
Bad for Her by Christi Barth

rockchick's review

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A story about 3 brothers who are in the witness protection program. The adjustments they have to make, the sacrifices, the life they want to build as well as the memories they want to maintain.

The love they find and hope for the future.

aboutthatstory's review

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This was so fun and flirty! It was such a sweet romance and so incredibly entertaining. I enjoyed it all.

Rafe and Mollie were wonderful. I loved their first meeting, they had some great flirting happening and instant chemistry. Lust at first site! I loved that they embraced the flirty, it was just outright fun. They're in an interesting situation because of Rafe history so it made them getting to know one another interesting. I loved really getting to see who Rafe was as a man and who he was becoming. Mollie was so sweet and caring. She accepted unconditionally and was so positive. I loved them getting to know one another and watching their heat build as the flirting turns to more. I really liked Rafe's fight to keep his secret and be himself in the midst of opening up to Mollie. It was such a unique and fresh twist in getting to know someone.

I loved the storyline and Rafe’s battle to be the man he truly was meant to be in spite of his past. We get enough details about his past life to get a feel of who he was and what he's done but it's really about who he is now and the type of man he can become. The writing was really good, it was laid out well, I liked the development and there was a good pace. Nice details and descriptions though I found certain facts to be very repetitive. I loved that the story was told from dual POVs as well.

There was a great cast of secondary characters and I thought they really helped to enhance the story. Rafe’s brothers were awesome and I loved their bonding and ribbing with one another. I loved Mick, he was a great addition and Mollie's grandmother was a blast.

The story is pretty light for the most part but there's a bit of conflict and drama that kept things exciting. Honestly it was just entertaining and sweet with a nice amount of flirty and sexy mixed in. I thought it was a great introduction to a new series and I'm definitely looking forward to more. All in all though, the story was awesome, the characters were likable, it was super entertaining to read and I enjoyed it all.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

izzy_happyfornow's review

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Barth delivers with plot and story. Character growth is meh. I wasn't in love with Mollie as a person nor did I feel she was anything more than flat. It seemed like she was just there as a love interest while Rafe was more defined as a character. 

The plot isn't overdone for me in the contemporary romance scene. Rafe is on the run with the witness protection program with his three brothers from the Chicago mob. So we watch as they manage to settle into a small town somewhat. Oh and lots of sex in weird locations. I'm not anti this obviously, but sometimes I kept thinking "there is no way that works or is comfortable" when it happened. I'm the first one to suspend reality for a book but these sections just took me off guard. It's not vulgar or badly done, but the locations made it awkward and really unsexy.  This could just be a me thing too of course.

For me I wasn't finding myself running to finish this book, it seemed to drag on for longer than needed. I still enjoyed how it all played out. So I landed at a 3/5. It's not bad and it's not amazing. I liked it for the most part, but was still left wanting more. I settled there because I don't find myself not interested in the sequel for this book also. The brothers are interesting enough that reading more about them sounds like fun. 

If you want a light read with some interesting story then pick it up. It's definitely not a bad choice. 
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buuboobaby's review

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2.75 stars

May Contain Spoilers

Bad for Her caught my attention because the hero is in witness protection. A former mobster, he and his brothers have been moved to a small town in Oregon, with new identities, to lay low before the trial of his mob boss. Unfortunately, the reasons I wanted read this are the reasons it didn’t work for me.

Rafe was the right hand man for a Chicago mob boss. He decides to testify against his boss if the government will protect him and his two brothers. Since Danny McGinty is such a nasty villain, of course they will. It turns out that Rafe and his brothers don’t take their new circumstances too seriously, however. In only a few months, they have been moved a number of times after blowing their cover, and this last move is the final one. If they mess up again, younger brother Kellan will be kicked out of the program, left unprotected, and probably killed by vengeful mobsters.

