
Nelumbo Nucifera by Cristina Slough

bookladysreviews's review

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*I received this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Gabby has had enough of her husband's abusive behavior and when things go too far, she decides to fake her own death and escape him once and for all. But Kyle is a clever bastard - excuse my language - and clever bastards are willing to do whatever it takes in order to get what they want. Gabby has a new identity (which mind you, she paid a lot of money for) a house that her grandmother left her and a new beginning ahead of her. The future seems quite bright for Gabby but, will she be able to leave her demons behind and move on with her life? And will Kyle manage to catch up with her after all?

I was really intrigued by the synopsis of Nelumbo Nucifera and the title fascinated me because of its unusual nature. The cover is also gorgeous and I couldn't help but go for it. It's definitely my cup of it and I was pretty excited about it! The beginning was quite promising actually, but we got lost somewhere in the middle of the story. We are introduced to Gabby through a third person's perspective and her background is made crystal clear from the first couple of pages.

The writing was pretty enjoyable and the author managed to create likable characters and an enjoyable story line that kept you on edge. For the most part, at least. The pace was a bit slow for my liking and I found my self skipping a couple of paragraphs at times because I felt like the same things were repeated in different ways. But, I really enjoyed the multiple points of view that were used in the story. It made the experience of reading it even more vivid and enjoyable than it would have normally been. If only one POV was used throughout the book, for example.

Gabby and Ben's love story was also something that I found quite fascinating and wanted to indulge in more than I was allowed to. I'm not gonna stand on their relationship because, it's not the focus of the book and I don't want it to be the focus of my review either. Gabby is a very tortured soul, whose bravery and spirit I really admired. Ben is also such a likable character and their meeting is definitely a turning point for Gabby.

Lastly, what I mostly enjoyed about the book and immensely admired, was the fact that the author gave us a glimpse into Kyle's mind. He's a narcissist, a control freak and probably a psycho path. Seeing things from his perspective was actually a very unique experienced which I don't remember ever encountering in other books of the same - or another - genre. Moreover, we also got a glimpse inside the mind of the detective investigating the case of the missing wife and the abusive husband. So, we have the victim, the perpetrator and the woman trying to piece things together in order to save Gabby and put Kyle where he belongs.

Overall, the premise itself was very interesting and it had a lot potential, but I feel like we got a bit lost in the middle. There were some inconsistencies and the timing didn't really add up in some cases, which really confused me and made me take a couple of minutes to look back and get my bearings in order, before I kept on reading. The story ended very abruptly which, truthfully, I was not expecting at all and it kind of threw me off. I wanted something to blow my mind but, unfortunately, it never came my way.

Nelumbo Nucifera didn't blow my mind but, it was definitely a story worth reading and a story worth telling. If you enjoy dark New Adult novels, you'll definitely find the story of Gabby and her survival to your liking!

alwaysreadingreview's review

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When I finished this book, I had a big smile on my face.  It left me feeling happy.  This book had me on the edge of my seat.  I loved that we got to see the point of view from the female detective and how her childhood molded her life.  This case did a lot for her future.  

If you want a book that keeps you guessing, then this is a great book to read.  I have not read anything from this author.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Read more from this author? Yes!

Happy Reading!

nikkismiles43's review

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Nelumbo Nucifera
By Cristina Slough
5/5 Stars

Nelumbo Nucifera by Cristina Slough is a gut wrenching and yet hopeful story. Even at times, it may be difficult for you to read!! But the overall story is amazing , with strong and independent female characters.
Gaby Parker seems to have it all… a beautiful house, glitz, glamour, anything money can buy. Even a loving and devoted husband, Kyle. But on the surface , things aren’t always what they seem.
From the beginning, I began rooting for Gaby! I was hoping and praying she would somehow make a break from her extremely abusive husband. At some points, it was difficult to read the beating scenes. But I know it’s more common than not! It happens every single day!
It’s such a heartbreaking journey, about one woman finding her own happiness, no matter the cost. You will not be able to put it down!! It had me on the edge of my seat, wanting and craving more!! It will definitely hold your interest from the beginning of the first page, to the last paragraph of the book!! Excellent job, Cristina!!

carabellacullen's review

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Nelumbo Necifera by Cristina Slough

5 Stars!!!!!

Where do I begin? This book was about a subject dear to my heart and it was so well writen and the subject matter was handled so well. For a woman to be desparate enough to fake her death to escape domestic violence it makes you really sit back and take note. I couldnt put this book down. From page one to the very last page and the happy ending I was glued to the page. Gabby aka Riley is a definate solid character role model and although she put up with a lot it shows great strength and courage for her to leave. The author does a great job of showing the strength within the
weakness of an abused woman for it takes great courage to take that first step and leave.

