
Life Eternal by Yvonne Woon

bbrassfield's review against another edition

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Excellent continuation of the storyline begun in Dead Beautiful but oh what a cliffhanger!

dontgrumble's review against another edition

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OMG, why did it have to end on such a cliffhanger?????

I absolutely loved this book and now can't believe i have to wait for the next one. Like the first book it took me by surprise how much i was enjoying it as it was just a random pick from the library, but i loved the first soo much i had to go and buy the second. I'm glad i did! Mystery, adventure, romance and intrigue all feature heavily in this book but what i liked the most is that it approaches some common themes from a new angle so it doesn't feel like i am reading the same stories with new characters in a different setting.

I am counting down the days!

darcy23's review against another edition

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Put me in lot of pain. But I love it

tiffy137's review against another edition

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i liked it... but i thought the first book was better!!

hdbblog's review against another edition

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After reading Dead Beautiful last year I was so excited to see where Yvonne Woon would take us next! The ending was a massive cliffhanger. So when I had the chance to review a copy of Life Eternal, the second in the Dead Beautiful series, I hopped on it as soon as I could.

One thing I loved about this particular book was how easily it picks up where the last one left off. We reconnect with Renée and see that life has become more difficult for her since Dante went on the run. She feels older, and less of a person. I liked seeing the changes in her since we parted ways. Unfortunately because of these changes, Renée is also extremely depressed for about the first third of the book. I didn't hate her for it. I understood it. Still, it made it tough for me to really get into the story. I wanted to shake her and tell her that life goes on, and things would work out if she just tried. What can I say? I'm an optimist.

Essentially, the first third of the book is slow. But don't loose hope! Once Renée begins to come out of her slump things get really interesting. In this installment we are treated to a brand new school in France, new characters to help Renée along, and even a new mystery to solve. The Nine Sisters are a group of scholars that some believe figured out the key to eternal life. For Renée, that means a chance to finally be with Dante. What ensues is a manic romp through France and the areas beyond. Running through dark underground tunnels, visiting graveyards, following clues, Renée does it all in the quest for true love.

I very much enjoyed the way that Yvonne Woon allows the reader to slowly uncover the mystery along with Renée. There is no way that you'll figure things out before she does. A trail of breadcrumbs is laid out beautifully, giving you little bits and pieces of what lies ahead. I honestly loved the addition of Noah to this book. Giving Renée something else to focus on, someone else to focus on, worked well with the story line. When you barely see the person who is the object of your adoration, how do you know if they are truly doing what they say they are? That is the question that fuels this book.

Although Life Eternal started out a little slow, and Renée might have bugged me a bit, I honestly did ultimately enjoy this book in the end! The ending was maddening, coming to a peak with a cliffhanger that just about made me sob. Let's be honest though, it hooked me. I'm in for the long haul! Book number three, here I come.

cala_p's review

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Overall it was actually quite boring, which surprised me. The first book was riveting and kept me so interested, but this one seemed to drag. I had trouble following it, couldn't get fully into it. It was okay...some parts were good, but eh. Here's hoping the third is as good as the first.
The best thing was that I takes place in Montreal which is where I'm from, so I recognized some of the places. So that was cool.

serru's review against another edition

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A slow-moving book, much like the first one. The mystery unravels itself very very slowly, and there's no obvious plot/no real action until the second half. The mythology of the supernatural elements continues to be revealed but sadly, no elements of classical philosophy here; this one seems more like a straight up mystery. The introduction of a second love interest and potential love triangle irks me-- not necessary at all, but I do like that the author very briefly questions whether relationships should be so difficult. It seems like it's conventional wisdom that you need to work for your relationship, but if there are just so many obstacles that seem impossible to overcome, maybe it just isn't meant to be? At this point I find the whole series rather boring but may pick up the last book just to see how everything is resolved.

sailorkchick's review against another edition

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This book, while thickening the plot, was pretty much a repeat of the first book. I hope that the third novel will give me a sense of closure.

jinny89's review against another edition

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3.5 stars.

