
Sweet Sacrifice by L.D. Rose

booklvrkat's review

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Sobbing. I was sobbing reading this story of a love lost. It was almost therapeutic. Bash & Irene are the kind of couple that lasts 50+ years together. This is a small story of an angel & a nurse, but so much more. I never really got a handle on how much time had passed, but I feel that it hadn't been too long. Irene is still in grieving stages. I can see where the author can build on this story and I'm interested to read more of them. All in all, I found this story fulfilling and I'd recommend anyone that loves romance, to give this one a try.

kylieeason's review

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Le sigh. So fabulous.
I've been a huge fan of LD Rose since I read Releasing the Demons (not related to Sweet Sacrifice.) so it was easy for me to jump on this ARC train in hopes that Sweet Sacrifice would be as good as her other work, and I was pleasantly validated in that thinking.

I don't want to give much away, but this book talks about angels and demons in a lighter tone. I don't read a whole lot of this genre, but Sweet Sacrifice nails it.

And let me tell you, that sacrifice is so, so sweet!

I can't wait for y'all to get your hands on this one! It comes out in September and definitely holds a place in my heart.

book_lover_97's review

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This is an emotional read with characters who are likable and dynamic. This is a very compelling read that jumps right into this intense story. This is a page turning read with an amazing plot line.

I am voluntarily leaving an unbiased, honest review.

madicakes23's review

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This is a beautiful love story, but also has some serious plot development and a great arsenal of supporting characters. I love books with witty banter and this book has plenty! L.D. Rose has such a talent for creating in-depth characters, and her ability to incite emotion in the reader is incredible. I cried multiple times throughout this story and felt very tied to the protagonists. Highly recommended!

bobosbookbank's review

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SWEET SACRIFICE is book nine in The Soul Mate Tree series but is a complete standalone, paranormal (angels & demons), second chance (in a way) romance. I'll admit that the angel/demon trope isn't my first choice, I usually prefer vampires/shapeshifters but I loved L.D. Rose's The Order of the Senary series so I snapped this book up. I'm so freaking happy I did because I. Loved. This. Book! It's a quick read, not terribly long or "deep" but in those few pages, Ms. Rose introduced me to a fascinating world of myths and legends, profound love and amazing sacrifice. The writing is fabulous..easy and smooth and visually captivating. The story just gave me all the feels, I think I was crying by chapter two!! I personally have always believed in soul mates so watching Bash and Irene find each other again even after death was a beautiful concept for me (yeah, yeah..we all know I'm a sucker for a good love story!). These two were utterly perfect for each other. I'd even love to read more of these angels if Ms. Rose is writing it! I'm so glad to add this one to my READ AGAIN E-SHELF. Told from dual POVs with a happy ever after.

thebookdisciple's review

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Sweet Sacrifice is a second chance romance with a paranormal twist. Bash was married to the love of his life, Irene, but he was killed in action in Afghanistan. Now, he is a demon slaying angel! But Irene is unable to move on after his death. There is a way they could have another shot....

I so desperately wanted Irene and Bash to be together again but I was terrified to find out what the 'sacrifice' would have to be. Their story made my heart hurt! Added to that is the action of Bash's demon slaying with the other angel, Gabriel. So, there is a lot going on! Gabriel and Bash have a great friendship that made the whole situation even more difficult. If Bash gets back to his wife, will he have to give up his friendship with Gabriel?

The story blends the idea of soulmates and deep love with angels and demons, theology, and friendship. Rose writes beautifully and the words are all perfectly written to give you so much emotion. All the feels, man!


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: second chance, angels/demons

  • Triggers: none

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone (even though the book says its #9, that is just in the anthology; its not actually the #9th book in an LD Rose series)

  • Cliffhanger: 

  • HEA: 

other angel romances like Fallen by Lauren Kate, Inescapable by Amy Bartol, Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick...then you will probably like Sweet Sacrifice!


Sweet Sacrifice



See full review on The Book Disciple

ladywithaquill's review

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This was a quick read, but nevertheless, an enjoyable one! I found it interesting to read L.D. Rose's take on angels, both traditional and created, and I thought her creativity appealing. The one thing I would have liked a bit more is backstory - a prologue was greatly needed, at least for me. I struggled a bit in the beginning to follow along, as it jumped right into an action scene but didn't really explain anything for several pages. I eventually figured it out though, and the story moved quite quickly from there.