I was captivated by the way Ben comes into her life and the absolutely adorable way he worms his way into her heart. well its just goes to show that there really is someone for everyone and no matter how broken we think we are that there is always someone willing and able to put back the pieces and love us for who we are. I really highly reccommend this book as it is written so well and deals with its subject matter so well.

bwagner's review

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Nelumbo Nucifera by Cristina Slough is a story that will take you on a journey about an abused woman but it will show you there is hope and healing. This is my first story by this author and I loved it and can't wait to see what she will have next for us. I loved her writing style. She pulled me in from the first word and kept me engaged until the end. Her attention to details were awesome. They were so real that it made it difficult for me to read at times because I am a survivor of domestic abuse. Her characters were connectable, lovable and true to life. You will feel like you are right there with them and they will keep you wanting more. I couldn't put this story down until the last page. This is the story about Gaby. Gaby had the perfect marriage to those on the outside but really on the inside it was a tragic waiting to happen. Her husband is controlling and wants things his way or there is a price to pay. After the last incident, Gaby decides it is time to get out and she knows there is only one way of getting out, dying at least on paper. When her husband is notified that Gaby is dead, he doesn't believe that she is. When the investigator starts digging, will she find more then a loving couple? What will happen when he finds her? Will Gaby finally stand up for herself and tell the whole world what life was really like? Will Gaby be able to finally start her life over or will fate have something else in store for her? This story is told in all three characters version. You get to see the perceptive of everyone's view. Sometimes, as a reader, I can get lost in stories told like this but this author did an awesome job of keeping the story flowing and switching back and forth between characters smoothly. Gaby is really torn down to nothing with self worth but honestly who wouldn't be. She is a survivor and fighter that grows throughout this story. Kyle her husband, is a character that is not likable at all. The story wouldn't be the same without him. In my opinion he is a coward and thinks he has something to prove. The investigator, Isla is a strong character and has determination. She has good instincts that you will see in this book. All three of these characters plus more are what make up this story and it wouldn't be the same without them. This story has some triggers that may not be acceptable for everyone but the story plot is awesome. This story is compassion that you won't want to miss. I highly recommend this story as I know you will want to see if Gaby finds healing and a new life.

shannonlovesbooksandreading's review

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Here’s a story that has just about all the triggers needed for those people that have been in abusive relationships. This story does not go into graphic details but just enough detail to get the point across. Nelumbo Nucifera actually has two main heroines, Gaby and Isla. They are each trying to survive. Slough shows how strong victims really are. This story also cements the fact that there really are good people in this world. You just have to be brave and find them.

I liked how this story was written in many different points of view. I liked that there weren’t graphic details about the abuse or even the sex.

This is my first story by Cristina Slough and I am pleasantly surprised with it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read about something so close to a true story but I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone. I definitely recommend this story and I look forward to reading more by Slough.

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

“A lotus flower starts its life as a tiny seed, embedded deeply in thick muck. It slowly grows in caliginous water. Its journey is dark and bleak, yet it continues to become greater over a period of time. Finally, it rises above the water. The buds open, one by one, into beautiful fragrant petals. Miraculously, the lotus flower is unsoiled, even though it was born and grown in such a hostile environment. Nelumbo Nucifera- Sacred Lotus.”