Now, Rafe and Flynn, who both worked for the mob, know how dangerous it would be if they are discovered, yet nobody seems to think that keeping a low profile would be in their best interest. Coupled with Rafe’s declaration that he never killed anybody, even though he worked for the mob as an enforcer for YEARS, didn’t ring true. If Danny was that awful, telling your boss, “nope, sorry, I’m not going to do what you tell me and kill that guy” just would not cut it. Not that I wanted to see Rafe as a stone-cold killer, but if he was busting heads for his boss, the claims that he wouldn’t kill a mob enemy just did not ring true.

Mollie is a doctor who has just moved back to her small hometown with her cousin. Big city life wasn’t working for her teenaged cousin, who kept getting into trouble and getting kicked out of school. This is his last chance, and when he starts teetering back into bad behavior, Mollie is desperate to keep him on the right track. Cue new guy, Rafe, who changed her flat tire on the highway, while getting her motor revved at the same time. Rafe, knowing a thing or two about being on the wrong side of the law, agrees to mentor Jesse by employing him at the auto repair shop where he works.

Neither Mollie or Rafe want anything other than friends with benefits, and frankly, I am getting tired of this trope. Even Mollie’s motivation, being abandoned by her mother, didn’t make it any more palatable. Their determination to keep things no strings attached didn’t make sense since they were always together, so saying that there will be no dating, even with there is very obviously dating, made that a moot point.

Rafe is a bit of a dirty talker, but compared to some of the other books I’ve read recently, he needs to up his game. I’m not sure how I would feel if some random guy stopped on the freeway when I had a flat tire and proceeded with blatant innuendos, but Mollie is obviously made of sterner stuff. While much of their banter was amusing, Rafe’s repeated intrusions at Mollie’s place of employment were not. Though, since both of them were living with extended family, I guess there was no other place to get their groove on.

This is a fast read, and while it didn’t completely work for me, Bad for Her was a pleasant escape from reality. I’m curious to read younger brother Kellan’s story, but for some reason, Flynn just rubbed me the wrong way, so I won’t be back for his.

meegzreads's review

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*4 Stars*
ARC kindly received in exchange for an honest review.

I've read the Naked Men series by Christi Barth so I knew that I would really enjoy this series as well. I wasn't wrong. This new series is going to prove to be a whole lot of fun.

The whole WITSEC thing provides a whole 'nother layer to the Maguire boys and particularly Rafe, being that this is his book. I think he was a really cool character and he has a tonne of heart. He may be an ex mobster, but when you get to know his story, you realise thats not really who he is.

Mollie was a cool character as well. I think she and Rafe work well together. She pulls out the good in him that he seemed to doubt that he had, deep down. Rafe working with Jesse and the way he was with Mick was really heartwarming.

His brothers are cool cats too, I think their books will be very interesting, particularly Kellans. There's a lot more to learn about the Maguire brothers I definitely look forward to it.

Barth writes novels that are heartwarming, sexy, funny and just all round great to read.

Would recommend.

Review also on my blog - Bad for Her - Christi Barth

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redhairedashreads's review

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This book was perfect to help me get out of a reading slump. Lately I have been reading ok books and it was starting to depress me. Thank you Christi Barth for this awesome book. I love Rafe and Mollie's story and struggles. I can't wait to read Finns' book next.

deannasworld's review

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Honestly, I feel a bit misled by this book. I was expecting a bad boy and lots of excitement, instead of I got a small town romance with plenty of teasing and sexual tension. The sexual tension I don't mind, it was really well done, but unfortunately, I am not a fan of small town romances. Even though I now live in what I consider a small town (about fifty thousand people) but I'm still a city girl at heart. The things that most people find quaint and endearing about a small town just kinda irks me. I gave this book a really good go, till about 60% or 70% I think (I forget) but then I set it down and didn't feel the urge to pick it back up again. I found the pacing of the story a bit on the slow side and I kept waiting for something to happen. It's a long book too and it felt like it dragged. Perhaps it's my fault for being an adrenalin junkie but I wanted things to happen faster than they did. There were a lot of side scenes of either Rafe or Mollie with different people in the town which I felt was a bit like padding to the story. I feel awful about it too because I loved the sound of the book and the premise with which it's written around. And on top of that, Ms Barth is a good writer. I cannot fault her writing at all. Rafe is also sexy as all heck. I liked Rafe a lot. He's strong, protective of his brothers and generally, a decent guy even though he was mixed up with the Chicago mob and now in WITSEC to protect himself and his brothers from being killed. And Mollie was adorable. She truly, truly loves her small town and everything about it. It's a shame some of her love for her small town did not rub off on me. The next book in the series seems to follow the same line, bad boy, small-town romance, so I'm not sure I'll be giving it a shot. Gah, now I feel bad all around. :-(