Bash is an arc, an angel who was created after he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers. Fighting evil each day, he is just thankful to have escaped years in purgatory. While out with a fellow angel, his new world turns upside down at the sight of a familiar face - Irene Lockard, his wife. Irene has been mourning Bash for two years, and though she is encouraged to move on with her life, she can't shake the tears she gets whenever she thinks of his laughter and smile. When Bash reveals himself to her, she is both elated and confused. For her husband is dead, and if this is he, she is either blessed or crazy. Now Bash has a decision to make - embrace his life as an arc and move up in the ranks of heaven, or risk everything to be with the one person who holds his heart.

I loved the romance between Bash and Irene, especially with all of the sacrifices both have to make to try to get their relationship to survive after death. Bash is risking everything each time he sees her, and Irene knows that people think she is acting odd. But neither can help it, when they know they could be together if only for a little while. It was heartbreaking and sweet, and the ending will make you cry. It is a touching story of love and second chances.

Definitely made me interested to read more in this series! If you have time for a short read, this is one I highly recommend.

**I received a free copy from the author and this is my honest review.**

si0bhan's review

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I cannot begin to explain how much I adore L.D Rose’s The Order of the Senary series. Without a doubt, it’s one of my favourite paranormal romance series. Which is saying something, when you stop to think of how only two of the books have been released thus far. It’s a sure sign you’re a goner when you’re as addicted as I am so quickly. Knowing how much I adore The Order of the Senary series, it should come as no surprise to hear I jumped at Sweet Sacrifice as soon as I had the chance.

Sweet Sacrifice is the ninth book in The Soul Mate Tree Collective. It’s a series of standalone novellas, one for each month for thirteen months. We’re promised a collection of wonderful stories, all linked back to the soul mate tree. Thus far, I have read the first three novellas in the collective. The first three novellas – Realm of the Dragon, Can’t Stop the Music, and Between Venus & Mars – were all wonderful reads. I thoroughly enjoy them all, each offering something very different. I also have the fourth novella – The Trail to Love – on my Kindle, ready for me to dive into soon. Despite having novella number four on my Kindle, I had to read Sweet Sacrifice first. L.D. Rose is one of those authors I will willing bump up my to-read list. I needed to know what happened in Sweet Sacrifice, and I needed a fresh dose of L.D. Rose.

Sweet Sacrifice is a wonderful addition to The Soul Mate Tree Collective. This isn’t just my L.D. Rose bias speaking – it’s a fact that I need to state. The story is wonderful, playing with so many of your emotions throughout. Honestly, it’s a truly wonderful read. It had the trademarks I have come to recognise as pure L.D. Rose, along with offering a range of things we have yet to experience in The Order of the Senary series. Without a doubt, this story really shows off what L.D. Rose is capable of.

If you’re a fan of L.D. Rose, you need to pick this one up. If you’re a fan of The Soul Mate Tree Collective, you need to pick this one up. If you’re new to either, you cannot go wrong with picking this one up.

Sweet Sacrifice will be a difficult read for a number of people – it is a fact people need to be aware of in advance. Our male lead has made the greatest sacrifice possible – he gave his own life to save his brothers in arms. Sometimes authors fail to hit the right tone when telling soldier’s stories, yet this one is deeply emotional. There is a certain point in this story where things become overly emotional, where the details are shared, and people need to be warned of this. Not because there is a lot of gore, but because of how heavy the emotions are. There is no denying it will play with your heartstrings.

In addition to this deeply emotional story, L.D. Rose delivers a fantastic supernatural storylines. I like to think you can never go wrong with angels and demons, but you can. There are more bad stories out there than I care to accept. Sweet Sacrifice is not one of them. The classics of angel and demon stories can be found within this one, along with enough new stuff being introduced to make the story unique. You’re quickly pulled into the supernatural world, coming to love the world building and the characters.

My favourite aspect of this story was the way L.D. Rose kept us guessing until the very end. I once read an interview where a romance author spoke of how happily ever afters are a must. Romance is escapism, the fairy tale everyone is looking for. We expect to see rainbows and butterflies. L.D. Rose had me seriously doubting this. In the back of my mind, I was cursing the soul mate tree. It had to work – it just had to. Yet L.D. Rose had me seriously worried. The tension really does build in this regard. Mix it in with all the heavy emotions involved in the overall storyline, and you’re left a tight ball of tension throughout.