Nelumbo Nucifera is a suspenseful, gripping and captivating story by Cristina Slough.
We meet Gaby Parker who has lived for far too long with fear, intimidation, domination, terror, brutality and savage abuse- at the hands of her husband, Kyle. She has endured a situation that no one should ever have to experience and has finally come to the conclusion that if she remains living with him, there is every chance that he will kill her. So, Gaby decides to ‘kill’ herself before he gets the opportunity to do so himself. Staging her death, Gaby escapes to a small coastal town to start over.
With everything she has experienced, she is just grateful to be now living life on her own terms for once, to find the person she was before her marriage- so the last thing she expects to find is romance with a sexy Australian surfer, Ben.
But, her ‘loving’ husband doesn’t believe that she is truly dead and will go to great lengths to find her. Will Gaby finally find the peace and freedom she has been yearning for? Is there any chance for a future with Ben, or will finding out about her past be enough to scare him away? What happens if her husband is able to track her down? Will she survive?
This story was quite intense at times and kept me completely absorbed, reading avidly to find out what would happen next. The author kept the tension and suspense flowing through the whole story, I couldn’t help but have my heart in my mouth at times wondering what would happen. The connection between Gaby and Ben was wonderful, I was rooting for them to find happiness together. Ben was everything Gaby needed, patient, understanding, loving, supportive, kind and considerate. Gaby was so brave, to have endured what she did broke my heart. I couldn’t help but invest in her and the outcome of her story. Through the story we hear several POV’s which adds some excitement to the whole feel of the book- I loved getting Isla’s (the Police Detective) perspective, finding out about her and following her through her investigation of Gaby’s ‘death’. The characters are really well developed, interesting and endearing- except for Kyle who was written so well that I despised him- and I’m sure that was the authors intent.
I really enjoyed the story, but there were a few small things that I feel were missed in the proofreading/editing phase, that have slightly let the story down. There was a bit of a timeline issue where Isla produced evidence and was discussing it with Kyle, then a few chapters later we read where that evidence had only just been discovered? Hardy (the character) gets referred to as Hardly. There a few times where the wrong word is used or misspelled- as an example, sonner instead of sooner, noise instead of nose, Matryosha Dolls instead of Matryoshka Dolls…. and there were more of this type of thing. These were minor issues and didn’t detract from the overall story, but they did jolt me out of the story when I came across them, which was a little distracting.
This was my first book from this author, but I would definitely read more of her work.

Thank you, Ms. Slough!

jennadb's review

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Nelumbo Nucifera by Cristina Slough is a psychological thriller. The story is well written and focuses on a delicate situation of domestic violence in the worst form and is a very emotional read. The story is told in different P.O.V.s which I like because you get to understand the characters and get inside their heads.

Gaby has been beaten and abused both physically and mentally by someone who is supposed to love and protect her. When it all becomes too much she decides if she doesn’t leave now she will die. When Gaby’s car is found burnt beyond recognition everyone is on the case to find out who killed her. After all their digging what they find is more than any of them realised.

What happened to Gaby? What will they find? What things do they find when they dig into her husband?

If you enjoyed movies like Sleeping With the Enemy and Safe Haven then you will enjoy this book.

hncald78's review

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All the feels. Every single one of them. Seriously was not anticipating the depth of emotion this book was going to provide. It felt honest and raw and real. You will be cheering Gabi on through this roller coaster of emotion. And the supporting characters add richly to the storyline development. I cannot say that I have personally experienced what Gabi did in the book; however, this book was so well written I found myself fully immersed in the experiences and emotionally drained from them. Two thumbs up. Just beautiful!

mayu's review

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For a long time I had not been able to put my thoughts together, because I was feeling a lot of emotions at once. I even thought of not reviewing then again I had to share with you people, what I felt about this highly intense book.

I have to admit that Gaby is a really strong woman because she got the courage to leave that husband who not only hit her body, but also her soul. He stripped her of her self esteem, made her hollow. I agree she suffered abuse for a long time, NO, she didn’t walk out the first time it happened, but at least she was brave enough to do it, she loved herself enough to finally move out, even though she knew if she got caught then her husband would probably kill her. 

Kyle, hmmm…., there were so many instances when I felt like holding this man and throwing him out of the window and then again​ picking him up to repeat​. He never saw anything wrong with his actions, he thought that he was saving Gaby from disappointment by crushing her dream of becoming an artist, he thought by dictating her every move, by stealing her freedom, and in return giving her materialistic pleasure of clothes, house, cars, etc he was giving her a perfect life. I agree that Kyle had a bad childhood, but nothing accounts for the monster he was, the pain that he caused Gaby.

There were many instances in this story where l felt my eyes pooling with tears. There were many emotional moments in this book especially when Gaby thought about all the humiliations she suffered. 

Another thing that l loved about the novel was the sweet love story between Ben and Gaby. Even though I felt that Gaby fell in love with Ben little too quickly for a woman who just came out of a bad marriage, but still the love story was sweet and a heartwarming.

Apart from the main story of Gaby, there is also a side story of the detective in charge, Isla. In the process of saving Gaby, she saved herself. Isla’s story is like a short story, in the novel, where she finally shredded​ the shakles of the past holding her.

Nelumbo Nucifera will always hold a very special place in my heart.

I highly recommend this book.