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shahlasworld's review

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This isn't your typical romance is there is a bit of action with the brothers trying to stay safe from the mob in Chicago. But the true "what-if" exists between Mollie and Rafe (and a little bit of Kellan, their baby brother, and Delaney, their protection officer). I love the premise of bad boys gone good but they've all still got their naughty side. I can't wait to find out more about these brothers and just where their new leaf might land them!

ladywithaquill's review

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This book instantly grabbed my attention and refused to let go throughout the story! While I don't typically enjoy friends with benefits romance, this was unlike any I had ever read of. It took quite some time in the story for anything major to take place in terms of benefits, and by that point, both main characters had fallen halfway in love. Of course, they don't realize it until much later, but it's obvious to the reader that their relationship is more than just friends. I adored watching their fling turn into a sexy love story.

Rafe Maguire, as he is currently known, has been in the witness protection program for six months. Formerly a member of the Chicago Irish mob, he has agreed to testify against the leader in exchange for safety for him and his brothers. They have a hard time keeping secrets though, and after five new aliases, this is their last chance to make it in a new town under new names. But trouble always has a way of finding the Maguire brothers, and this time it comes in the form of small town doctor, Mollie Vickers. Mollie meets Rafe when she is stopped on the side of the road with a flat tire, and after a make out session against her car, their attraction drives Rafe to give her his number. Soon they are texting every night and all over each other whenever they are within kissing distance. Problem is, Mollie has no idea who Rafe really is, and when she does find out, will their love be strong enough to survive?

As I said above, this is not usually the type of romance I go for - friends with benefits has always seemed like a bad idea to me. However, after reading this, I may have to revise my point of view on the matter. It certainly seemed to work out nicely for this couple! Rafe is a sweetheart with a past. While he definitely has issues he needs to work through, he also genuinely cares about other people and his family. He has sacrificed a lot to keep them safe, and it's sad to read how others treat him based on bad assumptions. Mollie is also a character with major issues, but ultimately she has a heart of gold and just wants to be loved. Her commitment phobia stems from being abandoned by her mother as a child, which is understandable and made me want to cry as I read all her internal thoughts. She was constantly at war, wanting Rafe's love but not being able to trust that it would always be there. It was a beautiful romance that really inspired me, and I can't say enough good things about it.

This was my first book by Christi Barth, and I am super excited to read the next book in the series, featuring Rafe's brother, Flynn. I can already tell that book is going to be amazing!

**I received a free copy via Edelweiss and this is my honest review.**

brandijanee's review

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**3.5 stars**

Lately I've read a lot of contemporary romance novels but Bad for Her is unique when compared to the books I've read that fit into this genre. Rafe Maguire is an ex-mobster and has entered into witness protection in order to keep his family safe. After some trail and error the brothers end up in a small town in Oregon. This is where Rafe meets Mollie Vickers, a doctor that live in Bandon, and there's an instant attraction between the two.

Characters usually have a big impact on my enjoyment while reading a story All the characters that had somewhat prominent roles were so well thought out. While reading I felt like I knew each of them and could point them out a street. It might sound weird to say but they breathed life into this story.

As much as I enjoyed the overall story, I was a bit disappointed with the ending. There was too much that I felt was left open ended. Since there are going to be more books in the series I'm guessing things concerning why the brothers were in witness protection in the first place will carry on to the next book(s). However, I wish there was some sense of resolution for that part of the story even it it was only a temporary one. I look forward to seeing what's next for the Maguire brothers.

My Blog: Brandi Janee’s Bookshelf