Without a doubt, this was a wonderful read. I cannot recommend this one enough, as it truly is beautiful.

nbiblioholic's review

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I’m a sucker for a SEAL. Throw in the paranormal element and how can I not want to immediately dive into the plot? In Sweet Sacrifice, L.D. Rose did an incredible job of blending romance, suspense, intrigue, mythology, religion and the paranormal. Sounds like a total blast, right?

Bash Lockard died while in tour in Afghanistan after jumping onto a live grenade to save his team. He was a brave and honorable man, who was survived by the love of his life - his wife, Irene. Irene was still mourning her husband and while it had been two years since his death, she couldn’t move on. When her best friend gets married, she stands at her side as Matron of Honor, although the last place she wants to be is at a wedding. But wait… over there… that face… it couldn’t be… yet that man is a dead ringer for her dead husband! Bash is back but he’s still dead. He still can’t be with his soul mate. Why? He’s answered to a higher calling… okay, he’s a freaking ANGEL!! A demon-fighting, earth-protecting, hot AF ANGEL!! Surely fate can find a way for these lovers to be reunited. Right?! Well, for them to be together once again, Bash would have to make the largest sacrifice of all. Is the sacrifice too great to have his love back?

Goodness, this story was amazing! It was short but it didn’t feel like it was lacking anything despite its length. Bash was a hero I could completely get behind and although Irene annoyed me a bit with her reactions, I kinda got it. How the heck would I react in a similar circumstance? No clue. So who the heck am I to judge, right? I was all set to find out how these two would get together but I felt bad about what the sacrifice was. Regardless, Bash and Irene were insanely hot together and their chemistry, both physically and emotionally was off-the-charts. Is it crazy that I started falling for Gabriel? I wonder how we could convince the author to continue along this line and give us a little something for him too ;)

Release Date: September 13, 2017
Genre: Paranormal Romance
POV: Dual - 3rd person
Heat: 3.5 out of 5
Type: Standalone - Book 9 of the Soul Mate Tree series

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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Sweet Sacrifice, by L. D. Rose, differs from any story I read before. The author is new to me and as such I went into this story with limited expectations, but I ended up with more than I bargained for. The story was captivating, heartfelt and beautifully written and told of a love that transcends time and space.

What the story is about.

Sweet Sacrifice tells the story of former navy seal Sebastian ‘Bash’ Lockhard who died a hero while on tour in Afghanistan. His act of heroism earned him an entry in heaven where he would become a member of heaven’s elite army. An opportunity he could not let pass him by as it would mean he no longer have to spend time in purgatory. However, this chance of a lifetime was not without its rules:

Remain celibate.
Never reconnect with your mortal life.
Ensure humans were not aware of his existence.

Easy, right? It would have been if his memories of the only woman he ever loved would remain a memory.

Irene Lockhard is still trying to come to terms with the death of her husband. She throws herself into her work, but the memories are overwhelming. She finds herself spiralling out of control at her best friend’s wedding but then like a miracle from up above the man she loves appears to her. They shared a night of unforgettable passion, but then he vanishes. Has Irene’s grief finally pushed her over the edge?

My Thoughts

Theirs was a love that was forbidden, but how do you stay away from the one you love? Bash had difficulty ignoring the lure of the forbidden fruit and the fact he was willing to accept the painful consequences of breaking the rules was a true testament of his love for Irene.

The author pulled me into Bash and Irene’s world and had me rooting for them at every page turn. Their emotions leapt off the pages and tugged on my heartstrings. I feared things would not work out for them and I so badly wanted it to as they deserved happiness after all the suffering they had been through. The author created a spellbinding story that slowly pulls me in and characters who were lovable and relatable. This was one story, which was hard to predict the outcome.

I enjoyed the world building. I have read a few books with heaven and angel themes but never in the same vein as Sweet Sacrifice. I totally enjoyed the author’s concept of heaven and the angel hierarchy. In addition, the infusion of the notion of a love, which transcends death, a great friendship and witty dialogue, made for a unique, humorous and intense read.

Although this is book, #9 in the Soul Mate series there is no need to read the previous books in the series to enjoy this installment. Each book in the series is written by a different author, is based on a different couple, and takes place in a different world but the concept of the soul mate tree remains the same.

If you are in the mood for a short, sweet, sexy and gripping paranormal romance then will love Sweet Sacrifice.