
Rewrite by Stephanie Rose

kem0514's review against another edition

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I had this on my TBR list for a bit and was very eager to read it but just kept putting it off. I am so glad I finally read it. This was such a beautiful story about the second chance between Josh and Brianna. Josh and Brianna were best friends almost all their lives, but they lived very different lives. Josh’s lack of home stability caused him to get into trouble in high school and he had to leave to join the military. I liked how even though Josh tried to push Brianna away, they did remain in contact all these years. When Josh returns years later, he is hopeful to have a future with Brianna, but she is in a serious relationship with someone else. I think Stephanie did a good job playing out this love triangle. The other man wasn’t written as a horrible person, but he wasn’t around enough to make you love him. Because of the love triangle, it was a slow burn. Once things heated up though, they went fast. They didn’t need to go slow since they have known each other forever. Just when I thought the story was over, there is a huge twist to the story that made it even more exciting. Highly recommend it!

jenn703's review against another edition

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This book is a complete standalone and written in dual POV with some flashbacks.

I went in to this book expecting to love Josh's character, so I was surprised when Bri stole my heart right out of the gate. Josh and Bri are so sweet, strong willed, and broken but they are so perfect. After doing what he thought was right to make Brianna happy, Josh comes back and fights for her and what he believes they are and always have been. There was a twist I did not see coming but made the story that much more. I am sad their story is all wrapped up but I thought it was put together wonderfully and ended beautifully.

* Early copy of this book received in exchange for my honest review.

ness11's review against another edition

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*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

5 "You, it's been you, always you" Stars!!!

Oh my word. Oh, the feelings are rushing out of me. This friends to lovers romance was done oh-so-right. It was a story filled with sweet moments. But, it also sucker punched you with the emotions. It was so endearing and heartfelt.

Josh and Brianna have been friends since kindergarten. And even at that young age without knowing exactly what love is, Bri felt it for the green-eyed little boy. There's no denying the immense connection between Josh and Bri. As they grow up feelings are developed, but never expressed. Josh's life has been a hardship and it starts falling apart. And in his mind Bri will be better off without him in her life so, he does the only thing he can do, he leaves. Though, without each other in their lives it doesn't diminish the fact that their still connected to one another.

"I loved him from the deepest part of my soul, but in silence."

After 10 years, Josh returns. He's back, but nothing is the same. So much time has passed, but at the same time when they see each other, it's as if it hasn't. The reconnecting of Bri and Josh was beautiful to read. I felt their chemistry. I felt their sadness and sorrow. I felt their happiness. They were always meant to be. But, with that said could it be enough, or would all those years apart take a toll on them?

"I wished I could rewrite our story. I’d fix it so I’d never lose him in the first place, and we’d never hurt anyone on our way back to each other."

My heart is so full. My love for Josh knows no bounds. He is the perfect book boyfriend. The love and devotion he has is beyond. I loved how caring he was. I loved that above anything he was there for Bri. He was the ultimate. And Bri, oh gosh how I adored Bri. I admired her selflessness and strength. Josh and Bri were two souls that were always meant to be. If two people were made for each other, it was Josh and Bri.

"There was never a single second I didn’t belong to you. All I ever wanted was you."

Stephanie, this was an absolute gem. I loved Josh and Bri's story. It was beautiful, inspiring, and consuming. Thank you for writing it and giving us Josh and Bri.

nomomstayandread's review against another edition

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All in all, I enjoyed this. The idea of being in love with someone since you were 5 years old is just the cutest thing. I couldn’t think of a couple more in need of a breakup than the heroine and Scott. What a tool.

I started to get suspicious when things were going a little too well around the 60% mark because that’s just not how books work. And bam. Two of my least favorite tropes.

The writing was solid and this isn’t the last book I’ll read by Stephanie Rose.

Thank you to That’s What She Said and @rick_183 for a copy in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own.

jackielizn's review against another edition

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This book was AMAZING! Oh wow. I'm not even sure what to say right now. A best friends to lovers book, not to mention second chance?! Ahh! This book did wonderful things to my heart. I experienced all of the feels and swoons while reading Josh and Brianna's story.

Josh is so amazing! I loved Brianna as well. They are just perfect together. You are drawn into their story and start rooting for them right away. I couldn't have asked for anything else from this story. It was just perfect for the two of them.

lifeinthebooklane's review

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100 out of 5 stars

This is simply one of the best and most emotional reads I have read in quite a while. The emotions hooked me from the first few lines of the prologue and kept me captivated until the last few lines of the epilogue. This is one of the few books I have ever had to put down for a few minutes until my sobs and ugly crying slowed enough to let me actually read the words.

Brianna and Josh had loved each other since they were five years old, when Josh stood up for her and she shared her lunch with the hungry little boy. As with all good second chance romances life and foolish decisions had torn them apart. Now Josh is back but Brianna is with Scott and the whole situation becomes confusing.

