing book and can’t wait to read the rest of the series. Especially Zev’s book

kaylaelisabeth's review

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Slow start but good ending

At first I couldn’t tell if this was going to have a full storyline or just fade into surface level information but they story really picks up at the half way mark. My only wish is that we got more internal monologue of Beau grieving Tory and letting go of his guilt

mlcarl's review

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Beau Braden didn’t know what to expect when he first arrived at Charlotte Sterling’s Colorado mountain inn, but it definitely wasn’t her wearing very little clothing and having a blowup doll handcuffed to a bed. But as an erotic romance novelist, those things are totally normal in Charlotte’s life, especially since she’s been living a very solitary life at the inn since losing her last living family member. Hiding from his own tragic past of losing his first and only love, Beau’s perfectly content to just do his job of fixing up some things around the inn and steering clear of Charlotte’s crazy antics. But Charlotte has a different plan. She’s been suffering from some serious writer’s block and everything about Beau has Charlotte worked up about a non-fictional man for the first time in ages. And what’s the harm in a little flirting if it helps her work through some scenes?

This, this, is what I’ve been waiting for from Melissa Foster’s books. I’ve seen people wax poetic about them while I have finished a handful of them feeling rather dissatisfied. One of my biggest issues with this large, interconnected collection of series does still remain true; there are far too many supporting characters that have been introduced in other books/series and I either feel overwhelmed or sometimes punished for not having read every single book in this series, especially when each book is touted as being a standalone. But because of the nature of this book being that Charlotte and Beau spent most of their time relatively alone, most of the other extended family members came into play slowly and over the course of the book and, for once, I didn’t feel bombarded with fifteen characters I couldn’t keep track of, finally giving me an opportunity to actually enjoy the book and the main characters.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the plot of this book. Whereas previously I’ve felt like there wasn’t much story going on, even though this book didn’t really have a major conflict, it still worked for me. There wasn’t real conflict (or even contrived drama) that forced Charlotte and Beau apart and that was actually great. Instead, because both characters had their own demons and personal issues to move past, they were able to just be supportive of each other and that made for a really sweet love story.

And the characters were really intriguing to me. Charlotte was beyond insane at times, but in the most charming and fun way ever. And I adored that Beau just sort of went along for the ride with the crazy and didn’t try to change Charlotte, just changed a few things around Charlotte to give her the room to do the crazy while still staying safe. It made for a dynamic between the two of them that was really fun to read. And I also really appreciated that Beau and Charlotte’s relationship was deeply built on a platform of mutual admiration and total respect for the other person, especially when it came to their careers and the time that took in their lives. It gave their relationship deeper emotion and made it believable that they really didn’t have any major drama keeping (or driving) them apart.

I’m maybe not a total Melissa Foster convert yet and I probably won’t be rushing out to read every single one of the previous books in the Love in Bloom world, but this book helped convince me to give some books, especially future books in this series, a shot.

paddlefoot55's review

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ARC received for an honest review

I adore the Braden/Montgomery's and all around them, and Anything For Love is no exception.

Sigh, my heart hurt for both Charlotte and Beau in this story, however as their story progressed, you could feel that hurt healing for both of them. Their mutual admiration for each other, the way they heal each other had me smiling.

There was plenty of sad moments as we learn their back stories, however there were plenty of laugh out loud, sweet and tender moments as well.

I adore how they both draw the other out of their self-imposed shells, and how their family and friends can see it before they even do.

There is plenty of sexual tension between them, and oh my the sexy times are hot!

I know I have missed some of the books in this series, however this did not affect my enjoyment of this story - in fact it has made me more impatient to go back and read the ones I have missed.

Ms Foster writes loveable, believable characters and storylines, and I can't wait to read more.

Smokin Hot Book Blog Email

leanner's review

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My first read by this author, a nerve wracking experience when you really hope you like them because a fave author recommended this book.
I will say the start had me worried, humour doesn't always translate well across the world. But I soon settled in because I was enjoying the story line so much. Family unity, friendship, unwarranted guilt, romance, much happening made for an entertaining read. I loved Charlotte and Beau and need to go back and find the first book now, don't worry this one stands alone if you're starting here.

onceupon_a_bookdream's review

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[I recieved a digital copy of Anything for Love for an honest review]

 “You drive me crazy, shortcake.”
“Maybe you need a little crazy in your life.”

I am ashamed to admit I have a dozen Melissa Foster books sitting unread on my kindle 🙈 After reading Anything for Love that is going to change becuase I adored this book.

Charlotte Sterling is an erotic romance writer hiding out in a her empty mountain inn. She has a grand fantasy outlook on what true love should be, and she's not okay with flings and has given up hope for her HEA so why bother? She spends every waking moment writing her completely perfect heroes for her books and putting all her dirtiest fantasies into words. Charlotte dreams of the happy her parents and grandparents both had and surrounds herself with their memories on a day to day basis while getting lost in her work.

Beau Braden is running away from his past and all his guilt of the love he lost. He's a talented builder, easy on the eyes and a complete grouch. My favorite kind of leading man 😘 He keeps all his feelings bottled up and the last thing he wants to do is face those emotions. He takes job after job in order to stay away from his hometown and all those he believed he let down.

When Beau takes on maintenance at Charlottes inn he's just filling the time before he starts his new big job. Charlotte is excited that she has a real life muse to help inspire her current work in progress and beat her writers block. Beau helps Charlotte to leave her recluse life, and she helps him realize that maybe you can have more than one love in a lifetime. They find that their sexual chemistry is explosive and slowly they let down there walls and open up to each other. Beau struggles with moving on from his past and facing his family, can he move on with Charlotte and give her the princess fairy tale happily ever after she dreams of and deserves.

 “I have had my eyes closed for so many years; it’s going to take some time for me to adjust to your beautiful, bright light. But I see you, Charlotte, and I want to see more of you. I also want you to see more of me , but it’ll take time.”

Anything for Love by Melissa Foster was somehow fluffy and hot as sin at the same time, you might think it would give you whip lash haha but it works. I can't wait to read ALL Melissa Fosters books and meet some new book boyfriends 😉

"He kissed her again, keeping her close. “Sexy and adorable is a killer combination."


"He wanted to bring her more pleasure than she’d ever imagined . To show her that real life— he—was a million times better than any fictional world, or hero, she could create."