Life Eternal is the second book in the Undead paranormal romance series, Dead Beautiful (the first book goes by the series title), which I received from NetGalley. It kind of goes without being said that there are going to be Dead Beautiful spoilers in this review of Life Eternal (no Life Eternal spoilers though). As a recap of what I thought of book one, I thought it was very similar to Twilight in the general plotline, however, it was still a rather interesting read and I liked it. Because of how Dead Beautiful ended, I was extremely curious as to how everything would pan out in the sequel.

Last we left off in the romance between Renee and Dante, Renee had given up her soul to Dante, who gave it back to Renee. Thus, Renee had technically died at one point, and now Dante is on the run because everyone thinks he played a part in the murder of the Gottfried Academy headmistress. In Life Eternal, Gottfried has shut down because everyone thinks the school curse has come back, so Renee’s grandfather ships her off to Montreal, Quebec, to study at a Monitor training school.

At her new school, Renee finds herself the subject of a rumor — because she died last year, but “magically” came back to life (she never told anyone she gave her soul to Dante but he gave it back), everyone thinks she’s gained some sort of immortality. Somehow, this has enhanced her abilities as a Monitor and she finds herself ranked top of the class, which causes some jealous classmates to start bullying her. But Renee has bigger worries — her boyfriend Dante, is still hiding from those who think he killed someone, and his time as an Undead is running out. When Renee hears about the legend of the Nine Sisters, Monitors who may or may not have discovered the secret to Immortality, Renee decides to seek the truth to see if she can possibly buy Dante more time.

I found this to be a very solid sequel to Dead Beautiful. The beginning was a bit disappointing because it was kind of a repeat of the first book — Renee goes to a new school and has to learn to adapt all over again, she learns secrets about the Undead and Monitoring like before, she needs to hide her relationship with Dante — but it was also different enough that I was interested and want to know what happens.

The beginning was a tad flat because Renee spends a considerable amount of time being mopey and, of course, pining for Dante. I think it was when the story begins to unfold in a mystery novel-like manner that the book really got my attention. Like the first book, it’s not a super complicated mystery (Renee receives all her clues via “visions”, which was a bit lame) but I loved finding out more about the Undead world and the Monitor culture. I admit, sometimes I found the story kind of bizarre. I mean, we’re talking zombies here. Why even bother trying to get along with the Undead when most have this instinct to suck your soul out? Plus, despite the explanation provided which I didn’t really buy, I think if there were really Undead things walking around, everyone ought to know for their own safety. That’s just me though. If you suspend your reality high enough, the book is actually quite enjoyable, and if anything, Woon has quite the imagination.

I am mostly indifferent to Renee — she’s the narrator to me, nothing more — but one thing that happened in the book that truly had me admiring her was when she thought that Dante might be a real danger to her. Like, maybe he could kill her. I was SO glad that she didn’t go the desperate/crazy-person route and thought, “Well, it’s Dante! He can’t possibly hurt me!” Instead, she thought like a rational person and thought, “Oh god, I need to get away from this guy.” When you’ve read a LOT of YA with obsessive girls ready to lay themselves down like doormats for Their Man, it’s extremely refreshing to have a female lead who has the brains to realize she might actually be in danger and need to get away from the situation. It wasn’t enough for Renee just to have Dante say, “I’ll never hurt you.” You know what she did? She didn’t believe him. (Well, until she could prove he wasn’t dangerous). Honestly, I was really impressed with that aspect of Renee. Props to the author for writing a character that knows how to think for herself.

I am not a fan of the ending though. It was extremely abrupt. The story was just getting exciting, and then in MID-SCENE, the story ends. How can you end a book in mid-scene?! That’s not even a proper cliff-hanger! And it was the most exciting part of the book too … I mean, I was really getting into it and then it just ends! I’m not disappointed with the direction it was heading in, just the timing of the ending. I really don’t think that ending can be considered a proper ending at all. Mid-scene! Really!

Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait till book three now to find out the other half of that scene.

(This review originally posted at

charlottenw1's review against another edition

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This book ended on a mediocre level. I was happy with the characters and where they ended in the book but I think the ending was flat compared to what it could have been. There was so much potential and I feel like some elements were left unexplained or not developed to what they could have been. I was left slightly deflated by the whole book.