She was the air in my lungs and the blood in my veins.

Brianna is a very typical and average girl next door, and I mean that in a good way. She was real, believable, normal and incredibly likeable. So hurt by Josh leaving her the first time that she is too scared to risk that happening again. The younger Josh was a very typical misunderstood and angry young man with a whole world of worries that he shouldn't have had to face as a teenager. The present day Josh is the man he always should have been, had his circumstance allowed. He is confident, sexy and again he is a real guy doing a real job, living an every day life and determined to win back the girl he should never have left.

It took until half-way through the book for Brianna to get her act together, along with her heart, mind and soul, and realise what every one else knew from the moment Josh showed back up. This left me wondering how the author would fill the last half of the book - would it be trite and predictable or would she wow me?

Wow me? OH NO - first of all there is a totally unexpected bombshell dropped on us and a whole new threat to their relationship and the future. There were ups and downs and some amazingly heart warming moments, along with the need for quite a few tissues. Not content with that, we get one hell of a plot twist that literally tore my heart to pieces and then stomped all over it. Then followed a heck of a lot more tissue requiring moments - either because they were so heart wrenching sad or because they were so darn sweet. Just sitting here thinking about the book and what to put in my review has tears running down my cheeks - it needs to come with an emotional health warning!

Maybe the way we got here was messy, but the greatest love stories always were

I just don't have adequate words to explain how wonderful this book is. I want to shout about it from the rooftops and stop strangers in the street to tell them not to miss out on it. I can't even bring myself to pick up my kindle and start a different book. I'm going to have to give myself time to recover from this, to inwardly digest it, to allow myself to relive it before my head will be anywhere near ready to move on.

Read this book, you'll be missing something amazing and wonderful if you don't.

nic_w's review against another edition

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Rewrite by Stephanie Rose is a contemporary second chance romance.

What I liked most about this story was that even though the main characters Brianna and Josh go through many trials and hurdles, they are not your typical ones.
What they go through and how they support each other is unique to this story.

It's a sweet second chance romance that although at times felt predictable, it was heartwarming and very cute with relatable and vulnerable characters.

I voluntarily reviewed this advanced reader copy and I have not been compensated in any way.

sarah_p_25's review against another edition

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"they say when you meet the love of your life, it's a day you'll never forget. Your soul sings and your body hums, all because you "know". That innate instinct telling you, you finally found your person".

Stephanie Rose is amazing at second chance stories.
I loved Josh and Bri so much, friends since they were aged 5 but then at 17 Josh decides to leave for the army and tries to break all contact with Bri.

"forget about me, Cupcake"

10 years later bri has a boyfriend when Josh comes back to town.
this was an amazing story abiut second chances.
I volunteered to read a copy of this book

bookbruin's review against another edition

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Re-Read 4/2018
I listened to the audiobook for this re-read and loved Tristan Wright and Devra Woodward's performances! Both Devra and Tristan gave such amazing performances! Some of the scenes were so emotional and heartbreaking, but the narration really took it to the next level. Every feeling - joy, anger, frustration, elation, etc - was so much more profound. This is my first time listening to Tristan Wright, but I was really impressed by his heartfelt and charismatic narration. My heart nearly exploded hearing him say "cupcake" for the first time! I've listened to Devra Woodward one time previously and have loved her both times. Her voice actually reminds me a lot of Julia Roberts! Both narrators did fantastic with male and female voices as well. Even if you've read the book, you need to experience the audiobook!


Stephanie Rose is the Queen of second chance romances! No one can pull you in with such endearing characters and then gut punch you right when you get comfortable the way that Stephanie can. Every one of her books is heartfelt, emotional, and beautifully honest. Rewrite is no exception.

This childhood friends to lovers story hooked me from the start and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out what happened next. The connection between Josh and Brianna is undeniable and you will mourn right along side them for the well intentioned, but heartbreaking decisions that kept them apart.
I loved him from the deepest part of my soul, but in silence.
Told in dual point of view, in both the past and present, readers are slowly able to piece together Josh and Brianna's painful history. There will be times that you laugh at their easy going and playful banter, but also times when your heart will ache for all the missed moments and what ifs. The longing and yearning is palpable and you won't be able to stop yourself from rooting for these two to find their way back to each other.
I loved you then. I love you now.
I loved you all the years in between.

The heavier moments are balanced perfectly with plenty of swoon and steam, as well as fantastic secondary characters like Josh and Bri's other best friend, Reid. He brought some much needed levity to the more emotional scenes and was the best friend we all hope for, providing clarity and support in the most critical of times. There are some twists that I didn't see coming that really almost tore my heart out, but it's in these moments that we see our characters really shine. You definitely don't want to miss this incredible story of first loves and second chances!

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*