
Man-Eaters #6 by Kate Niemczyk, Chelsea Cain, Lia Miternique

mothgender's review

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This is so addicting! But I need answers!!!!

quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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So first off, this issue does end off in a bit of a cliffhanger. Not the nail-biting sort. More like you know that there are finally going to be some answers in the very near future. At least, I hope that’s the case.
This issue had a lot of talking and glimpses to the past, but I also think it was necessary for the plot. They’re finally explaining how this situation got to this point. I think they’ll start connecting the dots in the next issue, but I can’t be sure.
I love all the subtle jabs at gender expectations in this series. They’ve been so spot on. It’s easy to assume that it’s all commentary on how women are treated, but that’s not quite true. This issue, in particular, brings to mind the subject of toxic masculinity but in a very unexpected way.

theresidentbookworm's review

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My Thoughts On: Man-Eaters #6

1. Maude's dad might be my favorite character. He's struggling and afraid, but he's trying so hard to be a good dad. I just love him.

2. It's interesting that the issue cuts from Maude's conversation with her dad to her parents' fighting and her mom coming in pre-divorce to reassure her. I'm not sure what it means, but it means something.

3. Maude's sad eyes when her dad sees Sophie E. sitting next to her bed as she wonders if she can trust him just kills me.

4. Cain's little inside jokes about comic book artists being the only one who knows what cerulean is and the nurse also knowing because she was a failed comic book artist made me laugh.

5. The boys' scared theories about what happened to Sophie E. both angers me and gives me a weird sense of satisfaction. On one hand, I revel in the fact that in this universe it is boys who are constantly afraid. That's a nice change of pace. However, I hate that one of the boys said he knew Sophie E. was a predator since kindergarten. That's the kind of detail that feels too real.

6. Maude's dad's embarrassing ring tone is such a mood. I too have been embarrassed by my ringtone.

7. The girls being lined up outside the nurse's office and being examined for signs of puberty is chilling in a way I really can't explain. Whenever groups of girls are forced to line up, I get nervous.

8. The pencils all being labelled the wrong color and each girl in Sophie E.'s class receiving one as a clue is a really clever move. I enjoyed that.

9. "You've been to the Pencil Shoppe?" "All of us have. We needed somewhere with enough room." "For what?" "Can I tell you later? It's kind of a spoiler." It's a spoiler for the revolution, guys! I've been waiting for a revolution here. Yay!

10. Yet another boring cliff-hanger. I'm already bored. Be more exciting, guys!

christine_s's review

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Good but is it just me or is the story lagging in this series?