
Devil's Mark by Megan Crane

openallnight's review

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NetGalley ARC

anabelsbrother's review

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3.5 stars

I love the first book more but this one is also entertaining.
Holly x Uptown is so intense tho?? I love tension and angst-

thesassybookworm's review

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Holly Chambless life is in ruins. Her father the Mayor is going down for corruption and her mother has been in a drug-induced haze for as long as Holly can remember. When her best friend tells her there is a job opening at the local biker bar, Holly is all set to leave her squeaky-clean image behind.

Killian “Uptown” Chenier has no time for the stuck-up daughter of the man who screwed the Devil’s Keepers. He likes it fast and wild and forgettable. So why can't he get the naive princess out of his head?


So this one was just OK for me. Both the hero/heroine spend WAY too much time talking in their heads and because of that, I had a hard time getting into it, to be honest. There also wasn't really a single likable character in the book. Holly was described like some bobble headed Disney princess idiot and Uptown was nasty.

I don't expect MC guys to be angels farting rainbows, but I do expect to at least find something likable with my hero. This guy was just kind of a disgusting and needed a bleach bath just to make him halfway decent. In fact, the whole entirety of the club was a bunch of nasty gross assholes, as were the old ladies.

When Holly's best friend tells her what she had to do JUST to be a bartender and get tips...well I threw up a little in my mouth.
SpoilerBlow the owner of the bar. Then have anal sex with him while everyone watches, then she got to blow a line up of members of the MC.
and according to Uptown, they took it easy on her because they LIKED her the other women had is worse.

Like I said, I don't expect unicorns farting rainbows, but geez this is a series and because of that I need to at least somewhat think these dudes have some sort of morals. In any case, like I said it was just OK. I doubt I'll continue on with the series.



naaytaashreads's review

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This book was not it.
It was definitely worse than the first book.
At least the first book was still entertaining and has a plotline.

The second book of the series was just lots of sexual tension.
The plot line was too slow and the two characters was definitely dancing around each other for something to happen.

It annoys me how Holly just takes shit that is happening to her.
Which I kind of get it she is the good girl into a bad boy's world but it gets too much.
Uptown wasn't that exciting or anything.
He is just a bad boy who is got with his charms on women, that's it.

The plotline was slow and it ended abruptly. like okay???

the_sassy_bookworm's review

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Holly Chambless life is in ruins. Her father the Mayor is going down for corruption and her mother has been in a drug-induced haze for as long as Holly can remember. When her best friend tells her there is a job opening at the local biker bar, Holly is all set to leave her squeaky-clean image behind.

Killian “Uptown” Chenier has no time for the stuck-up daughter of the man who screwed the Devil’s Keepers. He likes it fast and wild and forgettable. So why can't he get the naive princess out of his head?


So this one was just OK for me. Both the hero/heroine spend WAY too much time talking in their heads and because of that, I had a hard time getting into it, to be honest. There also wasn't really a single likable character in the book. Holly was described like some bobble headed Disney princess idiot and Uptown was nasty.

I don't expect MC guys to be angels farting rainbows, but I do expect to at least find something likable with my hero. This guy was just kind of a disgusting and needed a bleach bath just to make him halfway decent. In fact, the whole entirety of the club was a bunch of nasty gross assholes, as were the old ladies.

When Holly's best friend tells her what she had to do JUST to be a bartender and get tips...well I threw up a little in my mouth.
SpoilerBlow the owner of the bar. Then have anal sex with him while everyone watches, then she got to blow a line up of members of the MC.
and according to Uptown, they took it easy on her because they LIKED her the other women had is worse.

Like I said, I don't expect unicorns farting rainbows, but geez this is a series and because of that I need to at least somewhat think these dudes have some sort of morals. In any case, like I said it was just OK. I doubt I'll continue on with the series.



chymerra's review

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Merritt Broussard had vowed that she would never, ever return to Lagrange, La after finally escaping it when she was 18 and went away to college to be a lawyer. She was briefly tempted when she was 22, about to go to law school and came home on break. What, or should I say, who tempted her? A biker named Greeley who was a member of the Devil’s Keepers….the local biker club that ran Lagrange. She was hellbent on getting out of Lagrange and getting away from her swamp rat roots and she left….breaking Greeley’s heart (even though he wouldn’t admit it).

Fast forward, 5 years later, and Merritt is returning to the once place she vowed she would never go back to. Lagrange. She didn’t even return there when her father died, that’s how much she hated her hometown. The only reason she is returned is because she has an abusive ex boyfriend and her hometown is the last place that he would look

But Greeley is in Lagrange and Merritt knew that it would be a matter of time before he showed up. The last time she saw him he warned her about coming back and here she is, 5 years later, back in town.

Greeley is at the club’s clubhouse when Pony, another brother, tells him that Merritt is back in Lagrange and staying at her father’s house. He leaves the clubhouse and heads there and has a confrontation with Merritt that almost ends with sex. Almost because right as he was sliding home, the phone rings and he has to go back to the clubhouse.

Merritt and Greeley do hook up and oh boy is it hot. The pages literally burned when they had sex. And, of course, they do it bareback. If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know how I feel about that. Like I have said in previous blogs, I really should start a movement: Safe Sex For Fictional People (SSFFP)….lmao. I am making myself laugh over here and my 3-year-old is just looking at me like I have 5 heads.

Anyways, back to the review.

The plotline with Merritt’s abusive boyfriend was really kind of anticlimactic and kind of let down. After what Merritt told Lanie, her best friend, I really thought that Antony would be more of a badass. Instead, when he did make an appearance, he came across as flat. I really don’t know how to describe it. I also was expecting Greeley to kill him and was a little put off that he got away with just a beating (hey, I’m bloodthirsty sometimes).

The end of the book was pretty good. All the storylines got wrapped up and there is a HEA for Merritt and Greeley. I am pretty excited to read the other 2 books in this series once they come out and I do hope that the author doesn’t stop with just 2. There are a few characters that I would like to read their stories (Pony and Lanie are a couple).

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**