
Shadowlander by Theresa Meyers

shubba_the_emo_reader's review against another edition

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sadly this one wasn't for me, I just couldn't get into it at all. :(

amber04's review against another edition

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If you are in a reading slump, Shadowlander is a cure. Looking for a spicey read with fae, and some action to boot? This is one to read.

I enjoyed the chemistry between the protag, Cate and the fae prince, Rook. At times the story seemed to fade into the background and you just want to skip the b.s. and get down to business. I will say though, it is worth the wait.

Overall, I enjoyed this story and I look forward to the next one. Bring on more Rook!

jlove731's review against another edition

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With its mystical world and sexy characters, Shadowlander is a quick-paced novella that will entrap you on every page.

Catherine O'Connell, or Cate for short, is a seer. She can see the Fae in her world but, it's a secret she must keep or it would put her in serious danger. Cate's done a fantastic job ignoring the Fae, until her friend Maya is taken. Now, she must throw away everything she knows and trust a faerie she's been seeing since she was sixteen, if she wants to get Maya back. Rook, is sexy, protective, and very powerful and Cate may find more than she ever believed possible in the Shadowland.

I have to admit two things: I have not read many books in the adult or novella category. Shadowlander, is both of those and I have to say I enjoyed it oh so much. Sometimes I find myself rooting for the romance to be steamier or the book to move a little quicker and this novella executes both of those perfectly. There's really no down moments, the story is constantly thrilling. The Fae world that Theresa created is beautiful and exciting and I want my own catamount! :)

Cate and Rook's romance is hotter than hottest day in the middle of July. Yet, there's still this complete passion, understanding, and protectiveness. Each of them also has their own agenda and it only kept you on your toes while watching it unravel. And, I loved watching them complete the dark and seductive journey together. Plus, Rook.... hello!! That name is pure sex. And he is pure sexiness! You can't not enjoy him!

Strong female lead? Check. Fast-paced yet totally enjoyable? Check. A beautiful, fantasy world? Check. A handsome, sexy, strong, Fae love interest named Rook? DOUBLE CHECK. Considering this is only book1, I'm not sure how Theresa plans on doing the rest of the series, but I'm excited to find out. If you're thinking about picking this one up, I say totally go for it! It's a fast, exciting read that I'm sure a ton of readers will enjoy.

buuboobaby's review against another edition

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The ending seemed very rushed, but overall, I enjoyed my foray into Theresa Meyers' Shadowlander. It's a quick, sexy read that combines action, suspense, and romance into an entertaining introduction to Meyers' new series. Looking forward to reading more.

Full review soon at

bstaats's review against another edition

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Occasionally, you'll see that I venture out of my little YA bubble to try something different, and this adult paranormal romance was one of those ventures. Because this is something a bit different from my normal review books, I want to keep it in the separate category it belongs in.

Shadowlander is a romance novella; it was designed to be different from the majority of YA books (often trilogies) I tend to read, and I want to respect it as such.

1.Original Descriptions:
I really want to applaud Theresa Meyers for her lack of cliches and overused phrases that often litter romance novels. She very tactfully strays from that, and makes Shadowlander stand out all on its own by doing so. It isn't going to be like every other romance novel you've read, simply because the writing and wording is so different as she describes the various scenes.
2.Steamy- like a sauna:
But that isn't to say that Shadowlander lacks the usual passion, because it doesn't in any way or form! This novella is just slick with sexual tension and racy scenes, and as I mentioned above, that are cleverly portrayed. Cate and Rook portray one of my favourite couples in books, just because of how they interact with each other teasingly- and they don't waste any time!
3.Fae for grown ups:
I may technically be an adult, but there are still so many things I love about the YA world. Yet at the same time, some times you just need something a little different. And Shadowlander provided some aspects I always love to read about (fantasy, love, adventure) but put them in a more grown up setting. Because CONFESSION: I don't always relate to teenagers anymore, as much as I love to read about them (and often do continue to relate to them). But really, this is like Iron Fey all grown up.
Normally, I would say that I found the pacing to be jarring in a story like this and it really is, to an extent. Cate and Rook's relationships moves very quickly but there's a reason for this: it's a romance novella. Novella meaning its a short book, and romance meaning that's the ultimate purpose of the story. So yes, it can feel sudden to read about- but haven't we all felt that sort of instant attraction at some point? And I was pleasantly surprised by how well the plot was set up and carried out. It never felt like it was moving too quickly, and set up the next book rather nicely.

e-galley provided by publisher in exchange for my honest review; no other compensation was received.

kayleigh_kbooks's review against another edition

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Shadowlander Review on K-Books

I definitely didn't expect to be sucked into this story as much as I was. Shadowlander is a Novella and with me I usually don't get as drawn in to short stories as much as I do with full-length novels. This is definitely the exception. I wasn't sure for the first few pages but then I was sucked in and couldn't put it down. It's an incredible story and I couldn't think of anything else except this story.

Cate has always seen the Fae but has always been brought up to ignore them, to be told how to defend herself against the Fae and that they are manipulative and evil. Then her best friend, Maya gets taken by the Fae so she decides she must go after her. Even after being taught that any 'Seer' who goes into the Fae realm doesn't come back nothing can change her mind. Then she comes face to face with the one Fae who could change everything. Rook has been fascinated by Cate for a long time and followed her since she was sixteen. He is Cate's only chance to get Maya back but can Cate fight her growing attraction to him and Rook's nature to protect her? Will she choose love or her family?

I really liked this book. I was sucked in by the powerful storyline and could not put the book down. I was completely mesmerised by the characters that were built in this book. Especially Cate and how loyal she is to her friends and family. She would give up absolutely everything to go and save the ones that she loved. I loved Rook. I know he was originally painted at the bad guy, all Fae's are supposedly bad but I loved him. He showed read love towards Cate and I just loved him more and more the more than I read.

This book is wrote in the third person and usually I do not like third person narratives as much as first person narratives as I feel like you can't associate with the characters as much but with this book I really enjoyed it. I became attached to the characters and I felt everything through them. I loved that we got to see the perspectives of both Rook and Cate and how they were feeling towards each other and how those feelings grew throughout the book. I loved the world building, how both worlds were portrayed by the narrative and how they were similar but at the same time completely different.

Before receiving this book for review I had never heard of it. I am so glad I received it because it would be a crime to not read this book. It was so good and I cannot wait to read the rest of the series and see what happens next.