
Barefoot with a Bodyguard by Roxanne St. Claire

lucindapearson's review

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Characters: 5/5

Hero and heroine both had a good blend of strong and vulnerable, sympathetic and flawed. Many colourful side characters.

Plot: 4/5

Unpredictable, unique and well structured.
The side plot was less interesting.

Pacing: 4/5

Pacing matched the tone of the story well- fast paced thriller moments and slowed down for emotional scenes. The side plot could have been better integrated, in order not to unnecessarily slow down the pace.

Setting: 4/5

Gorgeous, romantic beach setting. Would have liked the same level of detail described in Boston city.

Romance: 4.5/5

Witty banter and good sexual chemistry. The timing of the romance blossoming was spot on- not too rushed or drawn out. Sex scenes could have been steamier/ more frequent?*

*may be personal taste (lol)

Writing style: 4/5

Written in third person, switching focus between characters which was sometimes confusing ( or not made obvious).

elenajohansen's review

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Oh, I am such a sucker for a good bodyguard dynamic. And this one doubled down by having him posing as a bodyguard for his own cover story! The tension! The drama!

But in all seriousness, romantic suspense is not my genre, I've tried it before and generally been unimpressed, so I didn't have high expectations when I dug this old (acquired for free) romance up on my Kindle.

Here I am to say how pleasantly surprised I was. Both leads have semi-tragic backstories, both have issues, and both grow with each other through those issues in ways that made me not want to put the book down. The situations they get into posing as newlyweds for their cover identities were awesome, squirm-inducing, and occasionally hysterically funny. I was delighted.

A heroine who needs to learn trust, and a hero who needs to learn tenderness. I AM SO HERE FOR THIS.

Though, again, romantic suspense not being my genre, I was annoyed every time the POV switched to one of the supporting characters in order to advance the suspense plot. On top of that, a very large portion of Gabe's POV seemed devoted to setting up an unrelated plot for the next book, which seems to be about his sister. DON'T CARE GIVE ME MORE OF KATE AND ALEC. Which is why this doesn't get a fifth star despite me being about half in love with Alec myself.

nellesnightstand's review

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Hero: MMA Fighter, tough, horrible childhood, on the run from bad guys
Heroine: Recently got out of a controlling marriage, studying for the bar, still being controlled by her father, being threatened but not taking it seriously due to the fact said father doesn't release all pertinent information

Plot/Romance: Little too far fetched to be believable but still a great story. It had some twists that I wasn't expecting! It was attraction at first sight and oh the trouble they had staying in there "undercover" roles. This story is a merging of Guardian Angelinos and Barefoot Bay, I was excited for the return of Gabe Rossi! There is an underlying story of Gabe searching for someone important to him. Honestly I felt this was just a setup for his story. His sister is brought in at the end though and I am mighty interested in reading HER story which is next!

jonetta's review

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Originally posted on The Book Nympho

Recently divorced Kate Kingston has received death threats, sent to her father who's a Philadelphia judge. Since it isn't clear why she's targeted, Dad arranges for her to go undercover in Barefoot Bay with protection provided by Gabe Rossi. He figures he can kill two birds with one stone when he assigns another client, mixed martial arts trainer Alec Petrov to be part of Kate's cover and her bodyguard, posing as her newlywed husband. Alec's on the run from the Russian mob so the situation is dangerous.

It doesn't get much scarier than the Russian mob so things were always quite tense in this story. I loved the parallel points of view from all those involved as it kept the suspense level very high. However, it was balanced by the developing romance between Kate and Alec. I really fell for him as he was pretty special, not at all my typical "type" but a very well developed (pardon the pun) character. There were a few times, however, that I wanted to throttle Kate because of a couple of TSTL (too stupid to live) moments where she could have gotten Alec killed.

I loved the story, the characters (yes, Kate redeems herself), the suspense and the humor. The romance was lovely with some over-the-top sensual interludes. There's a couples massage on the beach that you really have to read and highlight because once isn't enough. Can't wait for the next book. 4.5 stars

(I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review)

booksuperpower's review

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Barefoot with a Bodyguard by Roxanne St. Claire is a 2015 publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

If you love the Barefoot Bay series or romantic suspense you don't want to miss this book!

Kate and Alec are polar opposites who find themselves thrust together in a very uncomfortable situation. Kate needs protection from an unknown person making threats against her through her father, who is a judge. Alec is on the run from the Russian mafia, so being Kate's bodyguard provides him with a cover. So, the plan is to have them pretend to be a married couple on their honeymoon. But, sparks fly right from the beginning and not necessarily in a good way, but before long the idea of playing husband and wife for real becomes a huge temptation.

This story has a very unique romantic suspense style to it- it's a crime drama, has a multi-layered plot with several huge bombshell twist along the way. It also has a playfulness about it, and the massage session was absolutely divine!

I thought there were some interesting themes explored in this book. One, is that sometimes, our backgrounds with men, including our own fathers, can play a key role in who we marry and how much power or control we permit them to have over us. Kate is not only stepping out from behind the shadow of her controlling ex-husband, but also standing up to her manipulative father.

Alec's life has been sad and dangerous and it looks as though he may never live a normal life. He is scarred and carries deep, heavy burdens and despite his rough exterior, I just wanted to hug him.

The secondary characters were simply a delight. Nico and Poppy lightened the tone of the book and were an excellent addition to the story.

I enjoyed this fast paced, action packed, sensual and romantic story and highly recommend it to those who enjoy romantic suspense and contemporary romance.

4.5 stars

shell74's review

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Barefoot Bay just got a whole lot edgier. Gabe Rossi (yes, Gabe from the Guardian Angelinos series!) goes undercover to start his own witness protection program for those in need. That’s where our protagonists, Alec and Kate, who have never met, have to pose as a married couple on their honeymoon. Let the fireworks begin…

I was so happy to be back in lovely Barefoot Bay for this new Romantic Suspense spinoff series. As always with Ms. St. Claire’s writing, the emotions ran deep, there was a nice mix of humor with touching moments woven in, and the characters were completely believable, to me. As a reader, there is such a connection I feel each time I begin one of her stories. There’s something about the way she crafts the characters honestly, showing not only their strengths but their weaknesses as well. And that was quite evident with Kate and Alec.

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nchinnici's review

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So it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a book I found for free through Book Bub. When I saw Barefoot with a Bodyguard was available, I decided to try it out, having read Secrets in the Sand, by Roxanne St. Claire a while back and enjoying it.

St. Claire has a few series based around Barefoot Bay that loosely connect in different ways. I have not read all of them, nor do I feel the need to. The ones I have read can easily be done so as standalones.

Basically a straightforward romance, this book is basically everything that the title says; if you imagine being barefoot on a beach with a bodyguard, you’ve nailed it. There were certainly elements of this story that were completely unbelievable, and it was quite corny and predictable. The characters weren’t fully fleshed out, but they weren’t completely one-dimensional, either, and I enjoyed the dialogue and witty banter.

Overall, Barefoot with a Bodyguard was an fun and quick, easy read. If you like romance and are looking for a beach read, definitely check this out! Bonus if you get it on nook or kindle - it’s free right now!

jessicaisreading's review

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Closer to 3.5 stars

nellenaz's review

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Hero: MMA Fighter, tough, horrible childhood, on the run from bad guys
Heroine: Recently got out of a controlling marriage, studying for the bar, still being controlled by her father, being threatened but not taking it seriously due to the fact said father doesn't release all pertinent information

Plot/Romance: Little too far fetched to be believable but still a great story. It had some twists that I wasn't expecting! It was attraction at first sight and oh the trouble they had staying in there "undercover" roles. This story is a merging of Guardian Angelinos and Barefoot Bay, I was excited for the return of Gabe Rossi! There is an underlying story of Gabe searching for someone important to him. Honestly I felt this was just a setup for his story. His sister is brought in at the end though and I am mighty interested in reading HER story which is next!

mslizalou's review

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Review copy provided by author

I'm a huge fan of Roxanne St. Claire and can't wait to read each and every book as it is released. I fell in love with her writing when I found her Bullet Catcher series and love her romantic suspense voice. Barefoot with a Bodyguard takes Rocki's readers back to her RS roots....and we get time with Gabe Rossi too.

Barefoot with a Bodyguard was an awesome story! I honestly loved every single thing about this book. Gabe Rossi has started a new business of protection/bodyguard services in Barefoot Bay. Gabe will help those individuals that Witness Protection can't help. Fans of the Guardian Angelinos series will love that we get time with Gabe in each story, as well as his grandpa, Uncle Nino.

Both Katie and Alec are very strong characters. Katie is sent into hiding while she studies for the bar exam thanks to threats her judge father is receiving about her. Alec is a MMA trainer who is in hiding from the leader of the Russian Mob. I absolutely loved that Katie fought the entire time against being set up with protection, especially since she is forced to act as if she is on her honeymoon. Katie and Alec came from such different worlds, yet I felt their connection from the beginning.

The chemistry between Alec and Katie grew stronger the more time they spent together. I loved that while Alec didn't see how Katie could find him attractive because of all his scars and his past, Katie thought he was beautiful. Of course, Alec and Katie aren't exactly the model clients for Gabe since they really aren't very good at following his rules. I really loved that Alec and Katie set up their own rules about being a couple and felt like they became a stronger couple.

The suspense elements in Barefoot with a Bodyguard are awesome. I'm usually really good about figuring out who the bad guy is yet was completely stumped as to who was sending out the threats to Katie. I honestly don't know how I missed the clues, yet I did. I absolutely loved that Alec finally figured out how much he loved Katie when he knew she was in real danger.

I can't wait to read the rest of the books in the Barefoot Bay Undercover series. Not only do we get to spend time with Gabe in each book, but Roxanne St. Claire is a master at writing romantic suspense. I absolutely love Roxanne St. Claire’s voice in all genres. Her new and old fans alike will love Barefoot with a Bodyguard.